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Created April 13, 2017 20:52
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F# Binary tree
module BTree
type Node<'a, 'b> = {
Key : 'a
Value : 'b
Left : Tree<'a, 'b>
Right : Tree<'a, 'b>
and Tree<'a, 'b> =
|Node of Node<'a, 'b>
let emptyNode key value = {
Key = key
Value = value
Left = Tree.Empty
Right = Tree.Empty
let rec insertNode key value =
|Tree.Empty -> Tree.Node (emptyNode key value)
|Node node ->
if key = node.Key then
Tree.Node { node with Value = value }
elif key < node.Key then
Tree.Node { node with Left = insertNode key value node.Left }
Tree.Node { node with Right = insertNode key value node.Right }
let rec searchTree value =
|Tree.Empty -> None
|Node node ->
if value = node.Key then Some node.Value
elif value < node.Key then searchTree value node.Left
else searchTree value node.Right
let rec between minValue maxValue tree =
seq {
match tree with
|Tree.Empty -> ()
|Node node ->
let keepLeft = node.Key >= minValue
let keepRight = node.Key <= maxValue
if keepLeft && keepRight then yield (node.Key,node.Value)
if keepLeft then yield! between minValue maxValue node.Left
if keepRight then yield! between minValue maxValue node.Right
let height tree =
let rec height tree n =
match tree with
|Tree.Empty -> n
|Node node -> max (height node.Left n+1) (height node.Right n+1)
height tree 0
let rec count tree =
match tree with
|Tree.Empty -> 0
|Node node -> 1 + (count node.Left) + (count node.Right)
let a =
insertNode "test" "mitt värde" (Tree.Empty)
|> insertNode "test2" "asd"
|> insertNode "tes" "1231"
|> insertNode "tes" "replaces"
//Suffix array
between "te" "test2" a |> Seq.toList
let r = System.Random()
let mutable t = Tree.Empty
for i = 0 to 500000 do
t <- insertNode (r.Next()) (r.Next()) t
height t
count t
between 2348732 234982378 t |> Seq.toList
searchTree 12354123 t
searchTree "tes" a
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