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Created July 1, 2015 13:37
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Save yo-bj/7224738839ff73837da6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Working draft of for troubleshooting issue with premature ending of csv_splitter.split call.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import csv
from pymarc import MARCReader
from os import listdir
from re import search
import csv_splitter
import time
import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
# change this line to match your folder structure
SRC_DIR = '/home/libadmin/sersoltest'
# get a list of all .out files in source directory - I'm leaving this as .out for our local workflow, but you can do .mrc as well
file_list = filter(lambda x: search('.out', x), listdir(SRC_DIR))
# note 'wb' and 'rb' below are due to this script running in Windows. If you are running this script in a Linux environment you can probably do away with the 'b' part
csv_out = csv.writer(open('marc_records.csv', 'w'), delimiter = '*', quotechar = '"', quoting = csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
# type out header row
csv_out.writerow(['title', 'type', 'URL', 'publisher', 'pubdate', 'public note', 'display pubnote', 'location note', 'display locnote', 'ISSN', 'coverage begin', 'coverage end', 'ISBN', 'author', 'editor', 'edition', 'language ID'])
for item in file_list:
fd = file(SRC_DIR + '/' + item, 'r')
reader = MARCReader(fd)
for record in reader:
# check to see if record is not suppressed
bcode3 = ''
bcode3 = record['998']['e']
# check to see if record is not suppressed
catdate = ''
catdate = record['907']['c']
# check to see if location code is not part of curriculum, reserve, order, crl, and other fun things...
# loops for multiple location codes
locationdata = locations = ''
moveon = 0
for locations in record.get_fields('998'):
locationdata = locations.get_subfields('a')[0]
if locationdata in ('order', 'currs', 'crl', 'ersrv', 'curre', 'stone'):
moveon = 1
if locationdata == 'www':
recordURL = ''
recordURL = record['856']['u']
# substring to find '', conditional to test if True
if recordURL.startswith(''):
moveon = 1
# ? next test - ebrary print DDA should not be included. ?
# time to do ALL the checks
if bcode3 != '-' or catdate == '' or moveon == 1:
continue #moves on to the next record
# reset ALL the variables... ok, just the ones used for data entry into the file.
bibLvl = type = isbn = issn = title = author = date = recordNumber = publisher = edition = ''
# determine if record should be treated as a "monograph" [m] or "serial" [s or i] in terms of what to pull from the record using biblvl field
bibLvl = record['998']['c']
# some notes
# ISBN/ISSN - we're grabbing the first entry of the first 02X field; hence not trying to sort through all the 02X fields in one record (if multiple fields exist)
if bibLvl in ('m', 'a'):
type = 'Book'
if record['020'] is not None:
isbn = record.isbn()
if record['250'] is not None:
edition = record['250']['a']
if record['100'] is not None:
author =
if record['250'] is not None:
edition = record['250']['a']
elif bibLvl in ('s', 'i', 'b'):
type = 'Journal'
if record['022'] is not None:
issn = record['022']['a']
# author
if record['100'] is not None:
author =
elif record['110'] is not None:
author = record['110']['ab']
elif record['700'] is not None:
author = record['700']['ab']
elif record['710'] is not None:
author = record['710']['ab']
# title: 229 for serials, 245 for gov docs/others
if bibLvl == 's':
if record['229'] is not None:
title = record['229']['a']
title = record.title()
if record['245'] is not None:
title = record.title()
# nonetype object attribute error forced me to comment the strip below. Gah.
# title = title.rstrip('/')
# publisher - since records in our db have pub info in 260 OR 264, I'm pulling this info out manually instead of using record.publisher()
if record['260'] is not None:
publisher = record['260']['b']
date = record.pubyear()
elif record['264'] is not None:
publisher = record['264']['b']
# date = record['264']['c']
# record number
if record['907'] is not None:
recordNumber = "" + record['907']['a'].replace('.', '')[:-1]
# time to clean up punctuation and initial articles!
if title is not None:
title = title.rstrip('/.')
nonFiling = record['245'].indicators[1]
nonFiling = int(nonFiling)
title = title[nonFiling:]
title = title.encode("utf-8")
if author is not None:
author = author.rstrip(',.')
author = author.encode("utf-8")
if publisher is not None:
publisher = publisher.rstrip(';,.')
publisher = publisher.encode("utf-8")
if date is not None:
date = date.rstrip(',.')
date = date.encode("utf-8")
if edition is not None:
edition = edition.rstrip(',.')
edition = edition.encode("utf-8")
# order for spreadsheet, what fields correspond to what variables, and what fields are left blank because I'm lazy:
# title > title
# type >
# URL > recordNumber
# publisher > publisher
# pubdate > date
# public note > ''
# display pubnote > ''
# location note > ''
# display locnote > ''
# ISSN > isn
# coverage begin > ''
# coverage end > ''
# ISBN > isn
# author > author
# editor > '' [yes, I know that we are putting editors in the author field. Deal with it or submit a PR.]
# edition > edition
# language ID > ''
# alphabetization > ''
#csv_out.writerow([isn, title, author, date, recordNumber, publisher, edition, locationdata])
csv_out.writerow([title, type, recordNumber, publisher, date, '', '', '', '', issn, '', '', isbn, author, '', edition, '', ''])
# split out the huge CSV file - 100000 rows per output file
csv_splitter.split(open('marc_records.csv', 'r'))
# time to send the email saying that the csv file is ready to download
textfile = '/home/libadmin/sersoltest/downloadready.txt'
me = 'server_email_here'
you = 'your_email_here'
# Open a plain text file for reading. For this example, assume that
# the text file contains only ASCII characters.
fp = open(textfile, 'rb')
# Create a text/plain message
msg = MIMEText(
msg['Subject'] = 'The contents of %s' % textfile
msg['From'] = me
msg['To'] = you
# Send the message via our own SMTP server, but don't include the
# envelope header.
s = smtplib.SMTP('server_address')
s.sendmail(me, [you], msg.as_string())
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