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Last active April 2, 2019 07:04
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Sway bug report 190402
set $mod Mod4
set $left h
set $down j
set $up k
set $right l
set $term termite
# start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
# kill focused window
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
# start your launcher
bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
# exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
# Move your focus around
bindsym $mod+$left focus left
bindsym $mod+$down focus down
bindsym $mod+$up focus up
bindsym $mod+$right focus right
# Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode
bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
% coredumpctl gdb sway
PID: 7953 (sway)
UID: 1000 (ynakao)
GID: 1000 (ynakao)
Signal: 11 (SEGV)
Timestamp: Tue 2019-04-02 14:57:39 JST (15min ago)
Command Line: sway -c /home/ynakao/minimum_sway_config -d
Executable: /usr/bin/sway
Control Group: /user.slice/user-1000.slice/session-8.scope
Unit: session-8.scope
Slice: user-1000.slice
Session: 8
Owner UID: 1000 (ynakao)
Boot ID: cd50b77b0caa49438ea98c6e073edc83
Machine ID: f5e5bae5b11a46578c4c397ca61a9912
Hostname: dellarch
Storage: /var/lib/systemd/coredump/core.sway.1000.cd50b77b0caa49438ea98c6e073edc83.7953.1554184659000000.lz4
Message: Process 7953 (sway) of user 1000 dumped core.
Stack trace of thread 7953:
#0 0x000055d9754b4a0f view_is_visible (sway)
#1 0x000055d975477233 check_active (sway)
#2 0x000055d975477380 sway_idle_inhibit_v1_check_active (sway)
#3 0x000055d97547e94d transaction_progress_queue (sway)
#4 0x000055d97547f19a transaction_commit_dirty (sway)
#5 0x000055d9754b3ae5 view_unmap (sway)
#6 0x000055d9754813ee handle_unmap (sway)
#7 0x00007f728819c10e wlr_signal_emit_safe (
#8 0x00007f7288180768 unmap_xdg_surface (
#9 0x00007f72881809e6 reset_xdg_surface (
#10 0x00007f7288180a0a destroy_xdg_surface (
#11 0x00007f72881ddd6f n/a (
#12 0x00007f72881e2182 n/a (
#13 0x00007f72881e268f n/a (
#14 0x00007f72881ddeef wl_client_destroy (
#15 0x00007f72881ddfcb n/a (
#16 0x00007f72881df7f2 wl_event_loop_dispatch (
#17 0x00007f72881de39c wl_display_run (
#18 0x000055d975476561 server_run (sway)
#19 0x000055d975475a78 main (sway)
#20 0x00007f7287f16223 __libc_start_main (
#21 0x000055d975467f4e _start (sway)
Stack trace of thread 7955:
#0 0x00007f7287edeafc pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 (
#1 0x00007f7285d05254 n/a (
#2 0x00007f7285d04f78 n/a (
#3 0x00007f7287ed8a9d start_thread (
#4 0x00007f7287fedb23 __clone (
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.2.1
Copyright (C) 2018 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Type "show copying" and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu".
Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
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For help, type "help".
Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word"...
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/sway...done.
[New LWP 7953]
[New LWP 7955]
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]
Using host libthread_db library "/usr/lib/".
Core was generated by `sway -c /home/ynakao/minimum_sway_config -d'.
Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
#0 view_is_visible (view=0x55d9771e4450) at ../sway/sway/tree/view.c:1019
1019 ../sway/sway/tree/view.c: No such file or directory.
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0x7f728658c9c0 (LWP 7953))]
(gdb) bt full
#0 0x000055d9754b4a0f in view_is_visible (view=0x55d9771e4450) at ../sway/sway/tree/view.c:1019
workspace = 0x7ffef8221e50
floater = 0x7ffef8221e30
is_sticky = 250
seat = 0x73f8c08ffa65f100
con = 0x55d9771e4618
fs = 0x55d9771e4618
#1 0x000055d975477233 in check_active (inhibitor=0x55d9771c4130) at ../sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:96
seat = 0x0
#2 0x000055d975477380 in sway_idle_inhibit_v1_check_active (manager=0x55d976c92bd0)
at ../sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:124
inhibitor = 0x55d9771c4130
inhibited = false
#3 0x000055d97547e94d in transaction_progress_queue () at ../sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:352
transaction = 0x55d97723c830
#4 0x000055d97547f19a in transaction_commit_dirty () at ../sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:538
transaction = 0x55d97723c830
#5 0x000055d9754b3ae5 in view_unmap (view=0x55d9771e4450) at ../sway/sway/tree/view.c:680
parent = 0x0
ws = 0x55d976dda8e0
seat = 0x55d976c93b28
#6 0x000055d9754813ee in handle_unmap (listener=0x55d9771e4618, data=0x55d97723a7a0)
at ../sway/sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:385
xdg_shell_view = 0x55d9771e4450
view = 0x55d9771e4450
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "handle_unmap"
#7 0x00007f728819c10e in wlr_signal_emit_safe (signal=signal@entry=0x55d97723a8a8, data=data@entry=0x55d97723a7a0)
at ../util/signal.c:29
pos = 0x55d9771e4618
l = 0x55d9771e4618
cursor = {link = {prev = 0x55d9771e4618, next = 0x7ffef8221f90}, notify = 0x7f728819c080 <handle_noop>}
end = {link = {prev = 0x7ffef8221f70, next = 0x55d97723a8a8}, notify = 0x7f728819c080 <handle_noop>}
#8 0x00007f7288180768 in unmap_xdg_surface (surface=0x55d97723a7a0) at ../types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:39
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "unmap_xdg_surface"
popup = <optimized out>
popup_tmp = 0x55d97723a7d0
configure = <optimized out>
tmp = <optimized out>
#9 0x00007f72881809e6 in reset_xdg_surface (xdg_surface=xdg_surface@entry=0x55d97723a7a0)
at ../types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:449
#10 0x00007f7288180a0a in destroy_xdg_surface (surface=0x55d97723a7a0) at ../types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:488
#11 0x00007f72881ddd6f in () at /usr/lib/
#12 0x00007f72881e2182 in () at /usr/lib/
#13 0x00007f72881e268f in () at /usr/lib/
#14 0x00007f72881ddeef in wl_client_destroy () at /usr/lib/
#15 0x00007f72881ddfcb in () at /usr/lib/
#16 0x00007f72881df7f2 in wl_event_loop_dispatch () at /usr/lib/
#17 0x00007f72881de39c in wl_display_run () at /usr/lib/
#18 0x000055d975476561 in server_run (server=0x55d9754dae40 <server>) at ../sway/sway/server.c:216
#19 0x000055d975475a78 in main (argc=4, argv=0x7ffef82224a8) at ../sway/sway/main.c:398
verbose = 0
debug = 1
validate = 0
allow_unsupported_gpu = 0
long_options =
{{name = 0x55d9754c0ed0 "help", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 104}, {name = 0x55d9754c0ed5 "config", has_arg = 1, flag = 0x0, val = 99}, {name = 0x55d9754c0edc "validate", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 67}, {name = 0x55d9754c0ee5 "debug", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 100}, {name = 0x55d9754c0eeb "version", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 118}, {name = 0x55d9754c0ef3 "verbose", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 86}, {name = 0x55d9754c0efb "get-socketpath", has_--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--c
arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 112}, {name = 0x55d9754c0f0a "unsupported-gpu", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 117}, {name = 0x55d9754c0f1a "my-next-gpu-wont-be-nvidia", has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 117}, {name = 0x0, has_arg = 0, flag = 0x0, val = 0}}
config_path = 0x55d976a5c160 "/home/ynakao/minimum_sway_config"
usage = 0x55d9754c0998 "Usage: sway [options] [command]\n\n -h, --help", ' ' <repeats 13 times>, "Show help message and quit.\n -c, --config <config> Specify a config file.\n -C, --validate Check the validity of the config file, th"...
c = -1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] Linux dellarch 5.0.5-arch1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 27 17:53:10 UTC 2019 x86_64 GNU/Linux
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:168] Contents of /etc/os-release:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] NAME="Arch Linux"
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] ID=arch
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] BUILD_ID=rolling
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] ANSI_COLOR="0;36"
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] HOME_URL=""
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] DOCUMENTATION_URL=""
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] SUPPORT_URL=""
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:152] BUG_REPORT_URL=""
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:140] LD_LIBRARY_PATH=(null)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:140] LD_PRELOAD=(null)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:140] PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/ynakao/go/bin:/home/ynakao/.cargo/bin
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:140] SWAYSOCK=(null)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/server.c:40] Preparing Wayland server initialization
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/session/logind.c:663] Successfully loaded logind session
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/backend.c:157] Found 1 GPUs
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/backend.c:152] Initializing DRM backend for /dev/dri/card0 (i915)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:64] Using atomic DRM interface
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:179] Found 2 DRM CRTCs
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:88] Found 6 DRM planes
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:152] (2 overlay, 2 primary, 2 cursor)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [render/egl.c:149] Using EGL 1.4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [render/egl.c:150] Supported EGL extensions: EGL_ANDROID_blob_cache EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync EGL_EXT_buffer_age EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import EGL_EXT_image_dma_buf_import_modifiers EGL_KHR_config_attribs EGL_KHR_create_context EGL_KHR_create_context_no_error EGL_KHR_fence_sync EGL_KHR_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_gl_colorspace EGL_KHR_gl_renderbuffer_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_3D_image EGL_KHR_gl_texture_cubemap_image EGL_KHR_image EGL_KHR_image_base EGL_KHR_image_pixmap EGL_KHR_no_config_context EGL_KHR_reusable_sync EGL_KHR_surfaceless_context EGL_EXT_pixel_format_float EGL_KHR_wait_sync EGL_MESA_configless_context EGL_MESA_drm_image EGL_MESA_image_dma_buf_export EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [render/egl.c:151] EGL vendor: Mesa Project
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [render/egl.c:97] Supported dmabuf buffer formats: AR30 XR30 AB30 XB30 AR24 AB24 XR24 XB24 AR15 RG16 R8 R16 GR88 GR32 YUV9 YU11 YU12 YU16 YU24 YVU9 YV11 YV12 YV16 YV24 NV12 NV16 AYUV YUYV UYVY
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [render/gles2/renderer.c:553] Using OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 19.0.1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [render/gles2/renderer.c:554] GL vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [render/gles2/renderer.c:555] Supported GLES2 extensions: GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_element_index_uint GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_stencil8 GL_OES_texture_3D GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_float_linear GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear GL_OES_texture_npot GL_OES_vertex_half_float GL_OES_EGL_image GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_texture_type_2_10_10_10_REV GL_OES_get_program_binary GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_frag_depth GL_NV_fbo_color_attachments GL_OES_EGL_image_external GL_OES_EGL_sync GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt3 GL_ANGLE_texture_compression_dxt5 GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean GL_EXT_robustness GL_EXT_texture_rg GL_EXT_unpack_subimage GL_NV_draw_buffers GL_NV_read_buffer GL_NV_read_depth GL_NV_read_depth_stencil GL_NV_read_stencil GL_EXT_draw_buffers GL_EXT_map_buffer_range GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_robustness GL_OES_required_internalformat GL_OES_surfaceless_context GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_sub_texture GL_EXT_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_OES_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_OES_texture_border_clamp GL_KHR_no_error GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/noop/backend.c:51] Creating noop backend
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/main.c:363] Starting sway version 1.0-rc1-213-gf3140506 (Apr 1 2019, branch 'master')
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/server.c:54] Initializing Wayland server
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [types/wlr_idle.c:242] idle manager created
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [types/wlr_idle_inhibit_v1.c:191] idle_inhibit manager created
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [types/wlr_relative_pointer_v1.c:228] relative_pointer_v1 manager created
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:358] Loading config from /home/ynakao/minimum_sway_config
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 1: set $mod Mod4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: set $mod Mod4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(set)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: set $mod Mod4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 2: set $left h
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: set $left h
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(set)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: set $left h
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 3: set $down j
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: set $down j
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(set)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: set $down j
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 4: set $up k
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: set $up k
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(set)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: set $up k
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 5: set $right l
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: set $right l
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(set)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: set $right l
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 6: set $term termite
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: set $term termite
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(set)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: set $term termite
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 7:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 8: # start a terminal
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 9: bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Return exec termite
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Return to command `exec termite` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 10:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 11: # kill focused window
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 12: bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+q kill
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+q to command `kill` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 13:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 14: # start your launcher
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 15: bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+d exec $menu
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+d to command `exec $menu` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 16:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 17: # exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 18: bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+e to command `exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 19:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 20: # Move your focus around
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 21: bindsym $mod+$left focus left
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+$left focus left
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+h focus left
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+h to command `focus left` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 22: bindsym $mod+$down focus down
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+$down focus down
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+j focus down
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+j to command `focus down` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 23: bindsym $mod+$up focus up
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+$up focus up
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+k focus up
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+k to command `focus up` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 24: bindsym $mod+$right focus right
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+$right focus right
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+l focus right
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+l to command `focus right` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 25:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 26: # Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config.c:727] Read line 27: bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:359] Config command: bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(bindsym)
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands.c:379] After replacement: bindsym Mod4+Shift+space floating toggle
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:338] bindsym - Bound Mod4+Shift+space to command `floating toggle` for device '*'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/server.c:177] Initializing Xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:242] Loaded cursor theme 'default', available cursors:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 03b6e0fcb3499374a867c041f52298f0 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] default (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_tee (1 images) 24x24+6,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crosshair (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 1081e37283d90000800003c07f3ef6bf (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_side (1 images) 24x24+6,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] all-scroll (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] s-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,18
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] row-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-out (1 images) 24x24+11,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fleur (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_small (1 images) 24x24+21,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3ecb610c1bf2410f44200f48c40d3599 (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] n-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,6
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_ver (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] se-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] question_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_watch (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_up_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] link (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grab (1 images) 24x24+11,7
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grabbing (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] plus (1 images) 24x24+10,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross_reverse (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] X_cursor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] d9ce0ab605698f320427677b458ad60b (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ew-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9081237383d90e509aa00f00170e968f (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 14fef782d02440884392942c11205230 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 028006030e0e7ebffc7f7070c0600140 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] icon (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_side (1 images) 24x24+13,6
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 640fb0e74195791501fd1ed57b41487f (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ne-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ns-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand2 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ul_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_bdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 00008160000006810000408080010102 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3085a0e285430894940527032f8b26df (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_large (1 images) 24x24+21,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 5c6cd98b3f3ebcb1f9c7f1c204630408 (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] watch (60 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fcf1c3c7cd4491d801f1e1c78f100000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_down_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 08e8e1c95fe2fc01f976f1e063a24ccd (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] col-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 6407b0e94181790501fd1e167b474872 (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e-resize (1 images) 24x24+19,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pencil (1 images) 24x24+7,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] progress (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] move (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_all (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_ptr (1 images) 24x24+21,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nwse-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] tcross (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] wait (60 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dot_box_mask (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 4498f0e0c1937ffe01fd06f973665830 (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-link (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_tee (1 images) 24x24+20,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-none (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] not-allowed (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draped_box (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] lr_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dotbox (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_side (1 images) 24x24+19,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pirate (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-ask (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9d800788f1b08800ae810202380a0822 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crossed_circle (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+6,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nesw-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cell (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_fdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] w-resize (1 images) 24x24+6,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer-move (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 2870a09082c103050810ffdffffe0204 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] circle (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand1 (1 images) 24x24+11,7
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ll_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] text (1 images) 24x24+11,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-move (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_hor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] c7088f0f3e6c8088236ef8e1e3e70000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] alias (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] vertical-text (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-in (1 images) 24x24+11,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_right_arrow (1 images) 24x24+19,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] context-menu (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] xterm (1 images) 24x24+11,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ur_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] diamond_cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_side (1 images) 24x24+13,18
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] target (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/server.c:204] Starting backend on wayland display 'wayland-0'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1075] Scanning DRM connectors
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1138] Found connector 'LVDS-1'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1174] 'LVDS-1' connected
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1176] Current CRTC: 41
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1181] Physical size: 340x190
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1192] Detected modes:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1216] 1366x768@59636
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1138] Found connector 'VGA-1'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1138] Found connector 'HDMI-A-1'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1138] Found connector 'DP-1'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:904] Reallocating CRTCs
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:916] State before reallocation:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:926] 'LVDS-1' crtc=0 state=1 desired_enabled=1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:926] 'VGA-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:926] 'HDMI-A-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:926] 'DP-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:987] State after reallocation:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:992] 'LVDS-1' crtc=0 state=1 desired_enabled=1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:992] 'VGA-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:992] 'HDMI-A-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:992] 'DP-1' crtc=-1 state=0 desired_enabled=0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:462] Reallocating planes
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:507] Assigning plane -1 -> 33 (type 0) to CRTC 41
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:507] Assigning plane -1 -> 30 (type 1) to CRTC 41
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:507] Assigning plane -1 -> 38 (type 2) to CRTC 41
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:1291] Requesting modeset for 'LVDS-1'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/desktop/output.c:612] New output 0x55d976d22ec0: LVDS-1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:542] Modesetting 'LVDS-1' with '1366x768@59636 mHz'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/drm/drm.c:374] Starting renderer on output 'LVDS-1'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [GLES2] FS SIMD8 shader: 16 inst, 0 loops, 228 cycles, 0:0 spills:fills, Promoted 0 constants, compacted 256 to 224 bytes.
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [GLES2] FS SIMD16 shader: 18 inst, 0 loops, 260 cycles, 0:0 spills:fills, Promoted 0 constants, compacted 288 to 256 bytes.
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [GLES2] VS vec4 shader: 14 inst, 0 loops, 214 cycles, 0:0 spills:fills, compacted 224 to 224 bytes.
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [GLES2] FS SIMD8 shader: 6 inst, 0 loops, 12 cycles, 0:0 spills:fills, Promoted 0 constants, compacted 96 to 96 bytes.
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [GLES2] FS SIMD16 shader: 6 inst, 0 loops, 22 cycles, 0:0 spills:fills, Promoted 0 constants, compacted 96 to 96 bytes.
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/tree/workspace.c:292] Workspace: Generating new workspace name for output LVDS-1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/tree/output.c:132] Creating default workspace 1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/tree/workspace.c:79] Adding workspace 1 for output LVDS-1
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/desktop/layer_shell.c:178] Usable area changed, rearranging output
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:190] Usable area for ws: 1366x768@0,0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:221] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:190] Usable area for ws: 1366x768@0,0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:221] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:412] Transaction 0x55d976dc96b0 committing with 2 instructions
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x55d976dc96b0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/backend.c:55] Initializing libinput
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Power Button [0:1]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '0:1:Power_Button'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:101] no fallback seat config - creating default
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config/seat.c:58] Adding non-wildcard seat config
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/config/seat.c:75] Config stored for seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:711] applying seat config for seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 0:1:Power_Button to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Video Bus [0:6]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '0:6:Video_Bus'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 0:6:Video_Bus to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Power Button [0:1]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '0:1:Power_Button'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 0:1:Power_Button to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Lid Switch [0:5]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/switch.c:20] Created switch for device Lid Switch
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '0:5:Lid_Switch'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 0:5:Lid_Switch to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/switch.c:17] Allocated switch for device
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/switch.c:76] Configured switch for device
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Sleep Button [0:3]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '0:3:Sleep_Button'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 0:3:Sleep_Button to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_1.3M: [3141:25728]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '3141:25728:Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_1.3M:'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 3141:25728:Laptop_Integrated_Webcam_1.3M: to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel MID Mic [0:0]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel MID Headphone [0:0]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added HDA Intel MID HDMI/DP,pcm=3 [0:0]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint [6127:24647]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint [6127:24647]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:242] Loaded cursor theme 'default', available cursors:
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 03b6e0fcb3499374a867c041f52298f0 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] default (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_tee (1 images) 24x24+6,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crosshair (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 1081e37283d90000800003c07f3ef6bf (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_side (1 images) 24x24+6,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] all-scroll (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] s-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,18
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] row-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-out (1 images) 24x24+11,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fleur (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_small (1 images) 24x24+21,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3ecb610c1bf2410f44200f48c40d3599 (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] n-resize (1 images) 24x24+13,6
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_ver (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] se-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] question_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_watch (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_up_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] link (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,15
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grab (1 images) 24x24+11,7
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] grabbing (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] plus (1 images) 24x24+10,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross_reverse (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] X_cursor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] d9ce0ab605698f320427677b458ad60b (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ew-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9081237383d90e509aa00f00170e968f (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 14fef782d02440884392942c11205230 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 028006030e0e7ebffc7f7070c0600140 (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] icon (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_side (1 images) 24x24+13,6
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 640fb0e74195791501fd1ed57b41487f (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ne-resize (1 images) 24x24+15,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ns-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] h_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand2 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ul_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_bdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 00008160000006810000408080010102 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 3085a0e285430894940527032f8b26df (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draft_large (1 images) 24x24+21,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 5c6cd98b3f3ebcb1f9c7f1c204630408 (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] watch (60 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fcf1c3c7cd4491d801f1e1c78f100000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_down_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 08e8e1c95fe2fc01f976f1e063a24ccd (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] col-resize (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nw-resize (1 images) 24x24+10,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 6407b0e94181790501fd1e167b474872 (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e-resize (1 images) 24x24+19,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pencil (1 images) 24x24+7,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] progress (60 images) 24x24+4,3
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] move (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_all (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_ptr (1 images) 24x24+21,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nwse-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] arrow (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] fd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] tcross (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] wait (60 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dot_box_mask (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 4498f0e0c1937ffe01fd06f973665830 (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-link (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_tee (1 images) 24x24+20,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-none (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] not-allowed (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] draped_box (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] lr_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr_help (1 images) 24x24+12,21
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dotbox (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] right_side (1 images) 24x24+19,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pirate (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-ask (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 9d800788f1b08800ae810202380a0822 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] crossed_circle (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_left_arrow (1 images) 24x24+6,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bd_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] nesw-resize (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cell (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_fdiag (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] w-resize (1 images) 24x24+6,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer-move (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] 2870a09082c103050810ffdffffe0204 (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] left_ptr (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] circle (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] hand1 (1 images) 24x24+11,7
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ll_angle (1 images) 24x24+4,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] text (1 images) 24x24+11,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] dnd-move (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_tee (1 images) 24x24+12,19
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] e29285e634086352946a0e7090d73106 (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] no-drop (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] pointer (1 images) 24x24+8,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] copy (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] size_hor (1 images) 24x24+12,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] c7088f0f3e6c8088236ef8e1e3e70000 (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] alias (1 images) 24x24+9,9
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] vertical-text (1 images) 24x24+12,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] zoom-in (1 images) 24x24+11,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_right_arrow (1 images) 24x24+19,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] context-menu (1 images) 24x24+4,4
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] xterm (1 images) 24x24+11,12
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_left_corner (1 images) 24x24+10,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] ur_angle (1 images) 24x24+20,5
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] sb_v_double_arrow (1 images) 24x24+12,13
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] diamond_cross (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] top_right_corner (1 images) 24x24+15,10
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] bottom_side (1 images) 24x24+13,18
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [xcursor/wlr_xcursor.c:248] target (1 images) 24x24+11,11
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Dell WMI hotkeys [0:0]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '0:0:Dell_WMI_hotkeys'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 0:0:Dell_WMI_hotkeys to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added AT Translated Set 2 keyboard [1:1]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad [2:7]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '2:7:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 2:7:SynPS/2_Synaptics_TouchPad to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added AT Translated Set 2 keyboard [1:1]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint [6127:24647]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/events.c:94] Added Lenovo ThinkPad Compact USB Keyboard with TrackPoint [6127:24647]
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/input-manager.c:508] adding device: '6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint'
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/input/seat.c:684] adding device 6127:24647:Lenovo_ThinkPad_Compact_USB_Keyboard_with_TrackPoint to seat seat0
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [backend/libinput/backend.c:101] libinput successfully initialized
2019-04-02 14:57:13 - [sway/sway/server.c:215] Running compositor on wayland display 'wayland-0'
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:450] running command for binding: exec termite
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [sway/sway/commands.c:255] Handling command 'exec termite'
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(exec)
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [sway/sway/commands/exec_always.c:46] Executing termite
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [sway/sway/commands/exec_always.c:87] Child process created with pid 7957
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [sway/sway/tree/root.c:251] Recording workspace for process 7957
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [types/wlr_surface.c:609] New wlr_surface 0x55d977160310 (res 0x55d977134570)
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [types/wlr_surface.c:609] New wlr_surface 0x55d977160630 (res 0x55d977130800)
2019-04-02 14:57:14 - [xwayland/xwayland.c:91] WAYLAND_SOCKET=20 Xwayland :0 -rootless -terminate -listen 18 -listen 19 -wm 61
glamor: No eglstream capable devices found
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning: Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
> X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86MonBrightnessCycle
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [types/wlr_relative_pointer_v1.c:173] relative_pointer_v1 manager bound to client 0x55d977160a60
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [types/wlr_surface.c:609] New wlr_surface 0x55d977160b20 (res 0x55d977139270)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwayland.c:350] sent SIGUSR1 to process 7953
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwayland.c:228] Xserver is ready
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:1527] xfixes version: 5.0
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/input/cursor.c:570] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [types/wlr_relative_pointer_v1.c:151] relative_pointer_v1 0x55d977111970 created for client 0x55d977160a60
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (924)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (924)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:830] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (2097153)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:830] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (2097154)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (2097154)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:830] XCB_CREATE_NOTIFY (2097155)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:967] XCB_PROPERTY_NOTIFY (924)
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
> Warning: Unsupported maximum keycode 374, clipping.
> X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> Warning: Unsupported high keycode 372 for name <I372> ignored
> X11 cannot support keycodes above 255.
> This warning only shows for the first high keycode.
> Internal error: Could not resolve keysym XF86MonBrightnessCycle
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:1291] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/selection/selection.c:118] not handling selection events: no seat assigned to xwayland
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [xwayland/xwm.c:1291] unhandled X11 event: MappingNotify (34)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [types/wlr_surface.c:609] New wlr_surface 0x55d9771612b0 (res 0x55d9771144b0)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:438] new xdg_surface 0x55d9771615d0 (res 0x55d97710d3f0)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:484] New xdg_shell toplevel title='' app_id='termite'
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [types/wlr_server_decoration.c:107] new server_decoration 0x55d9770ed660 (res 0x55d9770e20a0)
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/tree/root.c:207] Looking up workspace for pid 7957
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/tree/root.c:216] found pid_workspace for pid 7957, workspace 1
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:190] Usable area for ws: 1366x768@0,0
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:221] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:38] Arranging 0x7ffef8221bc0 horizontally
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:412] Transaction 0x55d9771ce370 committing with 3 instructions
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:488] Transaction 0x55d9771ce370 is ready
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x55d9771ce370
2019-04-02 14:57:15 - [sway/sway/tree/container.c:1126] Container 0x55d97717e180 entered output 0x55d976c9bd90
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [types/wlr_surface.c:609] New wlr_surface 0x55d977239d20 (res 0x55d9771d8630)
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [types/wlr_surface.c:609] New wlr_surface 0x55d97723a040 (res 0x55d9771b7100)
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [types/wlr_idle_inhibit_v1.c:139] idle_inhibit bound
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:438] new xdg_surface 0x55d97723a7a0 (res 0x55d97723a8f0)
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [types/wlr_server_decoration.c:107] new server_decoration 0x55d97723acb0 (res 0x55d97723ad20)
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/input/cursor.c:570] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/desktop/xdg_shell.c:484] New xdg_shell toplevel title='9bV-.webm - mpv' app_id='mpv'
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/tree/root.c:207] Looking up workspace for pid 8013
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:190] Usable area for ws: 1366x768@0,0
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:221] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:38] Arranging 0x7ffef8221bc0 horizontally
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:412] Transaction 0x55d97723c970 committing with 4 instructions
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:29] New sway idle inhibitor
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [types/wlr_idle.c:170] Disabling idle timers for all seats
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:488] Transaction 0x55d97723c970 is ready
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x55d97723c970
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [sway/sway/tree/container.c:1126] Container 0x55d97723c610 entered output 0x55d976c9bd90
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [GLES2] FS SIMD8 shader: 23 inst, 0 loops, 56 cycles, 0:0 spills:fills, Promoted 0 constants, compacted 368 to 352 bytes.
2019-04-02 14:57:29 - [GLES2] FS SIMD16 shader: 23 inst, 0 loops, 100 cycles, 0:0 spills:fills, Promoted 0 constants, compacted 368 to 352 bytes.
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/commands/bind.c:450] running command for binding: floating toggle
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/commands.c:255] Handling command 'floating toggle'
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/commands.c:147] find_handler(floating)
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:190] Usable area for ws: 1366x768@0,0
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:221] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:38] Arranging 0x7ffef8221db0 horizontally
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:412] Transaction 0x55d97723bb40 committing with 3 instructions
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:488] Transaction 0x55d97723bb40 is ready
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x55d97723bb40
2019-04-02 14:57:32 - [sway/sway/input/cursor.c:570] denying request to set cursor from unfocused client
2019-04-02 14:57:34 - [sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:21] Sway idle inhibitor destroyed
2019-04-02 14:57:34 - [types/wlr_idle.c:170] Enabling idle timers for all seats
2019-04-02 14:57:34 - [sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:29] New sway idle inhibitor
2019-04-02 14:57:34 - [types/wlr_idle.c:170] Disabling idle timers for all seats
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:21] Sway idle inhibitor destroyed
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [types/wlr_idle.c:170] Enabling idle timers for all seats
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:29] New sway idle inhibitor
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [types/wlr_idle.c:170] Disabling idle timers for all seats
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:21] Sway idle inhibitor destroyed
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [types/wlr_idle.c:170] Enabling idle timers for all seats
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [sway/sway/desktop/idle_inhibit_v1.c:29] New sway idle inhibitor
2019-04-02 14:57:35 - [types/wlr_idle.c:170] Disabling idle timers for all seats
2019-04-02 14:57:39 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:190] Usable area for ws: 1366x768@0,0
2019-04-02 14:57:39 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:221] Arranging workspace '1' at 0.000000, 0.000000
2019-04-02 14:57:39 - [sway/sway/tree/arrange.c:38] Arranging 0x7ffef8221eb0 horizontally
2019-04-02 14:57:39 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:412] Transaction 0x55d97723c830 committing with 4 instructions
2019-04-02 14:57:39 - [sway/sway/desktop/transaction.c:280] Applying transaction 0x55d97723c830
(EE) failed to read Wayland events: Broken pipe
Gdk-Message: 14:57:39.537: Error reading events from display: Connection reset by peer
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