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Last active April 26, 2016 16:01
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(ns breadth.views
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[json-html.core :as json-html])
(:use [json-html.core :only [edn->hiccup]]))
(defn mymap []
[{:self :a
:myval " x "
{:self :b
:myval " y "
[{:self :d
:children []
:myval " z "}]}
{:self :c
:children []
:myval " Q "}]
(defn do-the-thing [val new-thing]
(.log js/console val new-thing)
(str val new-thing)
(defn do-one-level [level my-fab-string]
(map (fn [thingy]
;;do the calculation, whatever it is
(update-in thingy [:myval] do-the-thing my-fab-string)
) level))
(defn iterate-mymap [the-map my-fab-string]
(let [calculated-vals (do-one-level the-map my-fab-string)]
(map-indexed (fn [index map-child]
(.group js/console "%cMap Item:" "border-bottom:solid 3px cornflowerblue" (clj->js (:self map-child)) "My fab string:" my-fab-string)
(cond (seq (:children map-child))
;recursively calculate the children
(update-in map-child [:children]
(fn [] (iterate-mymap (:children map-child) (:myval map-child))))
;return without any recursion if there are children
(empty? (:children map-child)) map-child))
(defn main-panel []
(let [name (re-frame/subscribe [:name])]
(fn []
[:h3 "Original map"]
(edn->hiccup (mymap))
[:h3 "Iterated map"]
(edn->hiccup (iterate-mymap (mymap) "R "))
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