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Created March 23, 2018 12:50
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Code for hashcode2018
package com.yoavst.testing
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max
interface Locatable {
val x: Int
val y: Int
data class Location(override val x: Int, override val y: Int) : Locatable {
override fun toString(): String = "($x,$y)"
companion object {
val Zero = Location(0, 0)
data class Trip(val id: Int, val start: Location, val end: Location, val startTime: Int, val finishTime: Int) {
val distance = dist(start, end)
class Car(val id: Int, val rides: MutableList<Trip> = ArrayList(), var nextEndTime: Int = 0) : Locatable, Comparable<Car> {
var location: Location = Location.Zero
override val x: Int
get() = location.x
override val y: Int
get() = location.y
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Car && == id
override fun hashCode(): Int = id
override fun compareTo(other: Car): Int = nextEndTime - other.nextEndTime
fun dist(loc1: Locatable, loc2: Locatable): Int = (loc1.x - loc2.x).absoluteValue + (loc1.y - loc2.y).absoluteValue
private var lastTime: Long = 0
fun tick(name: String) {
val current = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (lastTime == 0L) {
println("Starting count: $name, Time now: $current")
} else {
println("$name, Time now: $current, Delta: ${current - lastTime}")
lastTime = current
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val inFile = File("")
val outFile = File("a.out")
inFile.reader().useLines { lines ->
val iter = lines.iterator()
val (r, c, f, n, b, t) =" ")
val carsCount = f.toInt()
val bonus = b.toInt()
val steps = t.toInt()
val rides = n.toInt()
val initialTrips: MutableList<Trip> = ArrayList(rides)
for ((i, line) in iter.withIndex()) {
val data = line.split(' ', limit = 6)
initialTrips += Trip(i, Location(data[0].toInt(), data[1].toInt()), Location(data[2].toInt(), data[3].toInt()), data[4].toInt(), data[5].toInt())
tick("Loaded from file")
val queue = PriorityQueue<Car>(carsCount)
val cars = ArrayList<Car>(carsCount)
repeat(carsCount) { id ->
val car = Car(id)
queue += car
cars += car
tick("Loaded into the queue")
val trips = filterImpossibleTrips(initialTrips, cars, 0, byEndTime = true, byBonus = false)
tick("Filtered impossible trips")
var currentTurn = 0
var finishedYet = 1
tick("Starting the fun")
while (currentTurn < steps && cars.isNotEmpty() && trips.isNotEmpty()) {
val car = queue.poll()
currentTurn = car.nextEndTime
if (finishedYet % 300 == 0) {
tick("Reached: $finishedYet")
val ride = bestTripForCar(car, trips, currentTurn, bonus)
if (ride != null) {
assignRideToCar(car, ride, currentTurn)
queue += car
outFile.printWriter().use { writer ->
for (car in cars) {
writer.write(" ")
for (ride in car.rides) {
writer.write("${} ")
tick("Realy really done!")
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
println("Total time: ${end - start}ms")
private fun points(loc: Locatable, trip: Trip, currentTurn: Int, bonus: Int): Int {
val d = dist(loc, trip.start)
if (d + trip.distance + currentTurn > trip.finishTime)
return 0
else if (d + currentTurn < trip.startTime)
return bonus + trip.distance
return trip.distance
private fun bestEndTime(loc: Locatable, trip: Trip, currentTurn: Int): Int = max(trip.startTime, currentTurn + dist(loc, trip.start)) + trip.distance
private fun bestTripForCar(car: Car, trips: List<Trip>, currentTurn: Int, bonus: Int): Trip? {
val trip = trips.minBy { trip ->
val points = points(car, trip, currentTurn, bonus)
if (points == 0)
score(bestEndTime(car, trip, currentTurn), points, currentTurn)
return trip.takeIf { points(car, it, currentTurn, bonus) > 0 }
private fun assignRideToCar(car: Car, ride: Trip, currentTurn: Int) {
car.rides += ride
car.nextEndTime = bestEndTime(car, ride, currentTurn)
car.location = ride.end
private inline fun score(time: Int, points: Int, currentTurn: Int) = (time - currentTurn) - points
private fun filterImpossibleTrips(trips: List<Trip>, cars: List<Locatable>, currentTurn: Int, byEndTime: Boolean, byBonus: Boolean): MutableList<Trip> {
val filtered = ArrayList<Trip>(trips.size)
for (trip in trips) {
val start = trip.start
val distance = dist(cars.minBy { dist(it, start) }!!, start)
if (byBonus && distance + trip.startTime > trip.finishTime)
if (byEndTime && max(trip.startTime, currentTurn + distance) + trip.distance > trip.finishTime)
filtered += trip
return filtered
operator fun <T> List<T>.component6(): T = get(5)
package com.yoavst.testing
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val inFile = File("")
val outFile = File("a.out")
inFile.reader().useLines { lines ->
val iterator = lines.iterator()
val (_, _, f, n, b, t) =" ")
val carsCount = f.toInt()
val bonus = b.toInt()
val steps = t.toInt()
val rides = n.toInt()
val trips: MutableList<Trip> = ArrayList(rides)
for ((i, line) in iterator.withIndex()) {
val data = line.split(' ', limit = 6)
trips += Trip(i, data[0].toInt(), data[1].toInt(), data[2].toInt(), data[3].toInt(), data[4].toInt(), data[5].toInt())
tick("Loaded from file")
val queue = PriorityQueue<Car>(carsCount)
val cars = ArrayList<Car>(carsCount)
repeat(carsCount) { id ->
val car = Car(id)
queue += car
cars += car
tick("Loaded into the queue")
loop(queue, trips, steps, bonus)
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
println("Total logic time: ${end - start}ms")
outFile.printWriter().use { writer ->
for (car in cars) {
writer.write(" ")
for (ride in car.rides) {
writer.write("${} ")
tick("Done writing!")
val end = System.currentTimeMillis()
println("Total time: ${end - start}ms")
private fun loop(queue: PriorityQueue<Car>, trips: MutableList<Trip>, steps: Int, bonus: Int) {
var currentTurn = 0
var finishedYet = 1
tick("Starting the fun")
while (currentTurn < steps && trips.isNotEmpty()) {
val car = queue.poll()
currentTurn = car.nextEndTime
if (finishedYet % 300 == 0) {
tick("Reached: $finishedYet")
val ride = bestTripForCar(car, trips, currentTurn, bonus)
if (ride != null) {
assignRideToCar(car, ride, currentTurn)
queue += car
private class Trip(@JvmField val id: Int, @JvmField val startX: Int, val startY: Int, @JvmField val endX: Int, @JvmField val endY: Int, @JvmField val startTime: Int, @JvmField val finishTime: Int) {
val distance = dist(startX, startY, endX, endY)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Trip && == id
override fun hashCode(): Int = id
private class Car(@JvmField val id: Int, @JvmField val rides: MutableList<Trip> = ArrayList(), @JvmField var nextEndTime: Int = 0) : Comparable<Car> {
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Car && == id
override fun hashCode(): Int = id
override fun compareTo(other: Car): Int = nextEndTime - other.nextEndTime
private fun dist(car: Car, endX: Int, endY: Int): Int = (car.x - endX).absoluteValue + (car.y - endY).absoluteValue
private fun dist(startX: Int, startY: Int, endX: Int, endY: Int) = (startX - endX).absoluteValue + (startY - endY).absoluteValue
private fun points(car: Car, trip: Trip, currentTurn: Int, bonus: Int): Int = points(dist(car, trip.startX, trip.startY), trip, currentTurn, bonus)
private fun points(dist: Int, trip: Trip, currentTurn: Int, bonus: Int): Int {
if (dist + trip.distance + currentTurn > trip.finishTime)
return 0
else if (dist + currentTurn < trip.startTime)
return bonus + trip.distance
return trip.distance
private fun bestEndTime(dist: Int, trip: Trip, currentTurn: Int): Int = max(trip.startTime, currentTurn + dist) + trip.distance
private fun bestEndTime(car: Car, trip: Trip, currentTurn: Int): Int = bestEndTime(dist(car, trip.startX, trip.startY), trip, currentTurn)
private fun score(time: Int, points: Int, currentTurn: Int) = (time - currentTurn) - points
private var lastIndex = 0
private fun bestTripForCar(car: Car, trips: MutableList<Trip>, currentTurn: Int, bonus: Int): Trip? {
var minIndex = 0
var minItem = trips.first()
var minScore = Int.MAX_VALUE
// We want the index of delete optimization, and withIndex() allocate iterator + unboxing
var i = 0
for (trip in trips) {
val dist = dist(car, trip.startX, trip.startY)
val points = points(dist, trip, currentTurn, bonus)
val score = if (points == 0) Int.MAX_VALUE else score(bestEndTime(dist, trip, currentTurn), points, currentTurn)
if (score < minScore) {
minIndex = i
minItem = trip
minScore = score
lastIndex = minIndex
return minItem.takeIf { points(car, it, currentTurn, bonus) > 0 }
private fun assignRideToCar(car: Car, ride: Trip, currentTurn: Int) {
car.rides += ride
car.nextEndTime = bestEndTime(car, ride, currentTurn)
car.x = ride.endX
car.y = ride.endY
private operator fun <T> List<T>.component6(): T = get(5)
private var lastTime: Long = 0
fun tick(name: String) {
val current = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (lastTime == 0L) {
println("Starting count: $name, Time now: $current")
} else {
println("$name, Time now: $current, Delta: ${current - lastTime}")
lastTime = current
import queue as Q
import time as t
R = C = F = N = B = T = None
last = 0
def tick(name):
global last
current = t.time()
if last == 0:
print("Starting count:", name, "Time now:", current)
print(name, "Time now:", current, "Delta:", current - last)
last = current
class Location(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.loc = self
def __str__(self):
return "(" + str(self.x) + "," + str(self.y) + ")"
class Trip(object):
def __init__(self, id, a, b, x, y, s, f): = id
self.start = Location(a, b)
self.end = Location(x, y)
self.startTime = s
self.finishTime = f
self.distance = dist(self.start, self.end)
class Car(object):
def __init__(self, id, loc): = id
self.loc = loc
self.rides = []
self.next_end_time = 0
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.next_end_time < other.next_end_time
def main():
global Rows, Columns, Cars, Bonus, Steps
in_file = ''
out_file = 'a.out'
trips = []
with open(in_file) as f:
for i, line in enumerate(iter(f)):
line = line.strip()
if i == 0:
r, c, f, n, b, t = list(map(int, line.split()))
Rows = r
Columns = c
Cars = f
Rides = n
Bonus = b
Steps = t
cur_trip = Trip(i - 1, *list(map(int, line.split())))
tick("Loaded from file")
cars = [Car(i, Location(0, 0)) for i in range(Cars)]
tick("Created cars array")
trips = filter_impossible_trips(trips, cars, 0, by_endtime=True, by_bouns=False)
tick("Filtered impossible trips")
carsQueue = Q.PriorityQueue()
for car in cars:
currentTurn = 0
finishTime = 1
tick("Starting the fun")
while currentTurn < Steps and not carsQueue.empty() and len(trips):
car = carsQueue.get()
currentTurn = car.next_end_time
finishTime += 1
if finishTime % 300 == 0:
tick("Reached: " + str(finishTime))
ride = best_trip_for_car(car, trips, currentTurn, Bonus)
if ride:
assign_ride_to_car(car, ride, currentTurn)
allocation = (cars[i].rides for i in range(Cars))
tick("Really done")
with open(out_file, 'w') as f:
for route in allocation:
f.write('{} '.format(len(route)))
for ride in route:
f.write('{} '.format(ride))
tick("Done writing to file")
def can_get_points(loc, trip, current_turn, bonus):
d = dist(loc, trip.start)
if d + trip.distance + current_turn > trip.finishTime:
return 0
if d + current_turn < trip.startTime:
return bonus + trip.distance
return trip.distance
def dist(loc1, loc2):
return abs(loc1.loc.x - loc2.loc.x) + abs(loc1.loc.y - loc2.loc.y)
def best_end_time(car, trip, now_time):
return max(trip.startTime, now_time + dist(car.loc, trip.start)) + trip.distance
def best_trip_for_car(car, trips, now_time, bonus):
best_trip = trips[0]
i = 0
current_value = 280341289056
for trip in trips:
p = can_get_points(car, trip, now_time, bonus)
if p != 0:
time = best_end_time(car, trip, now_time)
val = value(time, p, now_time)
if val < current_value:
current_value = val
best_trip = trip
i += 1
if not can_get_points(car, best_trip, now_time, bonus):
return None
return best_trip
def value(time, score, now_time):
return (time - now_time) - score
def assign_ride_to_car(car, trip, now_time):
car.next_end_time = best_end_time(car, trip, now_time)
car.loc = trip.end
def filter_impossible_trips(trips, cars, current_turn, by_endtime=True, by_bouns=False):
filtered = []
for trip in trips:
d_from_vehicles = min(dist(trip.start, car.loc) for car in cars)
if by_bouns and d_from_vehicles > (trip.startTime - current_turn):
if by_endtime and (trip.distance + trip.startTime > trip.finishTime) or (
d_from_vehicles + trip.distance + current_turn > trip.finishTime):
return filtered
if __name__ == '__main__':
before = t.time()
after = t.time()
print("Total:", after - before)
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