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Created December 28, 2018 11:37
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quick dirty script to test sorted templates
var templates = {
"templates": {
"ChromRegion_Genes": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Region --> Genes",
"description": "Show the genes located between two points on a chromosome. [Keywords: span, region, co-ordinates]",
"select": ["Chromosome.primaryIdentifier", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.primaryIdentifier", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.symbol", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.chromosomeLocation.start", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.chromosomeLocation.end", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.chromosomeLocation.strand"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B and C and E",
"name": "ChromRegion_Genes",
"comment": "Added 26OCT2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Genomics", "im:frontpage", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "17",
"orderBy": [{
"Chromosome.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature",
"type": "Gene"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "E",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Homo sapiens"
}, {
"path": "Chromosome.primaryIdentifier",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "11"
}, {
"path": "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.chromosomeLocation.start",
"op": ">=",
"code": "C",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "17200000"
}, {
"path": "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.chromosomeLocation.end",
"op": "<=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "17500000"
"ChromRegion_GenesTransExon": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Chromosomal Location --> All Genes + Transcripts + Exons",
"description": "For a specified organism and chromosomal location show all genes, transcripts and exons",
"select": ["Chromosome.primaryIdentifier", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.start", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.primaryIdentifier", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.gene.primaryIdentifier", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.gene.symbol", "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature.gene.transcripts.primaryIdentifier", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and B and C and D",
"name": "ChromRegion_GenesTransExon",
"comment": "Added 26OCT2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Genomics", "im:frontpage", "im:public"],
"rank": "19",
"orderBy": [{
"Chromosome.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
}, {
"Chromosome.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.feature",
"type": "Exon"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "D",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Homo sapiens"
}, {
"path": "Chromosome.primaryIdentifier",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "21"
}, {
"path": "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.start",
"op": ">=",
"code": "C",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "9000000"
}, {
"path": "Chromosome.locatedFeatures.end",
"op": "<=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "12000000"
"Complex_Participant_Details": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein Complex --> Details + Participants",
"description": " For a given macromolecular complex, retrieve Gene Ontology annotations and references for the complex as a whole; also retrieve the subunits of the complex, their stoichiometry, and their biological roles in the complex.",
"select": ["", "Complex.identifier", "Complex.systematicName", "", "Complex.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.identifier", "Complex.publications.pubMedId", "Complex.function", "", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.primaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.secondaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.symbol", "Complex.allInteractors.stoichiometry", "Complex.allInteractors.type", "Complex.allInteractors.biologicalRole"],
"name": "Complex_Participant_Details",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public"],
"rank": "35",
"orderBy": [{
"Complex.identifier": "ASC"
"joins": ["Complex.goAnnotation", "Complex.publications"],
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "CONTAINS",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "transcription repressor complex"
"Disease_Alleles": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Disease --> alleles",
"description": "Show alleles associated with a specific disease(s). Data from ClinVar (",
"select": ["", "Disease.primaryIdentifier", "Disease.alleles.primaryIdentifier", "Disease.alleles.type", "Disease.alleles.clinicalSignificance", "Disease.alleles.reference", "Disease.alleles.alternate", ""],
"name": "Disease_Alleles",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "59",
"orderBy": [{
"": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Disease",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "OMIM:234000"
"Disease_Genes2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Disease --> Gene(s)",
"description": "For a given human disease returns a list of associated or implicated human genes (source: OMIM)",
"select": ["Disease.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Disease.genes.symbol", "", "Disease.primaryIdentifier", "", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "Disease_Genes2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "15",
"orderBy": [{
"": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "*Diabetes*"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Homo sapiens"
"Disease_HPO_2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Disease --> HPO phenotype terms",
"description": "For a specified disease, show the Human Phenotype Ontology terms.",
"select": ["", "Disease.primaryIdentifier", "", "Disease.hpoAnnotations.hpoTerm.identifier", "Disease.hpoAnnotations.evidences.publications.pubMedId"],
"name": "Disease_HPO_2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "54",
"orderBy": [{
"Disease.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"joins": ["Disease.hpoAnnotations.evidences"],
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "CONTAINS",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "diabetes"
"GOname_GOidentifier": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "GO term name --> GO term identifier.",
"select": ["", "GOTerm.identifier", "GOTerm.description"],
"name": "GOname_GOidentifier",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Gene Ontology", "im:public"],
"rank": "51",
"orderBy": [{
"": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "LIKE",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "*blastoderm*"
"GOterm_Gene": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "GO term --> Genes",
"description": "Search for Genes in a specified organism that are associated with a particular Gene Ontology (GO) annotation.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.identifier", "", "Gene.organism.shortName"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "GOterm_Gene",
"comment": "Added 26OCT2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Gene Ontology", "im:aspect:Genomics", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "2",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "LIKE",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "DNA binding"
}, {
"path": "Gene.organism.shortName",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "H. sapiens"
"GOtermidentifier_name": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "GO term identifier --> GO term name.",
"select": ["GOTerm.identifier", "", "GOTerm.description"],
"name": "GOtermidentifier_name",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:public"],
"rank": "53",
"orderBy": [{
"GOTerm.identifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "GOTerm.identifier",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "GO:0007350"
"GeneExpress": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Gene Expression (Tissue, Disease; Array Express, E-MTAB-62)",
"description": "Show expression for a gene or list of genes. Optionally constrain the P-value and the T-statistic. The results can also be optionally filtered on organism part, cell type or disease state. Data source: The Gene Expression Atlas ( Keywords: Expression, Genes, Organism part, Disease state, Cell type, P value, T statistic.",
"select": ["Gene.symbol", "", "", "Gene.atlasExpression.condition", "Gene.atlasExpression.type", "Gene.atlasExpression.tStatistic", "Gene.atlasExpression.pValue", "Gene.atlasExpression.expression"],
"constraintLogic": "C and B and A and F and D",
"name": "GeneExpress",
"comment": "Added 23AUG2011:ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "11",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "D",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "ADAMTS1",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "Gene.atlasExpression.tStatistic",
"op": ">=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "4"
}, {
"path": "Gene.atlasExpression.pValue",
"op": "<=",
"code": "F",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "0.0001"
}, {
"path": "Gene.atlasExpression.type",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "disease_state"
"GeneHPOparent_Genes_2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene + HPO Phenotype parent term -> Genes",
"description": "For a gene or list of genes, show whether it (or they) are annotated to any Human Phenotype Ontology terms where the parent term is the term given. (i.e will return any genes from the list which are annotated to the parent term or any of it's child terms. If only one gene is given, will return results if the gene is annotated to the parent term or any of it's child terms).",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.hpoTerm.parents.identifier", "", "Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.hpoTerm.identifier", "Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.evidences.publications.pubMedId"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "GeneHPOparent_Genes_2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:aspect:Function", "im:public"],
"rank": "unranked",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"joins": ["Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.evidences"],
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "COL1A1"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "Abnormality of the skin"
"GeneInteractorsExpression": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene + Tissue Expression --> Interactors that are expressed in that tissue",
"description": "For a specified gene or genes, show genes that interact with this gene that are also expressed in the specified tissue. (Interactors could be physical or genetic; Expression is based on tissue expression from the Protein Atlas Project and should be further interrogated for reliability level).",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.interactions.participant2.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.interactions.participant2.symbol", "", "Gene.interactions.participant2.proteinAtlasExpression.level"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "GeneInteractorsExpression",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Expression", "im:aspect:Interactions", "im:public"],
"rank": "10",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.interactions.participant2",
"type": "Gene"
}, {
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "pax6",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Pancreas"
"GeneOrthAllele": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene (Hum OR Rat) --> Mouse Allele (Phenotype)",
"description": "For a given Gene (or List of Genes) in named organism (default: Human) returns the orthologues in a different organisms (default : Mouse), alleles (MGI) and associated (major) Phenotypic terms (MGI). [keywords: homologue, homolog, paralogue, paralogue, ortholog, allele, strain, phenotype]",
"select": ["Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.homologues.homologue.organism.shortName", "Gene.homologues.homologue.symbol", "", "Gene.homologues.homologue.alleles.symbol", "", "Gene.homologues.homologue.alleles.primaryIdentifier", "", "Gene.homologues.homologue.alleles.genotypes.phenotypeTerms.description", "", "Gene.homologues.homologue.alleles.genotypes.zygosity", "Gene.homologues.homologue.alleles.genotypes.geneticBackground", "Gene.homologues.homologue.alleles.genotypes.phenotypeTerms.identifier", ""],
"constraintLogic": "B and A",
"name": "GeneOrthAllele",
"comment": "Added 27JUL2011:ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Comparative Genomics", "im:aspect:Disease", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "21",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.homologues.homologue.organism.shortName",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": false,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "M. musculus"
}, {
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "pparg",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"GenePathway_interactions2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene + Pathway --> Interactions",
"description": "For a gene or gene list return those that interact with genes in a specified pathway.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.interactions.participant2.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.interactions.participant2.symbol", "", "", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "GenePathway_interactions2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Interactions", "im:aspect:Pathways", "im:public"],
"rank": "22",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.interactions.participant2",
"type": "Gene"
}, {
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "DVL2",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Signaling by NOTCH"
"Gene_AllelePhen": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Mouse Gene --> Allele [Phenotype]",
"description": "For a given mouse Gene (or List of Genes) returns the alleles (MGI) and associated (major) Phenotypic terms (MGI). [keywords: allele, strain, phenotype]",
"select": ["Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.alleles.primaryIdentifier", "", "Gene.alleles.genotypes.geneticBackground", "Gene.alleles.genotypes.zygosity", "", "Gene.alleles.genotypes.phenotypeTerms.identifier", "", "Gene.alleles.genotypes.phenotypeTerms.description", ""],
"name": "Gene_AllelePhen",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:aspect:Function", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "31",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Pparg",
"extraValue": "M. musculus"
"Gene_Alleles_Disease2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Alleles and Disease",
"description": "For a gene, show alleles and any associated diseases. (Data from ClinVar:",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.alleles.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.alleles.type", "Gene.alleles.clinicalSignificance", "Gene.alleles.alternate", "Gene.alleles.reference", "", "Gene.alleles.diseases.primaryIdentifier"],
"name": "Gene_Alleles_Disease2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:public"],
"rank": "42",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_Disease2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Disease (OMIM)",
"description": "For a given Gene (or List of Genes) returns a list of associated diseases (source: OMIM)",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.diseases.primaryIdentifier", ""],
"name": "Gene_Disease2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:public"],
"rank": "20",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_Disease_HPO": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Disease + HPO annotations (Human Phenotype Ontology",
"description": "For a gene or list of genes show the diesases (from OMIM) and the related Human Phenotype Ontology annotations. Note that the publication is evidence for the HPO annotation.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.diseases.primaryIdentifier", "", "Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.hpoTerm.identifier", "Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.evidences.publications.pubMedId"],
"name": "Gene_Disease_HPO",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:aspect:Function", "im:public"],
"rank": "40",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"joins": ["Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.evidences"],
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "abcc9"
"Gene_Expression_GTex": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Tissue Expression (GTex data)",
"description": "For a specified gene or list of genes, show the tissue expression levels according to the GTex RNA-seq data (",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.rnaSeqResults.tissue", "Gene.rnaSeqResults.expressionScore", ""],
"name": "Gene_Expression_GTex",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:public"],
"rank": "37",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "pparg",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_GO": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> GO terms.",
"description": "Search for GO annotations for a particular gene (or List of Genes).",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.identifier", "", "Gene.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.namespace", "Gene.goAnnotation.evidence.code.code", "Gene.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.parents.identifier", "", "Gene.goAnnotation.qualifier"],
"name": "Gene_GO",
"comment": "Added 15NOV2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Gene Ontology", "im:aspect:Genomics", "im:frontpage", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "3",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_HPOphenotype_2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene -> HPO annotation (Human Phenotype Ontology)",
"description": "For a gene or list of genes show the Human Phenotype Ontology annotations. ",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.hpoTerm.identifier", "Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.evidences.publications.pubMedId"],
"name": "Gene_HPOphenotype_2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:aspect:Function", "im:public"],
"rank": "48",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"joins": ["Gene.diseases.hpoAnnotations.evidences"],
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "abcc9"
"Gene_Identifiers": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> All identifiers.",
"select": ["Gene.secondaryIdentifier", "Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.crossReferences.identifier", ""],
"name": "Gene_Identifiers",
"comment": "07:02:07:Updated to work from gene identifier - Rachel.",
"tags": ["im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "39",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.secondaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "ENSG00000099942"
"Gene_Interactions2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Interactions",
"description": "For a specified gene, show physical and genetic interaction partners. Optionally constrain to show just physical or genetic interactions or interactions determined by a specific method.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.interactions.participant2.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.interactions.participant2.symbol", "Gene.interactions.details.type", "", "Gene.interactions.details.role1", "Gene.interactions.details.role2", "", "", "Gene.interactions.details.experiment.publication.pubMedId", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and B and C",
"name": "Gene_Interactions2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Interactions", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "7",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "pparg",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_Interactions_forReportPage": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Physical and Genetic Interactions",
"description": "For a specified gene, show physical and genetic interaction partners. Optionally constrain to show just physical or genetic interactions or interactions determined by a specific method.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.interactions.participant2.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.interactions.participant2.symbol", "Gene.interactions.details.type", "", "Gene.interactions.details.role1", "Gene.interactions.details.role2", "", "", "Gene.interactions.details.experiment.publication.pubMedId", ""],
"name": "Gene_Interactions_forReportPage",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Interactions", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "41",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "pparg",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_Location": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Chromosomal location.",
"description": "Show the chromosome and the chromosome location of a particular gene.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.secondaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.chromosome.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.locations.start", "Gene.locations.end", "Gene.locations.strand"],
"name": "Gene_Location",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Genomics", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "8",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.locations.locatedOn",
"type": "Chromosome"
}, {
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG"
"Gene_Orth": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Orthologues",
"description": "For a given Gene (or List of Genes) in named organism (default: Human) returns the orthologues in a different organisms. [keywords: homologue, homolog, paralogue, paralogue, ortholog]",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.homologues.homologue.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.homologues.homologue.symbol", "Gene.homologues.homologue.organism.shortName"],
"name": "Gene_Orth",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Comparative Genomics", "im:aspect:Homology", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "9",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_OverlapppingGenes": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Overlapping genes.",
"description": "For a particular gene, search for overlapping genes.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.chromosome.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.chromosomeLocation.start", "Gene.chromosomeLocation.end", "Gene.chromosomeLocation.strand", "Gene.overlappingFeatures.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.overlappingFeatures.symbol", "Gene.overlappingFeatures.chromosomeLocation.start", "Gene.overlappingFeatures.chromosomeLocation.end", "Gene.overlappingFeatures.chromosomeLocation.strand"],
"name": "Gene_OverlapppingGenes",
"comment": "Added 26OCT2010 - ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Genomics", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "30",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"joins": ["Gene.overlappingFeatures"],
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.overlappingFeatures",
"type": "Gene"
}, {
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG"
"Gene_Pathway": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Pathway",
"description": "For a given Gene (or List of Genes) show any associated Pathway(s) (Data Source: KEGG or REACTOME). Keywords: pathways, metabolism, cascade ",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "", "", "Gene.pathways.identifier", "Gene.organism.shortName"],
"name": "Gene_Pathway",
"comment": "Added 26OCT2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "1",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
}, {
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
}, {
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_Protein": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Proteins.",
"description": "For a given Gene (or List of Genes) returns the corresponding Protein(s) products.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.proteins.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.proteins.primaryAccession", "", "Gene.proteins.isUniprotCanonical", "Gene.proteins.molecularWeight", "Gene.proteins.length", "Gene.proteins.isFragment"],
"name": "Gene_Protein",
"comment": "Added 26OCT2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "12",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Gene_TissueExpressionIllumina": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Tissue Expression (Illumina body map)",
"description": "For a specified gene or gene list, show the tissue expression according to the Illumina body map data. (",
"select": ["", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.atlasExpression.condition", "Gene.atlasExpression.expression", "Gene.atlasExpression.pValue", "Gene.atlasExpression.type"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "Gene_TissueExpressionIllumina",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Expression", "im:public"],
"rank": "29",
"orderBy": [{
"": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "E-MTAB-513"
}, {
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "pparg"
"Gene_To_Publications": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Publications.",
"description": "Returns a list of publications that reference a specified gene. References are loaded from NCBI for Human, Mouse and Rat.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.publications.pubMedId", "Gene.publications.title", "Gene.publications.firstAuthor", "Gene.publications.journal", "Gene.publications.year"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "Gene_To_Publications",
"comment": "Added",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Literature", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "28",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.publications.year": "DESC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG"
"Gene_inGWAS": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> GWAS hit",
"description": "For a given Gene (or List of Genes) returns a list of SNPs associated with the Gene in GWAS experiments. Results can be constrained by P-value [Format Examples: 0.05 or 2.0E-6; default = 0.01] or Phenotype [Example: *diabetes* or *obesity* or try typing your keyword to bring up the autocomplete options] [Keywords: genome wide association, study, studies, disease]",
"select": ["GWAS.results.associatedGenes.primaryIdentifier", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.symbol", "", "GWAS.results.SNP.primaryIdentifier", "GWAS.results.pValue", "GWAS.results.phenotype", "GWAS.firstAuthor", "", "GWAS.publication.pubMedId", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.organism.shortName"],
"constraintLogic": "B and C and D",
"name": "Gene_inGWAS",
"comment": "Added 10NOV2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:GWAS", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "4",
"orderBy": [{
"GWAS.firstAuthor": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "GWAS.results.associatedGenes",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "D",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "GWAS.results.pValue",
"op": "<=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "1e-04"
"Gene_particularGoannotation": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene + GO term --> Genes by GO term",
"description": "For a Gene (or List of Genes) with GO Annotation, returns a subset of genes with that particular GO anotation. Used to filter lasrge Gene sets by GO term.",
"select": ["Gene.secondaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.identifier", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "Gene_particularGoannotation",
"comment": "Added 1NOV2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Gene Ontology", "im:aspect:Genomics", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "23",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.secondaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"joins": ["Gene.goAnnotation"],
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "*transcription factor*"
"Gene_proteinAtlasExpression2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Protein tissue Localisation",
"description": "For a given human gene returns tissues in which the corresponding protein has been identified. Optional filters are expression level and experimental confidence. Data Source: Protein Atlas",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.cellType", "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.level", "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.reliability", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and B and C",
"name": "Gene_proteinAtlasExpression2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Expression", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public"],
"rank": "56",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "AAGAB",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.level",
"op": "ONE OF",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"values": ["High", "Low", "Medium", "Not detected"]
}, {
"path": "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.reliability",
"op": "ONE OF",
"code": "C",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"values": ["Approved", "Enhanced", "Supported", "Uncertain"]
"Gene_proteindomain": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> Protein + Domains",
"description": "Show protein domain information for the proteins of a specified gene.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.proteins.uniprotAccession", "", "Gene.proteins.proteinDomainRegions.proteinDomain.type", "Gene.proteins.proteinDomainRegions.start", "Gene.proteins.proteinDomainRegions.end", "Gene.proteins.proteinDomainRegions.identifier", "Gene.proteins.proteinDomainRegions.database"],
"name": "Gene_proteindomain",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public"],
"rank": "47",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "TSPAN6",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"ListPathway": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene A --> Pathways <-- Gene B ",
"description": "For a given Gene A (or List A of Genes) show any associated Pathway(s) in common with Gene B (or List B of Genes). Datasource: KEGG or REACTOME. Keywords: pathways, cascade, metabolism, reaction",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "", "Gene.pathways.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.pathways.genes.symbol", "", "", "Gene.pathways.identifier", "", "Gene.pathways.genes.organism.shortName"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "ListPathway",
"comment": "Under development for in-list comparisons: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Pathways", "im:public"],
"rank": "24",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "ABCC8",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "Gene.pathways.genes",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "INSR",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"MeSH_Publication": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "MeSH term --> Publication",
"description": "For given MeSH term show all publications.",
"select": ["", "MeshTerm.publications.firstAuthor", "MeshTerm.publications.title", "MeshTerm.publications.year", "MeshTerm.publications.journal", "MeshTerm.publications.volume", "MeshTerm.publications.pages", "MeshTerm.publications.pubMedId"],
"name": "MeSH_Publication",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Literature", "im:public"],
"rank": "51",
"orderBy": [{
"": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "CONTAINS",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Ataxia"
"Organism_Protein": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Organism --> All proteins.",
"description": "For a given organism (default = H. sapiens) displays all proteins.",
"select": ["Protein.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.primaryAccession", "Protein.organism.shortName"],
"name": "Organism_Protein",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:public"],
"rank": "34",
"orderBy": [{
"Protein.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Protein.organism.shortName",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "H. sapiens"
"PathwayGenes": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Pathway --> Genes",
"description": "For a given Pathways show any Genes associated with the Pathway(s) in a given organism (Data Source: KEGG or REACTOME). [NOTE: Organism is an optional filter which is ON by default but can be turned OFF to show genes from all organisms.] Keywords: Pathway, KEGG, Reactome",
"select": ["Pathway.identifier", "", "", "", "Pathway.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Pathway.genes.symbol", "", "Pathway.genes.organism.shortName"],
"constraintLogic": "B and A",
"name": "PathwayGenes",
"comment": "Added 23FEB2011: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Pathways", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "14",
"orderBy": [{
"Pathway.identifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Pathway.genes.organism.shortName",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "mRNA Splicing"
"Pathway_ProteinGene": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Pathway --> Protein and Gene",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.proteins.primaryAccession", "Gene.proteins.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.proteins.pathways.identifier", "", ""],
"name": "Pathway_ProteinGene",
"comment": "delete after reactome is done sorting biopax",
"tags": ["im:public"],
"rank": "44",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "mRNA Splicing"
"Pathways_Protein": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Pathways --> Protein",
"description": "For a pathway and dataset, show all proteins.",
"select": ["Protein.primaryAccession", "Protein.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.pathways.identifier", "", ""],
"name": "Pathways_Protein",
"comment": "delete after reactome is done sorting biopax",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Pathways", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public"],
"rank": "43",
"orderBy": [{
"Protein.primaryAccession": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Immune System"
"PhenotypeGene": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Mouse Phenotype --> Mouse Genes + Orthologous genes",
"description": "For a given Phenotype (or List of Phenotypes) links mouse genes (with alleles displaying this phenotype) to orthologous genes (Use optional filter to return only human orthologues). [keywords: homologue, homolog, paralogue, paralogue, ortholog, allele, strain, phenotype]",
"select": ["", "Gene.symbol", "", "", "Gene.homologues.homologue.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.homologues.homologue.symbol", ""],
"constraintLogic": "D and A and B and C",
"name": "PhenotypeGene",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:public"],
"rank": "52",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.homologues.homologue.organism",
"op": "!=",
"code": "B",
"editable": false,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"loopPath": "Gene.organism"
}, {
"path": "",
"op": "CONTAINS",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "lipid"
"Protein_GOterms": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein --> GO terms",
"description": "For a given Protein (or List of Proteins), returns the associated Gene Ontology (GO) terms. Optionally, you can specify Ontology category (eg. cellular_component, molecular_function, biological_process: OFF returns All).",
"select": ["Protein.primaryAccession", "Protein.genes.symbol", "Protein.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.genes.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.namespace", "Protein.genes.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.identifier", "", "Protein.genes.organism.shortName"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "Protein_GOterms",
"comment": "Added 1NOV2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Gene Ontology", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:frontpage", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "41",
"orderBy": [{
"Protein.primaryAccession": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Protein",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG_HUMAN",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "Protein.genes.goAnnotation.ontologyTerm.namespace",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "biological_process"
"Protein_GeneChromosomeLength": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein --> Gene.",
"description": "Show the gene that codes for the following protein, with its chromosomal location and length.",
"select": ["Protein.primaryAccession", "Protein.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.genes.symbol", "Protein.genes.chromosome.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.genes.chromosomeLocation.start", "Protein.genes.chromosomeLocation.end", "Protein.genes.chromosomeLocation.strand", "Protein.genes.length"],
"name": "Protein_GeneChromosomeLength",
"comment": "06.06.07 updated to work from protein class - Philip",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "38",
"orderBy": [{
"Protein.primaryAccession": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Protein",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG_HUMAN",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Protein_Gene_Ortho": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein --> Gene and Orthologues",
"description": "For a given Protein (or List of Proteins), returns the associated genes and homologues.",
"select": ["Protein.primaryAccession", "Protein.genes.symbol", "Protein.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.genes.organism.shortName", "Protein.genes.homologues.homologue.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.genes.homologues.homologue.symbol", "Protein.genes.homologues.homologue.organism.shortName"],
"name": "Protein_Gene_Ortho",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Homology", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "55",
"orderBy": [{
"Protein.primaryAccession": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Protein",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG_HUMAN",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"Protein_complex_details": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein --> Protein Complex",
"description": "Retrieve details of protein complexes that the specified protein is known to be part of.",
"select": ["", "Complex.function", "Complex.systematicName", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.primaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.biologicalRole", "Complex.allInteractors.stoichiometry", "Complex.allInteractors.type", "", "Complex.goAnnotation.qualifier", "Complex.publications.pubMedId", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.genes.symbol"],
"name": "Protein_complex_details",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Interactions", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "18",
"orderBy": [{
"": "ASC"
"joins": ["Complex.publications", "Complex.goAnnotation"],
"where": [{
"path": "Complex.allInteractors.participant",
"type": "Protein"
}, {
"path": "Complex.allInteractors.participant",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "F261_HUMAN"
"SNP_GWAShit": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "SNP --> GWAS Hits",
"description": "For a given SNP (or List of SNPs) returns GWAS results featuring that SNP (where applicable, associated Gene is also returned). Results can be filtered by P-value [Format Examples: 0.01 or 2.0E-6; default = 0.01], Author [Format: type the start of a Author to bring up autocomplete options. NOTE: This Filtr is OFF by default. Click to turn ON] OR Phenotype [Example: *diabetes* or *obesity* or type the start of a keyword to bring up autocomplete options] [Keywords: genome wide association, study, studies, disease]",
"select": ["GWAS.results.SNP.primaryIdentifier", "GWAS.results.pValue", "GWAS.firstAuthor", "GWAS.results.phenotype", "", "GWAS.publication.pubMedId", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.symbol", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.primaryIdentifier"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B and D and C",
"name": "SNP_GWAShit",
"comment": "Added 10NOV2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:GWAS", "im:aspect:SNPs", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "13",
"orderBy": [{
"GWAS.firstAuthor": "ASC"
"joins": ["GWAS.results.associatedGenes"],
"where": [{
"path": "GWAS.results.SNP",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "D",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "rs1801282",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "GWAS.results.pValue",
"op": "<=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "0.01"
"Term_inGWAS": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "GWAS term --> SNP + Associated gene",
"description": "Search GWAS experiments and return SNPs and associated genes. Searchable fields include: First Author, Pub Med ID, phenotype and Phenotype [Example: *diabetes* or *obesity* or try typing your keyword to bring up autocomplete options]. Filter by p-value cut-off [Format Examples: 0.01 or 2.0E-6; default = 0.01]. [Keywords: genome wide association, study, studies, disease] NOTE: THIS TEMPLATE ONLY RETURNS SNPs THAT ALSO HAVE AN ASSOCIATED GENE. USE TEMPLATE \"GWAS term --> SNP + Associated gene if available\" FOR ALL SNPS.",
"select": ["GWAS.firstAuthor", "GWAS.publication.pubMedId", "GWAS.results.SNP.primaryIdentifier", "GWAS.results.pValue", "", "GWAS.results.phenotype", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.symbol", "", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.organism.shortName"],
"constraintLogic": "B and C and A and D",
"name": "Term_inGWAS",
"comment": "Added 14DEC2010: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:GWAS", "im:public"],
"rank": "25",
"orderBy": [{
"GWAS.firstAuthor": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "GWAS.results.phenotype",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "*Diabetes*"
}, {
"path": "GWAS.results.pValue",
"op": "<=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "0.01"
"Term_inGWASoptionalGene": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "GWAS term --> SNP + Associated gene if available",
"description": "Search GWAS experiments and return SNPs and associated genes. Searchable fields include: First Author, Pub Med ID, phenotype and Phenotype [Example: *diabetes* or *obesity* or try typing your keyword to bring up autocomplete options]. Filter by p-value cut-off [Format Examples: 0.01 or 2.0E-6; default = 0.01]. [Keywords: genome wide association, study, studies, disease] ",
"select": ["GWAS.firstAuthor", "GWAS.publication.pubMedId", "GWAS.results.SNP.primaryIdentifier", "GWAS.results.pValue", "", "GWAS.results.phenotype", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.symbol", "", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.organism.shortName"],
"constraintLogic": "B and C and A and D",
"name": "Term_inGWASoptionalGene",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:GWAS", "im:public"],
"rank": "60",
"orderBy": [{
"GWAS.firstAuthor": "ASC"
"joins": ["GWAS.results.associatedGenes"],
"where": [{
"path": "GWAS.results.phenotype",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "*Diabetes*"
}, {
"path": "GWAS.results.pValue",
"op": "<=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "0.01"
"TissueAtlas_Expression": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Tissue --> Gene Expression (Array Express)",
"description": "Show expression for a gene or list of genes associated with a specific tissue(s). Optionally constrain the P-value. Data source: The Gene Expression Atlas ( Keywords: expression, expressed, Genes, Disease state, P value, T statistic.",
"select": ["AtlasExpression.condition", "AtlasExpression.gene.primaryIdentifier", "AtlasExpression.gene.symbol", "", "AtlasExpression.expression", "AtlasExpression.pValue", "AtlasExpression.tStatistic", ""],
"constraintLogic": "C and E",
"name": "TissueAtlas_Expression",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Expression", "im:aspect:Function", "im:public"],
"rank": "5",
"orderBy": [{
"AtlasExpression.condition": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "AtlasExpression.condition",
"op": "=",
"code": "E",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Brain"
}, {
"path": "AtlasExpression.pValue",
"op": "<=",
"code": "C",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "0.01"
"Tissue_Expression_GTex": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Tissue --> Gene Expression (GTex data)",
"description": "For a specified tissue, show the gene expression levels according to the GTex RNA-seq data (",
"select": ["Gene.rnaSeqResults.tissue", "Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.rnaSeqResults.expressionScore", ""],
"name": "Tissue_Expression_GTex",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Expression", "im:public"],
"rank": "57",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.rnaSeqResults.tissue",
"op": "CONTAINS",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Brain"
"Tissue_Expression_illumina": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Tissue --> Gene Expression (Illumina body map)",
"description": "For a specified tissue or tissue list, show gene expression according to the Illumina body map data. (",
"select": ["Gene.atlasExpression.condition", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.atlasExpression.expression", "Gene.atlasExpression.type", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and C",
"name": "Tissue_Expression_illumina",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Expression", "im:public"],
"rank": "45",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.atlasExpression.expression": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "E-MTAB-513"
}, {
"path": "Gene.atlasExpression.condition",
"op": "=",
"code": "C",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "brain"
"complex_participants": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein Complex --> Participants",
"description": "For a given macromolecular complex, show the participating molecules.",
"select": ["", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.primaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.secondaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.symbol", "Complex.allInteractors.stoichiometry", "Complex.allInteractors.type", "Complex.allInteractors.biologicalRole"],
"name": "complex_participants",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "49",
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "CONTAINS",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "transcription repressor complex"
"disExprGene": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Disease Expression --> Genes",
"description": "Show expression for a gene or list of genes associated with specific disease state(s). Optionally constrain the P-value. Data source: The Gene Expression Atlas ( Keywords: expression, expressed, Genes, Disease state, P value, T statistic.",
"select": ["AtlasExpression.condition", "AtlasExpression.gene.primaryIdentifier", "AtlasExpression.gene.symbol", "", "AtlasExpression.expression", "AtlasExpression.pValue", "AtlasExpression.tStatistic", ""],
"constraintLogic": "C and B and E",
"name": "disExprGene",
"comment": "Added 01FEB2012: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:aspect:Expression", "im:public"],
"rank": "16",
"orderBy": [{
"AtlasExpression.condition": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "AtlasExpression.condition",
"op": "!=",
"code": "B",
"editable": false,
"switchable": true,
"switched": "ON",
"value": "*empty*"
}, {
"path": "AtlasExpression.condition",
"op": "=",
"code": "E",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "B-cell lymphoma"
}, {
"path": "AtlasExpression.pValue",
"op": "<=",
"code": "C",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "0.01"
"domain_protein_gene": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein Domain --> Protein and Genes",
"description": "Show proteins which have a specified protein domain or family.",
"select": ["", "ProteinDomain.primaryIdentifier", "ProteinDomain.type", "ProteinDomain.proteinDomainRegions.start", "ProteinDomain.proteinDomainRegions.end", "ProteinDomain.proteinDomainRegions.identifier", "ProteinDomain.proteinDomainRegions.database", "ProteinDomain.proteinDomainRegions.protein.primaryAccession", "ProteinDomain.proteinDomainRegions.protein.genes.primaryIdentifier"],
"name": "domain_protein_gene",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "33",
"orderBy": [{
"ProteinDomain.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "ProteinDomain",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Homeobox domain"
"geneGWAS_reportPg": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene Report --> GWAS hit",
"description": "Admin template to display GWAS results in Gene report pages. Do not use. Instead use: Gene --> GWAS hit",
"select": ["GWAS.results.associatedGenes.primaryIdentifier", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.symbol", "", "GWAS.results.SNP.primaryIdentifier", "GWAS.results.pValue", "GWAS.results.phenotype", "GWAS.firstAuthor", "GWAS.publication.pubMedId", "GWAS.results.associatedGenes.organism.shortName"],
"name": "geneGWAS_reportPg",
"comment": "Added 16MAR2011: ML (to appear in report pages)",
"tags": ["im:aspect:SNPs", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "32",
"orderBy": [{
"GWAS.firstAuthor": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "GWAS.results.associatedGenes",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"geneInteractiongene": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene A --> Interaction <-- Gene B",
"description": "For a given Gene A (or List A of Genes) show any interactions that occur with gene B (or List B of Genes)",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.interactions.participant2.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.interactions.participant2.symbol", "Gene.interactions.details.type", "Gene.interactions.details.role1", "Gene.interactions.details.role2", "", "Gene.interactions.details.experiment.publication.pubMedId", ""],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "geneInteractiongene",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Interactions", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public"],
"rank": "6",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.interactions.participant2",
"type": "Gene"
}, {
"path": "Gene",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "ABCC8",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
}, {
"path": "Gene.interactions.participant2",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "RAPGEF4",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"gene_complex_details": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Gene --> protein complex",
"description": "Retrieve details of protein complexes that the specified gene is known to be part of.",
"select": ["", "Complex.function", "Complex.systematicName", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.primaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.biologicalRole", "Complex.allInteractors.stoichiometry", "Complex.allInteractors.type", "", "Complex.goAnnotation.qualifier", "Complex.publications.pubMedId", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Complex.allInteractors.participant.genes.symbol"],
"name": "gene_complex_details",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Interactions", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public"],
"rank": "27",
"orderBy": [{
"": "ASC"
"joins": ["Complex.publications", "Complex.goAnnotation"],
"where": [{
"path": "Complex.allInteractors.participant",
"type": "Protein"
}, {
"path": "Complex.allInteractors.participant.genes",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PFKFB1",
"extraValue": "H. sapiens"
"humDisGeneOrthol2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Human Disease --> Human Gene + Orthologue Gene(s)",
"description": "For a given human disease returns a list of associated or implicated human genes and orthologues in other species (mouse and rat. Default:mouse) (disease source: OMIM)",
"select": ["Disease.primaryIdentifier", "", "Disease.genes.primaryIdentifier", "Disease.genes.symbol", "Disease.genes.homologues.homologue.primaryIdentifier", "Disease.genes.homologues.homologue.symbol"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B",
"name": "humDisGeneOrthol2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Disease", "im:aspect:Homology", "im:public"],
"rank": "46",
"orderBy": [{
"Disease.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "CONTAINS",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "diabetes"
}, {
"path": "Disease.genes.homologues.homologue.organism.shortName",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "M. musculus"
"phenotype2alleles": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Phenotype --> Alleles",
"description": "For a given phenotype (as defined in the mammalian phenotype ontology) returns a list of mouse alleles (MGI) which display these phenotypes. Keywords: phenotype, strain, allele, mouse, knockout, deletion, mutation",
"select": ["", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.alleles.symbol", "Gene.alleles.primaryIdentifier", "", "", "Gene.alleles.type", "Gene.alleles.genotypes.geneticBackground", "Gene.alleles.genotypes.zygosity", ""],
"constraintLogic": "B and A and C",
"name": "phenotype2alleles",
"comment": "Added 31JAN2012: ML",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "36",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.symbol": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "abnormal adipose tissue distribution"
"protein_domain": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein-> Domains",
"description": "Show protein domains and families for the specified protein.",
"select": ["Protein.uniprotAccession", "Protein.uniprotName", "", "Protein.proteinDomainRegions.proteinDomain.primaryIdentifier", "Protein.proteinDomainRegions.proteinDomain.type", "Protein.proteinDomainRegions.start", "Protein.proteinDomainRegions.end", "Protein.proteinDomainRegions.identifier", "Protein.proteinDomainRegions.database"],
"name": "protein_domain",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Function", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public", "im:report"],
"rank": "50",
"orderBy": [{
"Protein.uniprotAccession": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Protein",
"op": "LOOKUP",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG_HUMAN"
"protein_interactions": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Protein --> Interactions",
"description": "For a specified protein, show physical and genetic interaction partners. Optionally constrain to show just physical or genetic interactions or interactions determined by a specific method.",
"select": ["Gene.proteins.uniprotAccession", "Gene.proteins.uniprotName", "Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.interactions.participant2.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.interactions.participant2.symbol", "Gene.interactions.details.type", "", "Gene.interactions.details.role1", "Gene.interactions.details.role2", "", "", "Gene.interactions.details.experiment.publication.pubMedId", ""],
"constraintLogic": "B and C and D",
"name": "protein_interactions",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Interactions", "im:aspect:Proteins", "im:public"],
"rank": "26",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.proteins.uniprotAccession": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "Gene.proteins.uniprotName",
"op": "=",
"code": "D",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "PPARG_HUMAN"
"tissue_proteinatlas2": {
"model": {
"name": "genomic"
"title": "Tissue --> Protein Atlas expression",
"description": "For a given human tissue returns a list of Genes which are localised in the tissue. Optional filters are expression level and experimental confidence.",
"select": ["Gene.primaryIdentifier", "Gene.symbol", "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.cellType"],
"constraintLogic": "A and B and C",
"name": "tissue_proteinatlas2",
"comment": "",
"tags": ["im:aspect:Expression", "im:aspect:Function", "im:public"],
"rank": "58",
"orderBy": [{
"Gene.primaryIdentifier": "ASC"
"where": [{
"path": "",
"op": "=",
"code": "C",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"value": "Pancreas"
}, {
"path": "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.level",
"op": "ONE OF",
"code": "A",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"values": ["High", "Low", "Medium", "Not detected"]
}, {
"path": "Gene.proteinAtlasExpression.reliability",
"op": "ONE OF",
"code": "B",
"editable": true,
"switchable": false,
"switched": "LOCKED",
"values": ["Approved", "Enhanced", "Supported", "Uncertain"]
"executionTime": "2018.12.28 11:07::05",
"wasSuccessful": true,
"error": null,
"statusCode": 200
var templateNames = Object.keys(templates.templates);
var templates = templates.templates;
var templateDeets = []; {
var template = templates[templateName]
templateDeets.push({rank : template.rank, templateName: templateName});
templateDeets.sort(function(a, b) {
return parseInt(a.rank,10) - parseInt(b.rank,10);
//to see results, run node templates.js in the console, in the same directory you saved this script.
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