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Last active November 16, 2021 13:35
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Modern JavaScript ES6

Video Course:

Intro - 1 hour

  • JavaScript: The Last 10 Years

  • New Project Structure - Vanilla

  • New Project Structure - Vite

  • Project Bundlers

  • Coffee

New Syntax - 2 hours

  • const and let
  • destructuring
  • classes (brief)
  • arrow functions
  • function parameters

Lab 2

-- Lunch Break --

New Concepts - 2 Hours

  • Modules
  • Promises
  • packages (yarn add)

Lab 3

[ ] Write a program that shows a button on screen. Each time someone clicks the button the page's background color should change. Use let and const.
[ ] Write a class called Summer to make the following code work:
const x = new Summer();
const y = new Summer();
x.add(5, 5);
// prints: 40
// prints: 100
[ ] Write the classes Car and Race so the following code will print "green"
const c1 = new Car('blue', 20);
const c2 = new Car('green', 30);
const c3 = new Car('red', 24);
const race = new Race(c1, c2);
// prints: And the winner is... green
[ ] Fix the code in the following link:
## Destructuring
[ ] The following function takes a parameters object. Fill in the missing line so that the function prints the correct output:
function printTimes(options) {
// TODO - fill code (1 line) here
for (let i=0; i < times; i++) {
console.log(`${String(i + 1).padStart(2, '0')} ${text}`);
// print 'hello world' ten times:
printTimes({ text: 'hello world', times: 10 });
[ ] Now modify the function so the following code will use a default value of 5:
// print 'hello world' five times:
printTimes({ text: 'hello world' });
- [ ] The following two code snippets will add an item to an array:
let arr1 = [10, 20, 30, 40];
let arr2 = [10, 20, 30, 40];
arr2 = [...arr2, 50];
Both the console.log calls now print the same thing.
What is the difference between the two methods? And how can you change the program to make the difference more visible?
[ ] (Bonus if time permits)
Create a class called EventBus that manages custom events in a system. The class provides two methods:
1. `on` - takes an event name and a function, and "registers" the function to handle the event later
2. `emit` - takes an event name and triggers all the functions that should handle the event
The following code snippet should work:
const bus = new EventBus();
function one() { console.log('one'); }
function two() { console.log('two'); }
function three(x) { console.log(x); }
bus.on('start', one);
bus.on('start', two);
bus.on('go', three);
// this will call "one" and "two" and print the messages in console
bus.emit('go', 10);
// this will call "three" passing 10 as the value for "x"


[ ] Create a new Vite project and add to it a JavaScript file that defines a single function:

export function plus2(x) {
  return x + 2;

Import this file from main.js and use the function

[ ] In the same vite project, create another JavaScript file that exports a random value:

export default Math.random();

Import this file from main.js AND from one more file. Does it provide the same value?

[ ] Create a new JavaScript file in the project named utils.js so main.js will be able to use it like this:

import * as Utils from './utils';

// prints 20
// export (utils.js)
export function twice(x) { return x * 2}
export function thrice(x) { return x * 3 }
export const applicationName = 'myapp';
export class Summer { }
// import
import { twice, thrice } from './utils.js';
import { applicationName } from './globals.js';
import { Summer } from './summer.js';
import * as Utils from './utils.js';
// export a single value from another file
export default class Summer { ... }
// import that value (Summer is a name we select)
import Summer from './twice.js';
## Promises
[ ] Write a function named "sleep" that takes a number of seconds and returns a promise that resolves AFTER this number of seconds has passed. Example usage:
async function main() {
await sleep(10);
console.log('10 seconds passed');
[ ] How long will the following code wait before printing "the end"?
async function main() {
for (let i=0; i < 5; i++) {
await sleep(10);
console.log('The end');
Can you modify the code so "sleep" function is still called 5 times, but the code only waits 10 seconds? That is, all "sleep" calls will wait simultaneously?
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