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Last active December 11, 2018 06:33
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DijkstraFrom & EgoGraph for gonum
// DijkstraFrom returns a shortest-path tree for a shortest path from u to all nodes in
// the graph g. If the graph does not implement Weighted, UniformCost is used.
// DijkstraFrom will panic if g has a u-reachable negative edge weight.
// If g is a graph.Graph, all nodes of the graph will be stored in the shortest-path
// tree, otherwise only nodes reachable from u will be stored.
// The time complexity of DijkstrFrom is O(|E|.log|V|).
func DijkstraFrom(u graph.Node, g traverse.Graph) Shortest {
var path Shortest
if h, ok := g.(graph.Graph); ok {
if h.Node(u.ID()) == nil {
return Shortest{from: u}
path = newShortestFrom(u, graph.NodesOf(h.Nodes()))
} else {
if g.From(u.ID()) == nil {
return Shortest{from: u}
path = newShortestFrom(u, []graph.Node{u})
var weight Weighting
if wg, ok := g.(Weighted); ok {
weight = wg.Weight
} else {
weight = UniformCost(g)
// Dijkstra's algorithm here is implemented essentially as
// described in Function B.2 in figure 6 of UTCS Technical
// Report TR-07-54.
// This implementation deviates from the report as follows:
// - the value of path.dist for the start vertex u is initialized to 0;
// - outdated elements from the priority queue (i.e. with respect to the dist value)
// are skipped.
Q := priorityQueue{{node: u, dist: 0}}
for Q.Len() != 0 {
mid := heap.Pop(&Q).(distanceNode)
k := path.indexOf[mid.node.ID()]
if mid.dist > path.dist[k] {
mnid := mid.node.ID()
for _, v := range graph.NodesOf(g.From(mnid)) {
vid := v.ID()
j, ok := path.indexOf[vid]
if !ok {
j = path.add(v)
w, ok := weight(mnid, vid)
if !ok {
panic("dijkstra: unexpected invalid weight")
if w < 0 {
panic("dijkstra: negative edge weight")
joint := path.dist[k] + w
if joint < path.dist[j] {
heap.Push(&Q, distanceNode{node: v, dist: joint})
path.set(j, joint, k)
return path
func EgoFrom(u graph.Node, g graph.Graph, c float64) *simple.WeightedUndirectedGraph {
path := newShortestFrom(u, graph.NodesOf(g.Nodes()))
ego := simple.NewWeightedUndirectedGraph(0, math.Inf(1))
if g.Node(u.ID()) == nil {
panic("ego: from node doesn't have ID")
var weight Weighting
if wg, ok := g.(Weighted); ok {
weight = wg.Weight
} else {
weight = UniformCost(g)
Q := priorityQueue{{node: u, dist: 0}}
for Q.Len() != 0 {
mid := heap.Pop(&Q).(distanceNode)
if mid.dist > c {
k := path.indexOf[mid.node.ID()]
if mid.dist > path.dist[k] {
mnid := mid.node.ID()
for _, v := range graph.NodesOf(g.From(mnid)) {
vid := v.ID()
j, ok := path.indexOf[vid]
if !ok {
j = path.add(v)
w, ok := weight(mnid, vid)
if !ok {
panic("ego: unexpected invalid weight")
if w < 0 {
panic("ego: negative edge weight")
joint := path.dist[k] + w
if joint > c {
if joint < path.dist[j] {
heap.Push(&Q, distanceNode{node: v, dist: joint})
path.set(j, joint, k)
for id := range {
if[id] != -1 {
mnid := path.nodes[id]
vid := path.nodes[[id]]
w, _ := weight(mnid.ID(), vid.ID())
ego.SetWeightedEdge(simple.WeightedEdge{F: mnid, T: vid, W: w})
return ego
package main
import (
func main() {
// Define Graph
var self float64 = 0
var absent float64 = math.Inf(1)
g := simple.NewWeightedUndirectedGraph(self, absent)
// Open File
fp, err := os.Open("./sample.weighted.edgelist")
if err != nil {
defer fp.Close()
// Read rows and add edges
reader := csv.NewReader(fp)
reader.Comma = '\t'
for {
record, err := reader.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
} else if err != nil {
id_from, _ := strconv.ParseInt(record[0], 10, 64)
id_to, _ := strconv.ParseInt(record[1], 10, 64)
weight, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(record[2], 64)
weightedEdge := simple.WeightedEdge{F: simple.Node(id_from), T: simple.Node(id_to), W: weight}
// calculate ego graph
ego := path.EgoFrom(g.Node(11), g, float64(100))
edges := ego.WeightedEdges()
// export to weighted edgelist
fp2, err := os.Create("./ego-11.weighted.edgelist")
if err != nil {
defer fp2.Close()
writer := csv.NewWriter(fp2)
writer.Comma = '\t'
for edges.Next() {
var record []string
record = append(record, fmt.Sprint(edges.WeightedEdge().From()))
record = append(record, fmt.Sprint(edges.WeightedEdge().To()))
record = append(record, fmt.Sprint(edges.WeightedEdge().Weight()))
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