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Forked from fomkin/BTree.scala
Created December 25, 2017 05:25
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Simple immutable B-tree with Scala
case class BTree[K, V](root: BTree.Node[K, V], order: Int)(implicit keyOrdering: Ordering[K]) {
import keyOrdering.mkOrderingOps
private type N = BTree.Node[K, V]
private type E = BTree.Entry[K, V]
def get(key: K): Option[V] = {
def aux(node: N): Option[V] = {
val mayBeEntry = node.entries.find(_.key == key)
if (node.leaf) else {
mayBeEntry match {
case None => aux(node.children(childIndex(node, key)))
case Some(entry) => Some(entry.value)
def insert(newKey: K, newValue: V): BTree[K, V] = {
val t = this.order
def splitNode(node: N): (E, N, N) = (
node.entries(t - 1),
entries = node.entries.take(t - 1),
children = node.children.take(t)
entries = node.entries.takeRight(t - 1),
children = node.children.takeRight(t)
def tryInsert(node: N): Either[(E, N, N), N] = {
val maybeEntryIndex = node.entries.indexWhere(_.key == newKey)
if (maybeEntryIndex > -1) {
// Key already exists
val newEntry = BTree.Entry(newKey, newValue)
val newData = node.entries.updated(maybeEntryIndex, newEntry)
Right(node.copy(entries = newData))
} else {
val modified =
if (node.leaf) {
val newEntry = BTree.Entry(newKey, newValue)
val newData = (node.entries :+ newEntry).sortBy(_.key)
node.copy(entries = newData)
} else {
val index = childIndex(node, newKey)
val child = node.children(index)
tryInsert(child) match {
case Left((restEntry, splitLhs, splitRhs)) =>
val (lhs, rhs) = node.children.splitAt(index)
entries = (node.entries :+ restEntry).sortBy(_.key),
children = (lhs :+ splitLhs :+ splitRhs) ++ rhs.tail
case Right(modifiedChild) =>
node.copy(children = node.children.updated(index, modifiedChild))
if (modified.entries.length == 2 * t - 1) Left(splitNode(modified))
else Right(modified)
root = tryInsert(root) match {
case Right(node) => node
case Left((restEntry, lhs, rhs)) =>
BTree.Node(Vector(restEntry), Vector(lhs, rhs))
/** For debug purposes */
def renderStructure: String = {
def aux(node: N, i: String): String = {
val keysString = => x.key).mkString(",")
if (node.children.nonEmpty) {
val childrenString = => aux(x, i + " ")).mkString("\n")
} else {
aux(root, "")
private def childIndex(node: N, key: K): Int =
node.entries.lastIndexWhere(key > _.key) + 1
object BTree {
case class Entry[K, V](key: K, value: V)
case class Node[K: Ordering, V](entries: Vector[Entry[K, V]], children: Vector[Node[K, V]]) {
def leaf: Boolean = children.isEmpty
def empty[K: Ordering, V](order: Int): BTree[K, V] =
BTree(Node[K, V](Vector.empty, Vector.empty), order)
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