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Last active July 27, 2023 12:24
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Python Syntax Exercises

  • Create a Python program that asks the user to tyep their age in years, and the program will convert and print their age in months.

  • Create a Python program that asks the user to type their age in months, and the program will convert and print their age in years.

  • Create a Python program to check the complexity of a password: It should ask the user for a word and verify the word contains a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter and a number.

  • Write a Python program that takes a number from the user and print the word "Boom" if that number divides by 7 or contains the digit 7

  • Write a Python program that takes 3 numbers from the user and prints out the largest one

  • Write a Python program that randomizes a number between 1 and 100. The user needs to guess the number in a loop. Every time a user tries a value the program responds with "too high" or "too low" accordingly.

Python Data Structures Exercises

  • Implement a "cows and bulls" game in Python: The computer selects a secret number of 5 different digits and the user needs to guess the value. After each guess the program prints how many digits were in their correct location, and how many digits were in the number but in different positions.

  • Write a program to find anagrams in lists of words. Two words are an anagram if they have the same letters (possibly in different order). The program should read an input file and print out the list of anagrams from the file, each group of anagrams is printed in its own line. For example given the following input file:


The program will print the output:

add dad
more rome
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