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Last active October 30, 2024 20:32
A simple dump function to show the RealityKit Entity, ModelEntity, and AnchorEntity object.
// RealityDump.swift
// Created by Yasuhito NAGATOMO on 2022/02/22.
import Foundation
import RealityKit
// swiftlint:disable line_length
private let keywords = [ // (string, indentLevel [1...])
("Entity", 1),
("ModelEntity", 1),
("AnchorEntity", 1),
("Components", 2),
("Unknown Component", 3),
("Transform Component", 3),
("Synchronization Component", 3),
("Anchoring Component", 3),
("Model Component", 3),
("Collision Component", 3),
("PhysicsBody Component", 3),
("PhysicsMotion Component", 3),
("CharacterController Component", 3),
("CharacterControllerState Component", 3)
/// Dump the RealityKit Entity object
/// - Parameters:
/// - entity: Entity or ModelEntity or AnchorEntity
/// - printing: if true, strings are printed to the console.
/// - detail: 0 = simple, 1 = detailed
/// - org: true = Emacs org mode
/// - Returns: dumped strings of the entity
func dumpRealityEntity(_ entity: Entity, printing: Bool = true, detail: Int = 1, org: Bool = true) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
if org {
strings.append("-*- mode:org -*-")
strings += dumpEntity(entity, detail: detail, nesting: 0)
let orgStrings: [String]
if org {
let maxLevel = ( { $0.1 }.max() ?? 0) + 1
orgStrings = { string -> String in
var orgPrefix = ""
let hitKeywords = keywords.compactMap { keyword in
string.contains(keyword.0) ? keyword : nil
if let keyword = hitKeywords.first {
orgPrefix = String(repeating: "*", count: keyword.1) + String(repeating: " ",
count: maxLevel - keyword.1)
} else {
orgPrefix = String(repeating: " ", count: maxLevel)
return orgPrefix + string
} else {
orgStrings = strings
if printing {
orgStrings.forEach { print($0) }
return orgStrings
private func dumpEntity(_ entity: Entity, detail: Int, nesting: Int) -> [String] {
let indentCharacterNumber = 2
let strings = entityToStrings(entity, detail: detail, nesting: nesting)
let nestedStrings = { string -> String in
String(repeating: " ", count: nesting * indentCharacterNumber) + string
return nestedStrings
// swiftlint:disable function_body_length
private func entityToStrings(_ entity: Entity, detail: Int, nesting: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
let modelEntity = entity as? ModelEntity
let anchorEntity = entity as? AnchorEntity
if anchorEntity != nil {
strings.append("<a> \(keywords[2].0)") // AnchorEntity
if let anchorId = anchorEntity?.anchorIdentifier {
strings.append(" +-- anchorIdentifier: \(anchorId)")
} else if modelEntity != nil {
strings.append("<M> \(keywords[1].0)") // ModelEntity
} else {
strings.append("<.> \(keywords[0].0)") // Entity
strings.append(" +-- name: \(")
strings.append(" +-- id (Uint64): \(")
strings.append(" +-- State")
strings.append(" | +-- isEnabled: \(entity.isEnabled)")
strings.append(" | +-- isEnabledInHierarchy: \(entity.isEnabledInHierarchy)")
strings.append(" | +-- isActive: \(entity.isActive)")
strings.append(" | +-- isAnchored: \(entity.isAnchored)")
strings.append(" +-- Animation")
strings.append(" | +-- number of animations: \(entity.availableAnimations.count)")
entity.availableAnimations.forEach { animation in
strings.append(" | +-- name: \( ?? "(none)")")
if let model = modelEntity {
strings.append( " +-- Joint")
strings.append( " | +-- number of jointNames: \(model.jointNames.count)")
model.jointNames.forEach { jointName in
strings.append(" | +-- jointName: \(jointName)")
strings.append( " | +-- number of jointTransforms: \(model.jointTransforms.count)")
model.jointTransforms.forEach { jointTransform in
strings.append(" | +-- jointTransform: \(jointTransform)")
strings.append(" +-- Hierarhy")
strings.append(" | +-- has a parent: \(entity.parent == nil ? "No" : "Yes")")
strings.append(" | +-- number of children: \(entity.children.count)")
strings.append(" +-- \(keywords[3].0)") // "Components"
strings.append(" | +-- number of components: \(entity.components.count)")
if entity.components.count != 0 {
strings += componentsToStrings(entity.components, detail: detail)
// dumpStrings.append(" +-- Description: \(entity.debugDescription)")
strings.append(" +-------------------------------------------------")
entity.children.forEach { child in
strings += dumpEntity(child, detail: detail, nesting: nesting + 1)
return strings
/// Transform component's value to strings
/// - Parameters:
/// - components: component set
/// - detail: detail level
/// - Returns: strings
/// - Warning: CharacterControllerComponent and CharacterControllerStateComponent are not be handled.
/// They are supported on iOS 15+.
private func componentsToStrings(_ components: Entity.ComponentSet, detail: Int) -> [String] {
let componentTypes: [Component.Type] = [
// CharacterControllerComponent.self, // iOS 15.0+
// CharacterControllerStateComponent.self // iOS 15.0+
var strings = [String]()
componentTypes.forEach { type in
if let component = components[type] {
if let theComponent = component as? Transform {
strings += transformComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
} else if let theComponent = component as? SynchronizationComponent {
strings += syncComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
} else if let theComponent = component as? AnchoringComponent {
strings += anchoringComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
} else if let theComponent = component as? ModelComponent {
strings += modelComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
} else if let theComponent = component as? CollisionComponent {
strings += collisionComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
} else if let theComponent = component as? PhysicsBodyComponent {
strings += physicsBodyComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
} else if let theComponent = component as? PhysicsMotionComponent {
strings += physicsMotionComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
// } else if let theComponent = component as? CharacterControllerComponent { // iOS 15.0+
// strings += characterControllerComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
// } else if let theComponent = component as? CharacterControllerStateComponent { // iOS 15.0+
// strings += characterControllerStateComponentToStrings(theComponent, detail: detail)
} else {
strings.append(" | +-- \(component)")
if components.count > componentTypes.count {
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[4].0)") // "Unknown Component"
return strings
private func transformComponentToStrings(_ component: Transform, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append( " | +-- \(keywords[5].0)") // Transform Component
if detail > 0 {
strings.append(" | | +-- scale: \(component.scale)")
strings.append(" | | +-- rotation: \(component.rotation)")
strings.append(" | | +-- translation: \(component.translation)")
strings.append(" | | +-- matrix: \(component.matrix)")
return strings
private func syncComponentToStrings(_ component: SynchronizationComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[6].0)") // Synchronization Component
return strings
private func anchoringComponentToStrings(_ component: AnchoringComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[7].0)") // "Anchoring Component"
return strings
private func modelComponentToStrings(_ component: ModelComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[8].0)") // "Model Component"
if detail > 0 {
if #available(iOS 15, *) {
strings.append(" | | +-- bounding Box Margin: \(component.boundsMargin)") // iOS 15.0+
strings.append(" | | +-- mesh")
strings.append(" | | | +-- expected Material Count: \(component.mesh.expectedMaterialCount)")
strings.append(" | | | +-- bounding Box - center: \(")
if #available(iOS 15, *) {
strings.append(" | | | +-- resource - instances - count : \(component.mesh.contents.instances.count)") // iOS 15.0+
strings.append(" | | | +-- resource - models - count : \(component.mesh.contents.models.count)") // iOS 15.0+
strings.append(" | | +-- material")
strings.append(" | | | +-- number of materials: \(component.materials.count)")
component.materials.forEach { material in
strings.append(" | | | +-- material: \(type(of: material))")
return strings
private func collisionComponentToStrings(_ component: CollisionComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[9].0)") // "Collision Component"
if detail > 0 {
strings.append(" | | +-- number of collision shapes: \(component.shapes.count)")
return strings
private func physicsBodyComponentToStrings(_ component: PhysicsBodyComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[10].0)") // "PhysicsBody Component"
if detail > 0 {
strings.append(" | | +-- isContinuousCollisionDetectionEnabled: \(component.isContinuousCollisionDetectionEnabled)")
strings.append(" | | +-- isRotationLocked: \(component.isRotationLocked)")
strings.append(" | | +-- physics body mode: \(component.mode)")
strings.append(" | | +-- mass [kg]: \(component.massProperties.mass)")
strings.append(" | | +-- inertia [kg/m2]: \(component.massProperties.inertia)")
strings.append(" | | +-- center of mass: \(component.massProperties.centerOfMass)")
return strings
private func physicsMotionComponentToStrings(_ component: PhysicsMotionComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[11].0)") // "PhysicsMotion Component"
if detail > 0 {
strings.append(" | | +-- anglar velocity: \(component.angularVelocity)")
strings.append(" | | +-- linear velocity: \(component.linearVelocity)")
return strings
@available(iOS 15, *)
private func characterControllerComponentToStrings(_ component: CharacterControllerComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[12].0)") // "CharacterController Component"
if detail > 0 {
strings.append(" | | +-- (not be implemented.)")
return strings
@available(iOS 15, *)
private func characterControllerStateComponentToStrings(_ component: CharacterControllerStateComponent, detail: Int) -> [String] {
var strings = [String]()
strings.append(" | +-- \(keywords[13].0)") // "CharacterControllerState Component"
if detail > 0 {
strings.append(" | | +-- (not be implemented.)")
return strings
func dumpRealityEntity(_ entity: Entity, printing: Bool = true) -> [String] { return [] }
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modified: JointTransform => jointTransform

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Fixed a bug. L291: added 'return []'.

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