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Created August 2, 2015 09:56
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def z_score(variation_id)
# Taken from
n_1 = views_count(variation_id).to_f
n_2 = views_count(popup_id).to_f
p_1 = conversion_rate(variation_id)
p_2 = conversion_rate(popup_id)
if n_1 < 30 || n_2 < 30 || (p_1 * n_1 < 5) || (p_2 * n_2 < 5)
return false
diff = (p_2 - p_1).abs
# if the difference is bigger than 100%, return the winner
return 3.0 if diff >= 1
# normalize if ctr is bigger than 100%
if p_1 > 1 or p_2 > 1
normalize_factor = [ p_1, p_2 ].max - 1.0
p_1 -= normalize_factor
p_2 -= normalize_factor
# Formula for standard error: root(pq/n) = root(p(1-p)/n)
s_1 = Math.sqrt p_1 * (1-p_1) / n_1
s_2 = Math.sqrt p_2 * (1-p_2) / n_2
# Formula for pooled error of the difference of the means: root(π*(1-π)*(1/na+1/nc)
# π = (xa + xc) / (na + nc)
pi = (p_1 * n_1 + p_2 * n_2) / (n_1 + n_2)
s_p = Math.sqrt pi * (1-pi) * (1 / n_1 + 1 / n_2)
# Formula for unpooled error of the difference of the means: root(sa**2/na + sc**2/nc)
s_unp = Math.sqrt((s_1 ** 2) + (s_2 ** 2))
# Boolean variable decides whether we can pool our variances
pooled = s_1 / s_2 < 2 && s_2 / s_1 < 2
# Assign standard error either the pooled or unpooled variance
se = pooled ? s_p : s_unp
# Calculate z-score
((p_1 - p_2) / se).abs
rescue Math::DomainError
Rails.logger.debug("SplitTest::z_score: #{variation_id} | #{p_1} | #{p_2} | #{s_1} | #{s_2}")
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