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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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InstaBT Integration
package com.instabt
* Created by yoelusa on 30/10/14.
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import javax.crypto.Mac
import java.util.TimeZone
import java.util.Calendar
import play.api.Play.current
import scala.concurrent.Future
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
* A configuration case class.
* @param key Api key.
* @param secret Api secret.
* @param amount The amount of this bill.
* @param currency The currency of the transaction. InstaBT accepts CAD and BTC. It defaults to BTC if the field is not supplied.
* @param options The options. See the available options in the InstaBT documentation. It defaults to None if the field is not supplied.
case class Configuration(key: String,
secret: String,
amount: Double,
currency: String = "BTC",
options: Option[Map[String, String]] = None)
* A paydata case class. Its fields match those in the json response of InstaBT
* @param Id An order id.
* @param Url A url for redirecting the browser.
* @param Total The amount of the bill.
* @param Currency The currency of the bill.
* @param BtcRequired The amount of BTC required to fulfillment.
* @param Data The data supplied with the request.
* @param CreatedOn The created date.
* @param ExpiresOn The expiry date.
* @param LastUpdate The updated data.
* @param Status The status of the transaction.
case class PayData(Id: String,
Url: String,
Total: String,
Currency: String,
BtcRequired: String,
Data: String,
CreatedOn: String,
ExpiresOn: String,
LastUpdate: String,
Status: String)
* A payresponse case class to return to the controller.
* @param status An http status code.
* @param statusText An http status text.
* @param payData An optional PayData. It defaults to None if the field is not supplied
case class PayResponse(status: Int,
statusText: String,
payData: Option[PayData] = None)
object InstaBT {
* A paydata form to bind from the InstaBT response.json
val payDataForm = Form(
"Id" -> text,
"Url" -> text,
"Total" -> text,
"Currency" -> text,
"BtcRequired" -> text,
"Data" -> text,
"CreatedOn" -> text,
"ExpiresOn" -> text,
"LastUpdate" -> text,
"Status" -> text
* Compose the request with the configuration param and make the call. It provides default values for url and end_point
* @param config A configuration for this transaction.
* @param end_point The services end point. It defaults to "/create_order" if the parameter is not supplied.
* @param url The base url for the request. It default to "" if the parameter is not supplied.
* @return
def payWithConfiguration(config: Configuration,
end_point: String = "/create_order",
url: String = ""): Future[PayResponse] = {
val utcTime = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))
// Until I know of a reliable way to get the time in microseconds in the jvm this should suffice.
val nonce = s"${utcTime.getTimeInMillis}000"
val payload =
s"amount=${config.amount}&currency=${config.currency}&nonce=$nonce" +
(config.options match {
case Some(options) =>
options.foldLeft("") { case (acc, (key, value)) => s"$acc&$key=$value" }
case None => ""
val sigData = end_point + '\u0000' + payload
val mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA512")
val secretKey = new SecretKeySpec(config.secret.getBytes("UTF-8"), mac.getAlgorithm)
val sign = {
val byteString = mac.doFinal(sigData.getBytes).foldLeft("") { case (acc, b) => s"$acc%02x".format(b) }
.withHeaders("API-KEY" -> config.key, "API-SIGN" -> sign)
.post(payload).map { wsResponse =>
if (wsResponse.status == 200) {
status = wsResponse.status,
statusText = wsResponse.statusText,
payData = Some(payDataForm.bind(wsResponse.json).get)
} else
status = wsResponse.status,
statusText = wsResponse.statusText
package controllers
* Created by yoelusa on 30/10/14.
import play.api.mvc._
import com.instabt._
import play.api.Play.current
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Promise.timeout
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
object PayInstaBT extends Controller {
def doPay = Action.async {
val options = Some(Map(
"url_call_back" -> "someUrlCallback",
"url_success" -> "someUrlRedirect",
"url_failure" -> "someUrlRedirect"
val key = current.configuration.getString("instaBT.key").get
val secret = current.configuration.getString("instaBT.secret").get
val config = Configuration(key = key, secret = secret, amount = 3.0, options = options)
val instaResponse = InstaBT.payWithConfiguration(config)
val timeoutResponse = timeout("Oops", 15.seconds)
Future.firstCompletedOf( Seq(instaResponse, timeoutResponse) ).map {
case payResponse: PayResponse => payResponse.payData match {
case Some(payData) =>
case None =>
case error: String => InternalServerError(error)
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