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Created March 10, 2018 15:56
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logs after `:debug-pyeval objreg.get('app').setAttribute(7, True)` at v1.2.0 qutebrowser
==== Timestamps ====
Launch: Sun Mar 11 00:52:57 2018
Crash: Sun Mar 11 00:54:52 2018
==== Version info ====
qutebrowser v1.2.0
Git commit: 5f01c7e79-dirty (2018-03-09 22:40:59 +0100)
Backend: QtWebEngine (Chromium 61.0.3163.140)
CPython: 3.6.4
Qt: 5.10.1
PyQt: 5.10.1
sip: 4.19.8
colorama: 0.3.9
pypeg2: 2.15
jinja2: 2.10
pygments: 2.2.0
yaml: 3.12
cssutils: 1.0.2 $Id$
attr: 17.4.0
PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets: yes
PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets: no
pdf.js: no
sqlite: 3.20.1
QtNetwork SSL: Secure Transport, OS X El Capitan (10.11)
Style: QWindowsStyle
Platform: Darwin-15.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit, 64bit
Frozen: True
Imported from /Applications/
Qt library executable path: /Applications/, data path: /Applications/
OS Version: 10.11.6, x86_64
cache: /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/cache
config: /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config
data: /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data
runtime: /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser
Uptime: 0:01:54
==== Config ====
file://*: content.javascript.enabled = true
chrome://*/*: content.javascript.enabled = true
qute://*/*: content.javascript.enabled = true
==== Environment ====
LANG = en_US.UTF-8
LC_ALL = en_US.UTF-8
PATH = /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/nakaoyuji/go/bin:/Users/nakaoyuji/.cargo/bin:/Users/nakaoyuji/.fzf/bin
==== Commandline args ====
==== Open Pages ====
==== Command history ====
:open -t
:debug-pyeval objreg.get('app').setAttribute(7, True)
==== Objects ====
Qt widgets - 49 objects:
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QHeaderView object at 0x1184a9f78>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x1184a93a8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x1184a9558>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel object at 0x1184a9e58>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QScrollBar object at 0x10dc109d8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QScrollBar object at 0x1184a9438>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QScrollBar object at 0x1184a9708>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QScrollBar object at 0x1184a9948>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QScrollBar object at 0x1184a9d38>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QScrollBar object at 0x1184a9ee8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QStackedWidget object at 0x1184a94c8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QToolButton object at 0x11773b1f8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QToolButton object at 0x1184a9c18>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dc10b88>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x11773b288>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a95e8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9678>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9798>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9828>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a98b8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a99d8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9a68>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9af8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9b88>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9ca8>
<PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a9dc8>
<qutebrowser.browser.downloadview.DownloadView count=0>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url='qute://pyeval/'>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webview.WebEngineView object at 0x10dadddc8>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webview.WebEngineView object at 0x10dc10288>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webview.WebEngineView object at 0x10dc10ee8>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x10dad8e58>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.prompt.PromptContainer win_id=0>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.backforward.Backforward text=''>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.keystring.KeyString text=''>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.percentage.Percentage text='[14%]'>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.progress.Progress value=100>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.tabindex.TabIndex text='[2/3]'>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.text.Text text=''>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.url.UrlText text=''>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.tabbedbrowser.TabbedBrowser count=3>
<qutebrowser.mainwindow.tabwidget.TabBar count=3>
<qutebrowser.misc.keyhintwidget.KeyHintView win_id=0>
Qt objects - 25 objects:
<PyQt5.QtCore.QAbstractEventDispatcher object at 0x1184a9f78>
<PyQt5.QtGui.QSessionManager object at 0x1184a93a8>
<qutebrowser.misc.crashsignal.CrashHandler object at 0x10da1a4c8>
<qutebrowser.misc.crashsignal.SignalHandler object at 0x10da1a558>
<PyQt5.QtCore.QSocketNotifier object at 0x10da1a678>
<qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.SaveManager saveables=OrderedDict([('yaml-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='yaml-config' save_handler=<bound method YamlConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.YamlConfig object at 0x10da143a8>> save_on_exit=False>), ('state-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='state-config' save_handler=<bound method StateConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.StateConfig object at 0x10dad7518>> save_on_exit=True>), ('command-history', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=True filename=None name='command-history' save_handler=<bound method of qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LimitLineParser(binary=False, configdir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data', fname='cmd-history', limit='completion.cmd_history_max_items')> save_on_exit=False>), ('quickmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config/quickmarks' name='quickmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x10dc7c168>> save_on_exit=False>), ('bookmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config/bookmarks/urls' name='bookmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x10da1adc8>> save_on_exit=False>), ('cookies', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt='' dirty=False filename=None name='cookies' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.CookieJar count=0>> save_on_exit=False>)])>
<qutebrowser.browser.history.WebHistory length=4>
<qutebrowser.browser.history.CompletionHistory object at 0x10da1ac18>
<qutebrowser.misc.sessions.SessionManager object at 0x10dc7c8b8>
<qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x10dc7c168>
qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LineParser(binary=False, configdir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config', fname='quickmarks')
<qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x10da1adc8>
qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LineParser(binary=False, configdir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config', fname='bookmarks/urls')
<qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.RAMCookieJar count=0>
<qutebrowser.browser.qtnetworkdownloads.DownloadManager downloads=0>
< object at 0x10da8bd38>
<qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.CookieJar count=0>
qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LineParser(binary=True, configdir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data', fname='cookies')
<qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cache.DiskCache maxsize=52428800 path='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/cache/http/' size=0>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginequtescheme.QuteSchemeHandler object at 0x10da8c1f8>
<PyQt5.QtCore.QBuffer object at 0x1184a90d8>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.interceptor.RequestInterceptor object at 0x10da8c5e8>
<qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginedownloads.DownloadManager downloads=0>
< object at 0x10dd16558>
<PyQt5.QtCore.QObject object at 0x1184a9558>
global object registry - 26 objects:
quitter: < object at 0x10cdab198>
config-commands: <qutebrowser.config.configcommands.ConfigCommands object at 0x10dad71d0>
args: Namespace(backend=None, basedir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz', color=True, command=[], debug=False, debug_flags=[], enable_webengine_inspector=False, force_color=False, json_args=None, json_logging=False, logfilter=None, loglevel='info', loglines=2000, no_err_windows=False, nowindow=False, override_restore=False, qt_arg=None, qt_flag=None, session=None, target=None, temp_basedir=True, temp_basedir_restarted=None, temp_settings=[], url=[], version=False)
app: <>
crash-handler: <qutebrowser.misc.crashsignal.CrashHandler object at 0x10da1a4c8>
signal-handler: <qutebrowser.misc.crashsignal.SignalHandler object at 0x10da1a558>
save-manager: <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.SaveManager saveables=OrderedDict([('yaml-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='yaml-config' save_handler=<bound method YamlConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.YamlConfig object at 0x10da143a8>> save_on_exit=False>), ('state-config', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename=None name='state-config' save_handler=<bound method StateConfig._save of <qutebrowser.config.configfiles.StateConfig object at 0x10dad7518>> save_on_exit=True>), ('command-history', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=True filename=None name='command-history' save_handler=<bound method of qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LimitLineParser(binary=False, configdir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data', fname='cmd-history', limit='completion.cmd_history_max_items')> save_on_exit=False>), ('quickmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config/quickmarks' name='quickmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x10dc7c168>> save_on_exit=False>), ('bookmark-manager', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt=None dirty=False filename='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config/bookmarks/urls' name='bookmark-manager' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x10da1adc8>> save_on_exit=False>), ('cookies', <qutebrowser.misc.savemanager.Saveable config_opt='' dirty=False filename=None name='cookies' save_handler=<bound method of <qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.CookieJar count=0>> save_on_exit=False>)])>
prompt-queue: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.prompt.PromptQueue loops=0 question=None queue=0>
proxy-factory: < object at 0x10da1aaf8>
readline-bridge: <qutebrowser.misc.readline.ReadlineBridge>
web-history: <qutebrowser.browser.history.WebHistory length=4>
command-history: qutebrowser.misc.lineparser.LimitLineParser(binary=False, configdir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data', fname='cmd-history', limit='completion.cmd_history_max_items')
session-manager: <qutebrowser.misc.sessions.SessionManager object at 0x10dc7c8b8>
host-blocker: <qutebrowser.browser.adblock.HostBlocker object at 0x10db582b0>
quickmark-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.QuickmarkManager object at 0x10dc7c168>
bookmark-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.urlmarks.BookmarkManager object at 0x10da1adc8>
cookie-jar: <qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.CookieJar count=0>
ram-cookie-jar: <qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cookies.RAMCookieJar count=0>
cache: <qutebrowser.browser.webkit.cache.DiskCache maxsize=52428800 path='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/cache/http/' size=0>
qtnetwork-download-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.qtnetworkdownloads.DownloadManager downloads=0>
greasemonkey: <qutebrowser.browser.greasemonkey.GreasemonkeyManager object at 0x10da8bdc8>
macro-recorder: <qutebrowser.keyinput.macros.MacroRecorder object at 0x10db88390>
webengine-download-manager: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginedownloads.DownloadManager downloads=0>
event-filter: < object at 0x10dd16558>
last-visible-main-window: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
last-focused-main-window: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
window-0 object registry - 13 objects:
main-window: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
tab-registry: {0: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>, 1: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>, 2: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url='qute://pyeval/'>}
message-bridge: <qutebrowser.utils.message.MessageBridge>
download-model: <qutebrowser.browser.downloads.DownloadModel object at 0x10db2cd38>
tabbed-browser: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.tabbedbrowser.TabbedBrowser count=3>
command-dispatcher: <qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>
statusbar: <>
status-command: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
completion: <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>
mode-manager: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeman.ModeManager mode=<KeyMode.normal: 1>>
keyparsers: {<KeyMode.normal: 1>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>, <KeyMode.hint: 2>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.HintKeyParser supports_count=False>, <KeyMode.insert: 6>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='insert'>, <KeyMode.passthrough: 7>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='passthrough'>, <KeyMode.command: 3>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>, <KeyMode.prompt: 5>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='prompt'>, <KeyMode.yesno: 4>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PromptKeyParser>, <KeyMode.caret: 8>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.CaretKeyParser supports_count=True>, <KeyMode.set_mark: 9>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser supports_count=False>, <KeyMode.jump_mark: 10>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser supports_count=False>, <KeyMode.record_macro: 11>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser supports_count=False>, <KeyMode.run_macro: 12>: <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.RegisterKeyParser supports_count=False>}
prompt-container: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.prompt.PromptContainer win_id=0>
last-focused-tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url='qute://pyeval/'>
tab-0 object registry - 2 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>
hintmanager: <qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager object at 0x10dc101f8>
tab-1 object registry - 2 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>
hintmanager: <qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager object at 0x10dc10e58>
tab-2 object registry - 2 objects:
tab: <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url='qute://pyeval/'>
hintmanager: <qutebrowser.browser.hints.HintManager object at 0x10dadde58>
==== Debug log ====
00:52:55 DEBUG init earlyinit:init_log:265 Log initialized.
00:52:56 DEBUG init app:run:96 Initializing directories...
00:52:56 DEBUG init standarddir:init:315 Base directory: /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz
00:52:56 DEBUG misc standarddir:_writable_location:234 writable location for TempLocation: /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T
00:52:56 DEBUG init app:run:100 Initializing config...
00:52:57 DEBUG init app:__init__:822 Qt arguments: ['/Applications/'], based on Namespace(backend=None, basedir='/var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz', color=True, command=[], debug=False, debug_flags=[], enable_webengine_inspector=False, force_color=False, json_args=None, json_logging=False, logfilter=None, loglevel='info', loglines=2000, no_err_windows=False, nowindow=False, override_restore=False, qt_arg=None, qt_flag=None, session=None, target=None, temp_basedir=True, temp_basedir_restarted=None, temp_settings=[], url=[], version=False)
00:52:57 DEBUG init app:__init__:825 Initializing application...
00:52:57 DEBUG ipc ipc:send_to_running_instance:435 Connecting to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser/ipc-c30c1841b59e4a516d1d57f09b5a0e05
00:52:57 DEBUG ipc ipc:send_to_running_instance:468 No existing instance present (error 2)
00:52:57 DEBUG init ipc:send_or_listen:497 Starting IPC server...
00:52:57 DEBUG ipc ipc:__init__:193 Not calling setSocketOptions
00:52:57 DEBUG ipc ipc:listen:204 Listening as /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser/ipc-c30c1841b59e4a516d1d57f09b5a0e05
00:52:57 DEBUG init app:init:159 Starting init...
00:52:57 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:421 Initializing save manager...
00:52:57 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:426 Checking backend requirements...
00:52:57 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:429 Initializing prompts...
00:52:57 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:432 Initializing network...
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:57 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:58 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:58 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:58 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:58 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:58 WARNING Unknown module:none:0 Error receiving trust for a CA certificate
00:52:58 DEBUG init networkmanager:init:111 Disabling bad ciphers: ECDHE-ECDSA-RC4-SHA, ECDHE-RSA-RC4-SHA, ECDH-ECDSA-RC4-SHA, ECDH-RSA-RC4-SHA, RC4-SHA, RC4-MD5
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:435 Initializing proxy...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:438 Initializing readline-bridge...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:443 Initializing sql...
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "PRAGMA synchronous=NORMAL"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:446 Initializing web history...
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS History (url NOT NULL, title NOT NULL, atime NOT NULL, redirect NOT NULL)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS History (url NOT NULL, title NOT NULL, atime NOT NULL, redirect NOT NULL)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CompletionHistory (url PRIMARY KEY, title NOT NULL, last_atime NOT NULL)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CompletionHistory (url PRIMARY KEY, title NOT NULL, last_atime NOT NULL)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS CompletionHistoryAtimeIndex ON CompletionHistory (last_atime)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS CompletionHistoryAtimeIndex ON CompletionHistory (last_atime)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "pragma user_version"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "pragma user_version"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "DELETE FROM CompletionHistory"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "DELETE FROM CompletionHistory"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT count(*) FROM CompletionHistory"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "SELECT count(*) FROM CompletionHistory"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT url, title, max(atime) AS atime FROM History WHERE NOT redirect and url NOT LIKE "qute://back%" GROUP BY url ORDER BY atime asc"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "SELECT url, title, max(atime) AS atime FROM History WHERE NOT redirect and url NOT LIKE "qute://back%" GROUP BY url ORDER BY atime asc"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "pragma user_version = 2"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "pragma user_version = 2"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS HistoryIndex ON History (url)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS HistoryIndex ON History (url)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS HistoryAtimeIndex ON History (atime)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS HistoryAtimeIndex ON History (atime)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM History WHERE url = :val)"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT * FROM History where not redirect and not url like "qute://%" and atime > :earliest and atime <= :latest ORDER BY atime desc"
00:52:58 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT * FROM History where not redirect and not url like "qute://%" and atime <= :latest ORDER BY atime desc limit :limit offset :offset"
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:456 Initializing completion...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:459 Initializing command history...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:462 Initializing crashlog...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:466 Initializing sessions...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:469 Initializing websettings...
00:52:58 DEBUG config webenginesettings:_set_dictionary_language:260 Found dicts: []
00:52:58 DEBUG config webenginesettings:_set_dictionary_language:260 Found dicts: []
00:52:58 DEBUG config config:_set_value:287 Config option changed: content.javascript.enabled = True
00:52:58 DEBUG config config:_set_value:287 Config option changed: content.javascript.enabled = True
00:52:58 DEBUG config config:_set_value:287 Config option changed: content.javascript.enabled = True
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:472 Initializing adblock...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:477 Initializing quickmarks...
00:52:58 DEBUG save savemanager:save:96 Save of quickmark-manager requested - dirty True, save_on_exit False, is_exit False, force False -> True
00:52:58 DEBUG destroy lineparser:_after_save:81 Saved to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config/quickmarks
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:481 Initializing bookmarks...
00:52:58 DEBUG save savemanager:save:96 Save of bookmark-manager requested - dirty True, save_on_exit False, is_exit False, force False -> True
00:52:58 DEBUG destroy lineparser:_after_save:81 Saved to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/config/bookmarks/urls
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:485 Initializing cookies...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:491 Initializing cache...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:495 Initializing downloads...
00:52:58 DEBUG init networkmanager:__init__:143 Initializing NetworkManager
00:52:58 DEBUG init networkmanager:__init__:148 NetworkManager init done
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:499 Initializing Greasemonkey...
00:52:58 DEBUG greasemonkey greasemonkey:load_scripts:186 Reading scripts from: /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data/greasemonkey
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_init_modules:502 Misc initialization...
00:52:58 DEBUG init webenginetab:init:58 Initializing qute://* handler...
00:52:58 DEBUG init webenginetab:init:63 Initializing request interceptor...
00:52:58 DEBUG init webenginetab:init:70 Initializing QtWebEngine downloads...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:init:170 Initializing eventfilter...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:init:175 Connecting signals...
00:52:58 DEBUG init app:_process_args:214 Initializing main window...
00:52:58 DEBUG init mainwindow:_init_downloadmanager:300 Initializing downloads...
00:52:59 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:328 Hiding cmd widget
00:52:59 DEBUG init mainwindow:__init__:203 Initializing modes...
00:52:59 DEBUG init mainwindow:_init_geometry:243 Initial main window geometry: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(50, 50, 800, 600)
00:53:00 DEBUG init app:_open_startpage:344 Opening start pages
00:53:00 DEBUG url urlutils:get_path_if_valid:359 Checking if '' is a path
00:53:00 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:192 URL is a fuzzy address
00:53:00 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:195 Converting fuzzy term '' to URL ->
00:53:00 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:tabopen:455 Creating new tab with URL PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl(''), background None, related True, idx None
00:53:00 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:_get_new_tab_idx:524 tabs.new_position next -> opening new tab at -1, next left: 0 / right: 0
00:53:00 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_current_changed:663 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>
00:53:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:00 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 0 to ''
00:53:00 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 0 to ''
00:53:00 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_url_changed(PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('')) (tab 0)
00:53:00 DEBUG init app:_process_args:225 Init finished after 4.501469s
00:53:00 DEBUG init app:init:186 Init done!
00:53:00 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:295 new geometry for <qutebrowser.mainwindow.messageview.MessageView object at 0x10dad8e58>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 585, 801, 1)
00:53:00 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dad8af8>
00:53:00 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:695 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>: LoadStatus.loading
00:53:00 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('loading') (tab 0)
00:53:00 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 0)
00:53:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:00 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:00 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:739 navigation request: url, type Type.typed, is_main_frame True
00:53:01 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 0 to ''
00:53:01 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 0 to 'DuckDuckGo Search Engine'
00:53:14 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:739 navigation request: url, type Type.link_clicked, is_main_frame False
00:53:17 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:53:17 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:53:17 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':atime': 1520697197, ':redirect': False, ':title': 'DuckDuckGo Search Engine', ':url': ''}
00:53:17 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)"
00:53:17 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)"
00:53:17 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':last_atime': 1520697197, ':title': 'DuckDuckGo Search Engine', ':url': ''}
00:53:17 DEBUG sessions sessions:save:289 Saving session _autosave to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data/sessions/_autosave.yml...
00:53:17 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:695 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>: LoadStatus.success_https
00:53:17 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('success_https') (tab 0)
00:53:17 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_finished(True) (tab 0)
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dc109d8>)
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dc109d8>)
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dc109d8>)
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x4f / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'O' / dry_run True
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dc109d8>)
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x4f / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'O' / dry_run False
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for 'O'.
00:53:18 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: O).
00:53:18 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: set-cmd-text ['-s', ':open -t']
00:53:18 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.set_cmd_text_command(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, ':open -t', None, True, False, False)
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:53:18 DEBUG modes command:set_cmd_text:89 Setting command text, focusing <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:240 Entering mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd focus)
00:53:18 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:57 Setting normal text to '-- COMMAND MODE --'.
00:53:18 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:286 Setting command flag to True
00:53:18 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:53:18 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dc109d8>
00:53:18 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['open', ' -t', ' '] around position 8
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: ['open', '-t'] '' []
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: ['open', '-t'] []
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: ['open', '-t']
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:102 After removing flags: ['open']
00:53:18 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Starting url completion took 0.00022 seconds.
00:53:18 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set completion model took 0.001889 seconds.
00:53:18 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern ''
00:53:18 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT url, title, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', last_atime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') FROM CompletionHistory WHERE ((url || title) LIKE :0 escape '\') ORDER BY last_atime DESC"
00:53:18 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "SELECT url, title, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', last_atime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') FROM CompletionHistory WHERE ((url || title) LIKE :0 escape '\') ORDER BY last_atime DESC"
00:53:18 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':0': '%%'}
00:53:18 DEBUG sql debug:__exit__:264 Running completion query took 0.000373 seconds.
00:53:18 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:295 new geometry for <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 285, 801, 301)
00:53:18 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern took 0.008793 seconds.
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:53:18 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:19 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:22 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:24 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:25 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:27 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: None
00:53:37 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:53:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['open', ' -t', ''] around position 32
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: ['open', '-t'] '' []
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: ['open', '-t'] []
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: ['open', '-t']
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:102 After removing flags: ['open']
00:53:38 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern ''
00:53:38 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "SELECT url, title, strftime('%Y-%m-%d', last_atime, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') FROM CompletionHistory WHERE ((url || title) LIKE :0 escape '\') ORDER BY last_atime DESC"
00:53:38 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':0': '%'}
00:53:38 DEBUG sql debug:__exit__:264 Running completion query took 0.000284 seconds.
00:53:38 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern took 0.001174 seconds.
00:53:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:53:39 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: command-accept
00:53:39 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.command_accept(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, False)
00:53:39 DEBUG save savemanager:mark_dirty:71 Marking command-history as dirty.
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:298 Leaving mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd accept)
00:53:39 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:57 Setting normal text to ''.
00:53:39 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:286 Setting command flag to False
00:53:39 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:53:39 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:53:39 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:328 Hiding cmd widget
00:53:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
00:53:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.text.Text text=''>
00:53:39 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_mode_left:638 Left status-input mode, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=0 url=''>
00:53:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dc10ca8>
00:53:39 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: open ['-t', '']
00:53:39 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.openurl(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, '', False, False, True, False, None, False, False)
00:53:39 DEBUG url urlutils:get_path_if_valid:359 Checking if '' is a path
00:53:39 DEBUG url urlutils:is_url:244 Checking if '' is a URL (autosearch=naive).
00:53:39 DEBUG url urlutils:is_url:266 Contains explicit scheme
00:53:39 DEBUG url urlutils:is_url:285 url = True
00:53:39 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:192 URL is a fuzzy address
00:53:39 DEBUG url urlutils:fuzzy_url:195 Converting fuzzy term '' to URL ->
00:53:39 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:tabopen:455 Creating new tab with URL PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl(''), background False, related False, idx None
00:53:39 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:_get_new_tab_idx:524 tabs.new_position last -> opening new tab at -1, next left: 0 / right: 1
00:53:39 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 1 to ''
00:53:39 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 1 to ''
00:53:39 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:91 ignoring: cur_url_changed(PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('')) (tab 1)
00:53:39 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd318>
00:53:39 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_current_changed:663 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd4c8>)
00:53:39 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:695 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>: LoadStatus.loading
00:53:39 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('loading') (tab 1)
00:53:39 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 1)
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:53:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:53:39 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:739 navigation request: url, type Type.typed, is_main_frame True
00:53:41 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 1 to ''
00:53:41 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 1 to 'qutebrowser | qutebrowser'
00:53:42 DEBUG destroy lineparser:_after_save:81 Saved to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data/cmd-history
00:53:56 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:53:56 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:53:56 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':atime': 1520697236, ':redirect': False, ':title': 'qutebrowser | qutebrowser', ':url': ''}
00:53:56 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)"
00:53:56 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)"
00:53:56 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':last_atime': 1520697236, ':title': 'qutebrowser | qutebrowser', ':url': ''}
00:53:56 DEBUG sessions sessions:save:289 Saving session _autosave to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data/sessions/_autosave.yml...
00:53:56 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:695 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>: LoadStatus.success_https
00:53:56 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('success_https') (tab 1)
00:53:56 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_finished(True) (tab 1)
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd4c8>)
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd4c8>)
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd4c8>)
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run True
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd4c8>)
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run False
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for ':'.
00:54:01 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: :).
00:54:01 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: set-cmd-text [':']
00:54:01 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.set_cmd_text_command(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, ':', None, False, False, False)
00:54:01 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:01 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:01 DEBUG modes command:set_cmd_text:89 Setting command text, focusing <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:240 Entering mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd focus)
00:54:01 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:57 Setting normal text to '-- COMMAND MODE --'.
00:54:01 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:286 Setting command flag to True
00:54:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:54:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd4c8>
00:54:01 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:01 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: [] []
00:54:01 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: []
00:54:01 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:92 Starting command completion
00:54:01 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Starting command completion took 0.062936 seconds.
00:54:01 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:295 new geometry for <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 285, 801, 301)
00:54:01 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set completion model took 0.00865 seconds.
00:54:01 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern ''
00:54:01 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern took 0.002679 seconds.
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:01 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:03 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: None
00:54:19 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:54:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:20 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['debug-pyeval', " objreg.get('app').setAttribute(7, True)"] around position 52
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: ['debug-pyeval'] 'objreg.get('app').setAttribute(7, True)' []
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: ['debug-pyeval'] objreg.get('app').setAttribute(7, True) []
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: ['debug-pyeval']
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:102 After removing flags: ['debug-pyeval']
00:54:21 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:243 Clearing completion
00:54:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:21 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:23 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: command-accept
00:54:23 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.command_accept(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, False)
00:54:23 DEBUG save savemanager:mark_dirty:71 Marking command-history as dirty.
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:298 Leaving mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd accept)
00:54:23 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:57 Setting normal text to ''.
00:54:23 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:286 Setting command flag to False
00:54:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:23 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:23 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:328 Hiding cmd widget
00:54:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
00:54:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.text.Text text=''>
00:54:23 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_mode_left:638 Left status-input mode, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>
00:54:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd4c8>
00:54:23 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: debug-pyeval ["objreg.get('app').setAttribute(7, True)"]
00:54:23 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.misc.utilcmds.debug_pyeval("objreg.get('app').setAttribute(7, True)", False, False)
00:54:23 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:tabopen:455 Creating new tab with URL PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('qute://pyeval'), background False, related True, idx None
00:54:23 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:_get_new_tab_idx:524 tabs.new_position next -> opening new tab at 2, next left: 1 / right: 3
00:54:23 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 2 to 'qute://pyeval'
00:54:23 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 2 to 'qute://pyeval'
00:54:23 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:91 ignoring: cur_url_changed(PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('qute://pyeval')) (tab 2)
00:54:23 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd9d8>
00:54:23 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_current_changed:663 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url='qute://pyeval'>
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x10dadd828>)
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:23 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:695 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url='qute://pyeval'>: LoadStatus.loading
00:54:23 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('loading') (tab 2)
00:54:23 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_started() (tab 2)
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:23 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason load started) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:23 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:739 navigation request: url qute://pyeval, type Type.typed, is_main_frame True
00:54:23 DEBUG misc webenginequtescheme:requestStarted:50 Got request for qute://pyeval
00:54:23 DEBUG misc qutescheme:data_for_url:153 url: qute://pyeval, path: , host pyeval
00:54:23 DEBUG webview browsertab:_on_navigation_request:739 navigation request: url qute://pyeval/, type Type.typed, is_main_frame True
00:54:23 DEBUG misc webenginequtescheme:requestStarted:50 Got request for qute://pyeval/
00:54:23 DEBUG misc qutescheme:data_for_url:153 url: qute://pyeval/, path: /, host pyeval
00:54:23 DEBUG misc webenginequtescheme:requestStarted:69 Returning text/html data
00:54:23 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 2 to 'qute://pyeval/'
00:54:23 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_url_changed(PyQt5.QtCore.QUrl('qute://pyeval/')) (tab 2)
00:54:23 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 2 to 'qute://pyeval/'
00:54:23 DEBUG webview tabbedbrowser:on_title_changed:588 Changing title for idx 2 to 'pyeval'
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':atime': 1520697263, ':redirect': True, ':title': '', ':url': 'qute://pyeval'}
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "INSERT INTO History (url, title, atime, redirect) values(:url, :title, :atime, :redirect)"
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':atime': 1520697263, ':redirect': False, ':title': '', ':url': 'qute://pyeval/'}
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)"
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "REPLACE INTO CompletionHistory (url, title, last_atime) values(:url, :title, :last_atime)"
00:54:23 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {':last_atime': 1520697263, ':title': '', ':url': 'qute://pyeval/'}
00:54:23 DEBUG sessions sessions:save:289 Saving session _autosave to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data/sessions/_autosave.yml...
00:54:23 DEBUG webview browsertab:_set_load_status:695 load status for <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=2 url='qute://pyeval/'>: LoadStatus.success
00:54:23 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_status_changed('success') (tab 2)
00:54:23 DEBUG signals signalfilter:_filter_signals:86 emitting: cur_load_finished(True) (tab 2)
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a91f8>)
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a91f8>)
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a91f8>)
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run True
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a91f8>)
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x4b / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: 'K' / dry_run False
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for 'K'.
00:54:26 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: K).
00:54:26 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: tab-prev
00:54:26 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.tab_prev(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 1)
00:54:26 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a91f8>
00:54:26 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_current_changed:663 Current tab changed, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.hint (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.caret (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.insert (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:292 Ignoring leave request for KeyMode.passthrough (reason tab changed) as we're in mode KeyMode.normal
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:26 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:27 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:27 DEBUG destroy lineparser:_after_save:81 Saved to /var/folders/j5/ydz6lfjs1qvcjcw7w1h4msh80000gn/T/qutebrowser-basedir-gkiks3rz/data/cmd-history
00:54:28 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:28 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000022 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta>' / dry_run True
00:54:28 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:28 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:28 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:28 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000022 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta>' / dry_run True
00:54:28 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:28 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:28 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:28 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000022 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta>' / dry_run False
00:54:28 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:28 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Giving up with '<Meta+d>', no matches
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Meta+d>).
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Giving up with '<Meta+d>', no matches
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Meta+d>).
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Giving up with '<Meta+d>', no matches
00:54:29 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Meta+d>).
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:29 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:30 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run True
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run True
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run False
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+d>'.
00:54:31 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+d>).
00:54:31 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '0.5']
00:54:31 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, 0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:31 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+d>'.
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+d>).
00:54:32 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '0.5']
00:54:32 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, 0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+d>'.
00:54:32 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+d>).
00:54:32 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '0.5']
00:54:32 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, 0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:32 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:33 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:33 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x55 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+u>' / dry_run True
00:54:33 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:33 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:33 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x55 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+u>' / dry_run False
00:54:33 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+u>'.
00:54:33 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+u>).
00:54:33 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '-0.5']
00:54:33 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, -0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:33 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x55 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+u>' / dry_run True
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x55 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+u>' / dry_run False
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+u>'.
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+u>).
00:54:34 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '-0.5']
00:54:34 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, -0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x55 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+u>' / dry_run True
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x55 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+u>' / dry_run False
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+u>'.
00:54:34 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+u>).
00:54:34 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '-0.5']
00:54:34 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, -0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:34 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:35 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000022 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta>' / dry_run True
00:54:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000022 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta>' / dry_run True
00:54:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000022 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta>' / dry_run False
00:54:38 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:38 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Giving up with '<Meta+d>', no matches
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Meta+d>).
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Giving up with '<Meta+d>', no matches
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Meta+d>).
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Giving up with '<Meta+d>', no matches
00:54:39 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Meta+d>).
00:54:39 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:40 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:40 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:40 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x10000000 / text: '<Meta+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:40 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Giving up with '<Meta+d>', no matches
00:54:40 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Meta+d>).
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:40 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run True
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run True
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000021 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Control>' / dry_run False
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+d>'.
00:54:41 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+d>).
00:54:41 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '0.5']
00:54:41 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, 0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:41 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run True
00:54:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x44 / modifiers: 0x4000000 / text: '<Ctrl+d>' / dry_run False
00:54:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for '<Ctrl+d>'.
00:54:42 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: <Ctrl+d>).
00:54:42 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: scroll-page ['0', '0.5']
00:54:42 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher.scroll_page(<qutebrowser.browser.commands.CommandDispatcher>, 0.0, 0.5, top_navigate=None, bottom_navigate=None)
00:54:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:42 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:44 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run True
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x1000020 / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: '<Shift>' / dry_run False
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Ignoring, only modifier
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run True
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>)
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.normal - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.NormalKeyParser>
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Got key: 0x3a / modifiers: 0x2000000 / text: ':' / dry_run False
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Definitive match for ':'.
00:54:48 DEBUG keyboard basekeyparser:_debug_log:89 Clearing keystring (was: :).
00:54:48 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: set-cmd-text [':']
00:54:48 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.set_cmd_text_command(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, ':', None, False, False, False)
00:54:48 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:48 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:48 DEBUG modes command:set_cmd_text:89 Setting command text, focusing <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:enter:240 Entering mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd focus)
00:54:48 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:57 Setting normal text to '-- COMMAND MODE --'.
00:54:48 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:286 Setting command flag to True
00:54:48 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:54:48 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>
00:54:48 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: False, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:48 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: [] []
00:54:48 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: []
00:54:48 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:92 Starting command completion
00:54:48 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Starting command completion took 0.059084 seconds.
00:54:48 DEBUG misc mainwindow:_update_overlay_geometry:295 new geometry for <qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>: PyQt5.QtCore.QRect(0, 285, 801, 301)
00:54:48 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set completion model took 0.00811 seconds.
00:54:48 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern ''
00:54:48 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern took 0.002414 seconds.
00:54:48 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['r'] around position 1
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: [] 'r' []
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: [] r []
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: []
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:92 Starting command completion
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern 'r'
00:54:49 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern r took 0.009804 seconds.
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['re'] around position 2
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: [] 're' []
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: [] re []
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: []
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:92 Starting command completion
00:54:49 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern 're'
00:54:49 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern re took 0.004272 seconds.
00:54:49 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['rep'] around position 3
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: [] 'rep' []
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: [] rep []
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: []
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:92 Starting command completion
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern 'rep'
00:54:50 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern rep took 0.001305 seconds.
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: True --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 0, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: False, dry_run: False --> filter: False (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['repo'] around position 4
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: [] 'repo' []
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: [] repo []
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: []
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:92 Starting command completion
00:54:50 DEBUG completion completionmodel:set_pattern:179 Setting completion pattern 'repo'
00:54:50 DEBUG completion debug:__exit__:264 Set pattern repo took 0.001053 seconds.
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:50 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: False
00:54:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:51 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: completion-item-focus ['next']
00:54:51 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView.completion_item_focus(<qutebrowser.completion.completionwidget.CompletionView>, 'next', False)
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['repo'] around position 4
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: [] 'repo' []
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:on_selection_changed:171 Changing repo to 'report'
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_change_completed_part:280 setting text = ':report ', pos = 8
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: False --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:142 partitioning ['report', ' '] around position 7
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_partition:154 partitioned: ['report'] '' []
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:237 Updating completion: ['report'] []
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:89 Before removing flags: ['report']
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:102 After removing flags: ['report']
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_get_new_completion:107 No completion in position 0
00:54:51 DEBUG completion completer:_update_completion:243 Clearing completion
00:54:51 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keyrelease:214 filter: True
00:54:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:194 match: 2, forward_unbound_keys: auto, passthrough: True, is_non_alnum: True, dry_run: True --> filter: True (focused: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>)
00:54:52 DEBUG modes modeman:_handle_keypress:167 got keypress in mode KeyMode.command - delegating to <qutebrowser.keyinput.modeparsers.PassthroughKeyParser mode='command'>
00:54:52 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: command-accept
00:54:52 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command.command_accept(<qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.command.Command>, False)
00:54:52 DEBUG save savemanager:mark_dirty:71 Marking command-history as dirty.
00:54:52 DEBUG modes modeman:leave:298 Leaving mode KeyMode.command (reason: cmd accept)
00:54:52 DEBUG statusbar text:set_text:57 Setting normal text to ''.
00:54:52 DEBUG statusbar bar:set_mode_active:286 Setting command flag to False
00:54:52 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:214 Scheduling completion update.
00:54:52 DEBUG completion completer:schedule_completion_update:211 Ignoring update because there were no changes.
00:54:52 DEBUG statusbar bar:_hide_cmd_widget:328 Hiding cmd widget
00:54:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.mainwindow.MainWindow>
00:54:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <qutebrowser.mainwindow.statusbar.text.Text text=''>
00:54:52 DEBUG modes tabbedbrowser:on_mode_left:638 Left status-input mode, focusing <qutebrowser.browser.webengine.webenginetab.WebEngineTab tab_id=1 url=''>
00:54:52 DEBUG misc app:on_focus_object_changed:840 Focus object changed: <PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget object at 0x1184a93a8>
00:54:52 DEBUG commands command:run:486 command called: report
00:54:52 DEBUG commands command:run:501 Calling<qutebrowser.misc.crashsignal.CrashHandler object at 0x10da1a4c8>)
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT count(*) FROM History"
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "SELECT count(*) FROM History"
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "SELECT count(*) FROM History"
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "SELECT count(*) FROM History"
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:__init__:155 Preparing SQL query: "select sqlite_version()"
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:run:173 Running SQL query: "select sqlite_version()"
00:54:52 DEBUG sql sql:run:176 query bindings: {}
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