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Created July 1, 2013 18:16
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define ['app/component/ground'], (Ground) ->
class World
constructor: ->
@scene = new Physijs.Scene()
@scene.setGravity(new THREE.Vector3(0, -30, 0))
ground = new Ground(new THREE.Vector3(100, 1, 100))
@scene.add ground.body
# mesh
mesh_geometry = new THREE.CubeGeometry(10, 10, 10)
mesh_material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({ color: 0xff6666 },
8, # high friction
2 # low restitution
@mesh = new Physijs.BoxMesh(mesh_geometry, mesh_material, 3)
@mesh.receiveShadow = true
@scene.add @mesh
init_camera: ->
@camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(35, window.innerWidth / window.innerHeight, 1, 1000)
@camera.position.set(60, 50, 60)
@camera.lookAt @scene.position
@scene.add @camera
init_light: ->
light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0x404040)
@scene.add light
directional_light = new THREE.DirectionalLight(0xffffff)
directional_light.position.set(20, 40, -15)
directional_light.castShadow = true
directional_light.shadowCameraLeft = -60
directional_light.shadowCameraTop = -60
directional_light.shadowCameraRight = 60
directional_light.shadowCameraBottom = 60
directional_light.shadowCameraNear = 20
directional_light.shadowCameraFar = 200
directional_light.shadowBias = -0.0001
directional_light.shadowMapWidth = 2048
directional_light.shadowMapHeight = 2048
directional_light.shadowDarkness = 0.7
@scene.add directional_light
update: ->
delta_t = 0.001
@scene.simulate(undefined, delta_t)
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