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Last active June 12, 2019 04:37
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Docker command line collection
Docker Basic Command Description
docker run hello-world Download the very small hello-world image and print a “Hello from Docker“ message
docker images Get List of Docker Images
docker search busybox Search the online Docker registry for a Image named busybox
docker run -t -i busybox Create an instance (container) of 'busybox' image interactively
docker run -t -i busybox:latest Create an instance with 'latest' tag value
docker run -t -i busybox:1.0 Create an instance with '1.0' tag value
docker ps --all List all containers
docker start ab0e37214358 Relaunch a Container
docker attach ab0e37214358 Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
docker stop ab0e37214358 stop a running container
docker search httpd Search Apache Web Server
docker pull httpd download the httpd image
docker run -d --name MyWebServer httpd Running the Container in Detached mode with name
docker stop MyWebServer Stop the container named MyWebServer
docker rm MyWebServer Remove container named MyWebServer
docker run -d --name MyWebServer -P httpd Publish all exposed ports to random ports
docker run -d --name MyWebServer -p 80:80 httpd Publish all exposed ports to specific port
Docker Hub Command Description
docker search java Searching for Images
docker pull java Pulling an Image named 'Java'
docker run java:latest Launching a Container
docker images List all images
docker pull ubuntu:latest Get an ubuntu image
docker run -it --name mycontainer1 --rm ubuntu:latest Container is removed on termination
docker run -it --name mycontainer1 ubuntu:latest Run local ubuntu image without rm flag
docker ps -all List all container to see their ID
docker commit mycontainer1 ynwd/ubuntu-git Committing your Image (change 'ynwd' with your own)
docker run -it --name c1 ynwd/ubuntu-git Launching a Container from your Image (change 'ynwd' with your own)
docker login Login to docker hub
docker push ynwd/ubuntu-git Pushing the Image to the Docker Hub
docker-compose logs --tail=0 --follow Print all container log
docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk "{print $3}") Remove untaged images
docker start -ai container_name Start a stopped container
Docker Private Registry Description
docker pull registry pull down the ‘latest’ registry image
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --name localregistry registry Run the local Registry
docker ps List container
docker pull alpine Get an alpine image
docker tag alpine:latest localhost:5000/alpine:latest Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
docker push localhost:5000/alpine:latest push this tagged image or container into the local registry
docker rmi $(docker images -a -q)
Docker Data Volumes Description
docker run -it -v /data --name container1 busybox launch a container (named container1) in interactive mode and mount a volume
docker inspect container1 inspect the container
docker restart container1 restart container
docker attach container1 attach container
docker run -it --name container1 -v /Users:/datavol busybox/ # mount a host volume while launching a Docker container
docker run -it --volumes-from container1 --name container2 busybox
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q) One liner to stop
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) remove all of Docker containers
docker build -t takacsmark/alpine-smarter:1.0 . Create image
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