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Last active July 31, 2022 11:08
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  • Save yob/081d3f9bbaa0317523360e54b184f872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save yob/081d3f9bbaa0317523360e54b184f872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Calculate libyear for a ruby project over time, for charting progress
# To generate the input file, I ran this:
# git log --merges --date-order --pretty="format:%h%d %aI" > first-commit-per-month.txt
# ... and then manually edited the file to have only the first commit per month. it'd
# be neat to geneate the list of target commits automatically.
# Note: this doesn't work with upstreamn libyears-bundler, because
# However, my very hacky fork can do it:"first-commit-per-month.txt", "r") do |file|
file.each_line do |line|
sha, timestamp = *line.split(" ")
date = timestamp[0,10]
datetime = Time.iso8601(timestamp)
# print commit sha and timestamp
puts "********************************"
puts "#{sha},#{date}"
puts "********************************"
# ensure we have a clean working directory
system("git reset --hard > /dev/null")
# checkout the target git sha
system("git checkout #{sha} > /dev/null")
# append libyear-bundler to the Gemfile and then run bundle to update Gemfile.lock
system("echo 'gem \"libyear-bundler\" , github: \"yob/libyear-bundler\"' >> Gemfile")
Bundler.with_unbundled_env do
system("bundle > /dev/null")
# Run libyear to print the aggregate number of years this project is behind
system("libyear-bundler --cache=/usr/local/bundle/libyear.yml --libyears --grand-total --max-time=\"#{datetime.iso8601}\"")
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