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Last active June 19, 2019 02:24
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# start minishift with a reasonable resources for your system but large enough
# the lower values that I test it were --cpus 4 --memory 18GB
minishift start --cpus 6 --memory 20GB --disk-size 80GB --openshift-version v3.11.0 --profile sample
# login as the system's admin and create a user
oc login -u system:admin -n default
oc create sa pipeline
# we are going to use this sa for administrating the cluster so we need those priviledges
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin pipeline
oc describe sa pipeline # note the `tokens` name in the output
oc describe secret pipeline-token-xljpn # pipeline-token-xljpn is one of the token's name from the previous output
# copy this rather log token and login in the minishift console
# (the correct url would be the one in the output of the minishift start command)
# or run `oc project` to take a look at the service url and project
# In the UI look for the user icon on the right tagged pipeline, click on it and copy the login command
# go back to the terminal, paste and run the command
# you should now be logged in as the service account pipeline
oc whoami # pipeline
# expose the docker-registry with a router
minishift addon enable registry-route
minishift addon apply registry-route
# if all when acording to the plan after a few moments you can confirm that tls is enable
oc logs dc/docker-registry | grep tls
# add the registry-console template to minishift
oc create -f
# create a passthrough router for the registry-console
oc create route passthrough --service registry-console \
--port registry-console \
-n default
# deploy the registry-console
oc new-app -n default --template=registry-console \
-p REGISTRY_HOST=$(oc get route docker-registry -n default --template='{{ }}') \
-p COCKPIT_KUBE_URL=$(oc get route registry-console -n default --template='https://{{ }}')
# you should be able to login on the registry console here with the user pipeline
# login to the minishift VM
minishift ssh
# copy the following file /var/lib/minishift/base/openshift-apiserver/ca.crt
# to your host /etc/docker/certs.d/
# back in your host
docker login -u $(oc whoami) -p $(oc whoami -t)
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