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Created December 13, 2022 12:06
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open System
let inline middle a b = min a b + (abs (a - b) / (LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne + LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne))
type Point = { x:int; y:int }
module Point =
let create x y ={ x = x; y = y }
let middle p1 p2 = create (middle p1.x p2.x) (middle p1.y p2.y)
let a = 2.0**2.0
let pow n p = System.Math.Pow(n, p)
let distance (p1:Point) (p2:Point) =
let a = (min p1.x p2.x) - (max p1.x p2.x)
let b = (min p1.y p2.y) - (max p1.y p2.y)
pow (pow a 2 + pow b 2) 0.5 //c
///Is point c between a and b
let between (a:Point) (b:Point) (c:Point) = distance a c + distance b c = distance a b
let distPointToLine (a:Point) (b:Point) (c:Point) =
let x1 = float a.x
let y1 = float a.y
let x2 = float b.x
let y2 = float b.y
let x0 = float c.x
let y0 = float c.y
abs((x2 - x1)*(y1-y0)-(x1-x0)*(y2-y1))
/ (pow (((pow (x2-x1) 2)) + ((pow (y2-y1)) 2)) 0.5)
(* game loop *)
while true do
let token = (Console.In.ReadLine()).Split [|' '|]
let loc = Point.create (int token.[0]) (int token.[1])
let humanCount = int(Console.In.ReadLine())
let humans = [|
for i in 0 .. humanCount - 1 do
let t = (Console.In.ReadLine()).Split [|' '|]
yield {|id = int(t.[0]); Loc = { x = int t.[1]; y = int t.[2] }|}
let zombieCount = int(Console.In.ReadLine())
let zoombies = [|
for i in 0 .. zombieCount - 1 do
let t = (Console.In.ReadLine()).Split [|' '|]
let nt n = int t.[n]
yield {| Id = int t.[0]; Loc = Point.create (nt 1) (nt 2); Target = Point.create (nt 3) (nt 4) |}
//Find human that will die last - human furthest from a zoombie
let save =
(fun h ->
let (z,zd) = zoombies |> (fun z -> z, distance z.Loc h.Loc) |> Array.minBy snd
Human = h
ClosestZoombie = {| Zoombie = z; Distance = zd|}
SaveTime = int (distance h.Loc loc) / 1000
KillTime = int zd / 400
|> Array.sortByDescending (fun x ->x.KillTime)
|> Array.pick Some
let goto =
printfn "%i %i" goto.x goto.y
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