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Last active December 20, 2020 19:03
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#!/bin/env python
import typing
from typing import Union, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Dict, Tuple, Iterable
atom = int
bloq = atom
patU = atom
patS = int # signed integer
cell = tuple # Tuple[atom] # tuple is used to model an immutable list. just list doesn't work b/c it is not `hash`able
noun = Union[atom, cell]
unit = Optional[noun]
def cue(a: atom) -> noun:
++ cue
~/ %cue
|= a=@
^- *
=+ b=0
=+ m=`(map @ *)`~
=< q
|- ^- [p=@ q=* r=(map @ *)]
?: =(0 (cut 0 [b 1] a))
=+ c=(rub +(b) a)
[+(p.c) q.c (~(put by m) b q.c)]
=+ c=(add 2 b)
?: =(0 (cut 0 [+(b) 1] a))
=+ u=$(b c)
=+ v=$(b (add p.u c), m r.u)
=+ w=[q.u q.v]
[(add 2 (add p.u p.v)) w (~(put by r.v) b w)]
=+ d=(rub c a)
[(add 2 p.d) (need (~(get by m) q.d)) m]
a = normalize_noun(a)
b = 0
m: Dict[atom, noun] = {}
TrapOutput = NamedTuple("TrapOutput", p=atom, q=noun, r=Dict[atom, noun])
def cue_trap(a, b, m) -> TrapOutput:
if 0 == cut(0, [b, 1], a):
c = rub(b + 1, a)
return TrapOutput(c.p + 1, c.q, {**m, b: c.q}) # update dict m immutably with new key b
c = 2 + b
if 0 == cut(0, [b + 1, 1], a):
u = cue_trap(a, b=c, m=m)
v = cue_trap(a, b=(u.p + c), m=u.r)
w = [u.q, v.q]
return TrapOutput((2 + (u.p + v.p)), w, {**v.r, b: w}) # dict unpacking
d = rub(c, a)
return TrapOutput((2 + d.p), need(m[d.q]), m)
return normalize_noun(cue_trap(a, b, m).q)
def need(a: unit) -> noun:
assert a is not None
return a
# jam/cue actually works :P
def jam(a: noun) -> atom:
++ jam
~/ %jam
|= a=*
^- @
=+ b=0
=+ m=`(map * @)`~
=< q
|- ^- [p=@ q=@ r=(map * @)]
=+ c=(~(get by m) a)
?~ c
=> .(m (~(put by m) a b))
?: ?=(@ a)
=+ d=(mat a)
[(add 1 p.d) (lsh 0 1 q.d) m]
=> .(b (add 2 b))
=+ d=$(a -.a)
=+ e=$(a +.a, b (add b p.d), m r.d)
[(add 2 (add p.d p.e)) (mix 1 (lsh 0 2 (cat 0 q.d q.e))) r.e]
?: ?&(?=(@ a) (lte (met 0 a) (met 0 u.c)))
=+ d=(mat a)
[(add 1 p.d) (lsh 0 1 q.d) m]
=+ d=(mat u.c)
[(add 2 p.d) (mix 3 (lsh 0 2 q.d)) m]
assert is_noun(a)
b = 0
m: Dict[noun, atom] = {}
jam_counter = 0 # debug
TrapOutput = NamedTuple("TrapOutput", p=atom, q=atom, r=Dict[noun, atom])
def jam_trap(a, b, m) -> TrapOutput:
nonlocal jam_counter # debug
jam_counter += 1 # debug
a = normalize_noun(a) # needed to ensure that (2,) becomes 2. otherwise the impl breaks
c = m.get(a)
print(f"[{jam_counter}] a={a} b={b} m={m}")
if c is None:
m[a] = b
if type(a) == atom:
print("c is none; a is atom")
d = mat(a)
return TrapOutput((1 + d.p), lsh(0, 1, d.q), m)
print("c is none; a is cell")
b = 2 + b
d=jam_trap(a=cell_head(a), b=b, m=m) # a = -.a (i.e. head of a)
e=jam_trap(a=cell_tail(a), b=(b + d.p), m=d.r)
return TrapOutput((2 + (d.p + e.p)), mix(1, lsh(0, 2, cat(0, d.q, e.q))), e.r)
# c is not none, so it has to be a noun.
elif type(a) == atom and (met(0, a) <= met(0, c)):
print("a is atom; met(0, a) <= met(0, c)")
d = mat(a)
return TrapOutput(1 + d.p, lsh(0, 1, d.q), m)
print("either a is a cell or met(0, a) > met(0, c)")
d = mat(c)
return TrapOutput(2 + d.p, mix(3, lsh(0, 2, d.q)), m)
return jam_trap(a, b, m).q
#### custom utilities
def cell_head(a: cell) -> cell:
if len(a) > 0:
return a[0]
return ()
def cell_tail(a: cell):
return a[1:]
def is_noun(a):
# we'd need typing_inspect.is_generic_type(noun)
# return isinstance(a, noun.__args__)
return is_atom(a) or is_cell(a)
def is_atom(a):
return isinstance(a, atom)
def is_cell(a):
return isinstance(a, cell)
def normalize_noun(a: noun) -> noun:
if type(a) == atom:
return a
elif len(a) == 0:
# empty list is the same as zero in hoon
return 0
elif len(a) == 1:
# one-element list is the same as the element in hoon
return a[0]
# recursively normalize all elements of list
# return the noun converted to a tuple
# with all of its elements normalized as well
# this has the effect of converting all nested iterables into tuples
In [27]: normalize_noun([1,2, [3,4], (5,)])
Out[27]: (1, 2, (3, 4), 5)
return tuple(map(lambda x: normalize_noun(x), a))
def to_urbit_num(a: atom) -> str:
s = []
for i, dgt in enumerate(reversed(str(a))):
if i != 0 and i % 3 == 0:
return "".join(reversed(s))
def from_urbit_num(n: str) -> int:
return int(n.replace(".", ""))
####################### jam/cue helpers
RubOutput = NamedTuple("RubOutput", p=atom, q=atom)
def rub(a: atom, b: atom) -> RubOutput:
++ rub
~/ %rub
|= [a=@ b=@]
^- [p=@ q=@]
=+ ^= c
=+ [c=0 m=(met 0 b)]
|- ?< (gth c m)
?. =(0 (cut 0 [(add a c) 1] b))
$(c +(c))
?: =(0 c)
[1 0]
=+ d=(add a +(c))
=+ e=(add (bex (dec c)) (cut 0 [d (dec c)] b))
[(add (add c c) e) (cut 0 [(add d (dec c)) e] b)]
# pre ^= c
c = 0
m = met(0, b)
def c_trap(a, b, c, m):
assert not (c > m)
if 0 == cut(0, [a + c, 1], b):
return c_trap(a, b, c=c+1, m=m)
return c
c = c_trap(a, b, c, m) # ^= c
# post ^= c
if 0 == c:
return RubOutput(1, 0)
d = a + (c + 1)
e = bex(c - 1) + cut(0, [d, c - 1], b)
return RubOutput((c + c) + e, cut(0, [d + (c - 1), e], b))
def cut(a: bloq, bc: list, d: atom):
++ cut
~/ %cut
|= [a=bloq [b=@u c=@u] d=@]
(end a c (rsh a b d))
b, c = bc
return end(a, c, rsh(a, b, d))
MatReturn = NamedTuple("MatReturn", p=atom, q=atom)
def mat(a: atom) -> MatReturn:
Produces a cell whose tail q is atom a with a bit representation of its length prepended to it (as the least significant bits). The head p is the length of q in bits.
++ mat
~/ %mat
|= a=@
^- [p=@ q=@]
?: =(0 a)
[1 1]
=+ b=(met 0 a)
=+ c=(met 0 b)
:- (add (add c c) b)
(cat 0 (bex c) (mix (end 0 (dec c) b) (lsh 0 (dec c) a)))
if a == 0:
return MatReturn(1, 1)
b = met(0, a)
c = met(0, b)
return MatReturn(
p=(c+c) + b,
end(0, (c - 1), b),
lsh(0, (c - 1), a)
def met(a: bloq, b: atom) -> atom:
++ met
~/ %met
|= [a=bloq b=@]
^- @
=+ c=0
?: =(0 b) c
$(b (rsh a 1 b), c +(c))
c = 0
def met_trap(a, b, c):
if 0 == b: return c
return met_trap(a, b=rsh(a, 1, b), c=c+1)
return met_trap(a, b, c)
def cat(a: bloq, b: atom, c: atom):
++ cat
~/ %cat
|= [a=bloq b=@ c=@]
(add (lsh a (met a b) c) b)
return lsh(a, met(a, b), c) + b
def mix(a: atom, b: atom) -> atom:
Binary XOR
Produces the bitwise logical XOR of two atoms, a and b, producing an atom.
++ mix
~/ %mix
|= [a=@ b=@]
^- @
=+ [c=0 d=0]
?: ?&(=(0 a) =(0 b)) d
%= $
a (rsh 0 1 a)
b (rsh 0 1 b)
c +(c)
d (add d (lsh 0 c =((end 0 1 a) (end 0 1 b))))
c = 0
d = 0
def mix_trap(a, b, c, d):
if (0 == a and 0 == b): return d
return mix_trap(
a=rsh(0, 1, a),
b=rsh(0, 1, b),
d + lsh(
int(loob2bool(end(0, 1, a) == end(0, 1, b)))
return mix_trap(a, b, c, d)
def loob2bool(lb) -> bool:
Interpret incoming variable lb as loobean. This means that true and false are swapped
return not lb
def end(a: bloq, b: patU, c: atom):
Produces an atom by taking the last b blocks of size a from c.
++ end
~/ %end
|= [a=bloq b=@u c=@]
(mod c (bex (mul (bex a) b)))
return c % bex(bex(a) * b)
def lsh(a: bloq, b: patU, c: atom):
Produces an atom by left-shifting c by b blocks of size a.
++ lsh
~/ %lsh
|= [a=bloq b=@u c=@]
(mul (bex (mul (bex a) b)) c)
return bex(bex(a) * b) * c
def rsh(a: bloq, b: patU, c: atom):
Right-shifts c by b blocks of size a, producing an atom.
++ rsh
~/ %rsh
|= [a=bloq b=@u c=@]
(div c (bex (mul (bex a) b)))
return c // bex(bex(a) * b)
def bex(a: atom) -> atom:
Computes the result of 2^a, producing an atom.
++ bex
~/ %bex
|= a=@
^- @
?: =(0 a) 1
(mul 2 $(a (dec a)))
if 0 == a: return 1
return (2 * bex(a - 1))
# broken mug impl
def mug(a: noun) -> atom:
++ mug :: mug with murmur3
~/ %mug
|= a/*
|^ (trim ?@(a a (mix $(a -.a) (mix 0x7fff.ffff $(a +.a)))))
++ trim :: 31-bit nonzero
|= key/@
=+ syd=0xcafe.babe
|- ^- @
=+ haz=(muk syd (met 3 key) key)
=+ ham=(mix (rsh 0 31 haz) (end 0 31 haz))
?.(=(0 ham) ham $(syd +(syd)))
# so after setting the max recursion depth to 100_000,
# python just segfaulted. either i ported this wrong or something
# but i think for now im gonna find a third party solution
# update: mmh3 has hash_bytes but it will take me more than 30s to figure it out so i'm gonna do that later
# def trim(key: atom):
syd = 0xcafebabe
def trim_trap(a, key, syd, haz, ham) -> atom:
haz = muk(syd, met(3, key), key)
ham = mix(rsh(0, 31, haz), end(0, 31, haz))
if 0 == ham:
return trim_trap(a, key, syd + 1, haz, ham)
return ham
return trim(a if type(a) == atom else \
mix(mug(cell_head(a)), mix(0x7fffffff, mug(cell_tail(a))))
def muk(syd: atom, len: atom, key: atom):
++ muk
~% %muk ..muk ~
=+ ~(. fe 5)
|= [syd=@ len=@ key=@]
?> &((lte (met 5 syd) 1) (lte (met 0 len) 31))
=/ pad (sub len (met 3 key))
=/ data (weld (rip 3 key) (reap pad 0))
=/ nblocks (div len 4) :: intentionally off-by-one
=/ h1 syd
=+ [c1=0xcc9e.2d51 c2=0x1b87.3593]
=/ blocks (rip 5 key)
=/ i nblocks
=. h1 =/ hi h1 |-
?: =(0 i) hi :: negative array index
=/ k1 (snag (sub nblocks i) blocks)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
=. hi (mix hi k1)
=. hi (rol 0 13 hi)
=. hi (sum (sit (mul hi 5)) 0xe654.6b64)
$(i (dec i))
=/ tail (slag (mul 4 nblocks) data)
=/ k1 0
=/ tlen (dis len 3)
=. h1
?+ tlen h1 :: fallthrough switch
$3 =. k1 (mix k1 (lsh 0 16 (snag 2 tail)))
=. k1 (mix k1 (lsh 0 8 (snag 1 tail)))
=. k1 (mix k1 (snag 0 tail))
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
(mix h1 k1)
$2 =. k1 (mix k1 (lsh 0 8 (snag 1 tail)))
=. k1 (mix k1 (snag 0 tail))
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
(mix h1 k1)
$1 =. k1 (mix k1 (snag 0 tail))
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c1))
=. k1 (rol 0 15 k1)
=. k1 (sit (mul k1 c2))
(mix h1 k1)
=. h1 (mix h1 len)
|^ (fmix32 h1)
++ fmix32
|= h=@
=. h (mix h (rsh 0 16 h))
=. h (sit (mul h 0x85eb.ca6b))
=. h (mix h (rsh 0 13 h))
=. h (sit (mul h 0xc2b2.ae35))
=. h (mix h (rsh 0 16 h))
# =+ ~(. fe 5) # todo how tf to translate?
fe5 = fe(5)
assert met(5, syd) <= 1 and met(0, len) <= 31
pad = len - met(3, key)
data = weld(rip(3, key), reap(pad, 0))
nblocks = len // 4 # intentionally off-by-one
h1 = syd
c1 = 0xcc9e2d51
c2 = 0x1b873593
blocks = rip(5, key)
i = nblocks
def muk_trap(fe5, nblocks, k1, h1, c1, c2, blocks, i):
hi = h1
if (0 == i): # negative array index
return hi
k1 = snag(nblocks - i, blocks)
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c1)
k1 = fe5.rol(0, 15, k1)
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c2)
hi = mix(hi, k1)
hi = fe5.rol(0, 13, hi)
hi = fe5.sum(fe5.sit(hi * 5), 0xe6546b64)
muk_trap(fe5, nblocks, k1, h1, c1, c2, blocks, i=(i - 1))
h1 = muk_trap(fe5, nblocks, k1, h1, c1, c2, blocks, i)
tail = slag((4 * nblocks), data)
k1 = 0
tlen = len & 3
def calc_h1():
nonlocal h1, c1, c2, tail, k1, fe5
if tlen == 3:
k1 = mix(k1, lsh(0, 16, snag(2, tail)))
k1 = mix(k1, lsh(0, 8, snag(1, tail)))
k1 = mix(k1, snag(0, tail))
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c1)
k1 = fe5.rol(0, 15, k1)
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c2)
return mix(h1, k1)
elif tlen == 2:
k1 = mix(k1, lsh(0, 8, snag(1, tail)))
k1 = mix(k1, snag(0, tail))
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c1)
k1 = fe5.rol(0, 15, k1)
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c2)
return mix(h1, k1)
elif tlen == 1:
k1 = mix(k1, snag(0, tail))
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c1)
k1 = fe5.rol(0, 15, k1)
k1 = fe5.sit(k1 * c2)
return mix(h1, k1)
return h1
h1 = calc_h1()
h1 = mix(h1, len)
def fmix32(h: atom):
h = mix(h, rsh(0, 16, h))
h = fe5.sit(h * 0x85ebca6b)
h = mix(h, rsh(0, 13, h))
h = fe5.sit(h * 0xc2b2ae35)
h = mix(h, rsh(0, 16, h))
return h
return fmix32(h1)
########## utility functions used in muk
def weld(a: List, b: List):
# wet gate but everything is wet in python ;)
# don't need calls to homo (from zuse)
# again, just like with rip we could impl this with native python list comprehensions later
def weld_trap() -> type(b):
if a is None:
return b
return [a[0], weld(a[1:], b)]
def rip(a: bloq, b: atom) -> List[atom]:
if 0 == b: return []
return [end(a, 1, b), rip(b, rsh(a, 1, b))]
def snag(a: atom, b: List):
# wet gate
def snag_trap():
if b is None:
raise Exception()
if 0 == a:
return b[0]
return snag(a - 1, b[1:])
def reap(a: atom, b: noun) -> cell:
def reap_trap() -> List[type(b)]:
# reap doesn't follow the style recommendation of ?~ lol. a is an atom, not true null
#if a is None:
# return None
if a == 0:
return None
return [b, reap(a - 1, b)]
class fe:
modular arithmetic ring
def __init__(self, a: bloq):
self.a = a
def dif(self, b: atom, c: atom) -> patS:
++ dif |=([b=@ c=@] (sit (sub (add out (sit b)) (sit c))))
return self.sit((self.out + self.sit(b)) - self.sit(c))
def inv(self, b: atom) -> atom:
++ inv |=(b=@ (sub (dec out) (sit b)))
# above code uses bunt value for call to out arm
return (self.out - 1) - self.sit(b)
def net(self, b: atom) -> atom:
a = self.a
b = self.sit(b)
if a <= 3:
return b
c = a - 1
lsh(c, 1, fe(c).net(cut(c, [0, 1], b))),
fe(c).net(cut(c, [1, 1], b))
def out(self):
return bex(bex(self.a))
def rol(self, b: bloq, c: atom, d: atom) -> atom:
e = self.sit(d)
f = bex(self.a - b)
g = c % f
return self.sit(con(lsh(b, g, e), (rsh(b, (f - g), e))))
def rol(self, b: bloq, c: atom, d: atom) -> atom:
e = self.sit(d)
f = bex(self.a - b)
g = c % f
return self.sit(con(rsh(b, g, e), (lsh(b, (f - g), e))))
def sit(self, b: atom):
return end(self.a, 1, b)
def sum(self, b: atom, c: atom):
return self.sit(b + c)
def con(a: atom, b: atom) -> atom:
return a | b
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