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Last active April 18, 2018 02:22
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
module Tagless
) where
import Control.Monad
-- initial
data Exp = Lit Int
| Neg Exp
| Add Exp Exp
| Mul Exp Exp -- added later
deriving (Show)
ti1' = Add (Lit 8) (Neg (Add (Lit 1) (Lit 2)))
-- the evaluator interpreter
eval :: Exp -> Int
eval (Lit n) = n
eval (Neg e) = - eval e
eval (Add e1 e2) = eval e1 + eval e2
-- ti1 eval to 5
-- another way to embed our language is with functions (final embedding)
type Repr = Int
lit' :: Int -> Repr
lit' n = n
neg' :: Repr -> Repr
neg' e = - e
add' :: Repr -> Repr -> Repr
add' e1 e2 = e1 + e2
tf1' = add' (lit' 8) (neg' (add' (lit' 1) (lit' 2)))
-- pretty-printing interperter with initial
view :: Exp -> String
view (Lit n) = show n
view (Neg e) = "(-" ++ view e ++ ")"
view (Add e1 e2) = "(" ++ view e1 ++ " + " ++ view e2 ++ ")"
-- in the final encoding so far the evaluator is hardwired to tf1
-- the typeclasses for the final encoding
class ExpSYM repr where
lit :: (Integral a, Show a) => a -> repr
neg :: repr -> repr
add :: repr -> repr -> repr
instance ExpSYM String where
lit n = show n
neg e = "(-" ++ e ++ ")"
add e1 e2 = "(" ++ e1 ++ " + " ++ e2 ++ ")"
instance ExpSYM Int where
lit n = fromIntegral n
neg e = - e
add e1 e2 = e1 + e2
tf1 = add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2)))
eval' :: Int -> Int
eval' = id
view' :: String -> String
view' = id
-- collect initial in a list (first class values)
til1 = [Lit 1, Add (Lit 1) (Lit 3)]
{-| final encoding are polymorfic Haskell values (not fully first-class)
storing them in data structures or passing as arguments generally losses polymorfism |-}
tfl1 = [lit 1, add (lit 1) (lit 3)]
-- extending the final encoding is as easy to add a mew typeclass for repr
class MulSYM repr where
mul :: repr -> repr -> repr
instance MulSYM Int where
mul e1 e2 = e1 * e2
tfm1 = add (lit 7) (neg (mul (lit 1) (lit 2)))
tfm2 = mul (lit 7) tf1
viewTf1 = view' $ add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2))) -- "(8 + (-(1 + 2)))"
-- the de-serialization problem
data Tree = Leaf String
| Node String [Tree]
deriving (Eq, Read, Show)
instance ExpSYM Tree where
lit n = Node "Lit" [Leaf $ show n]
neg e = Node "Neg" [e]
add e1 e2 = Node "Add" [e1, e2]
toTree :: Tree ->Tree
toTree = id
tf1_tree = toTree $ add (lit 8) (neg (add (lit 1) (lit 2))) -- sample tree
type ErrMsg = String
safeRead :: Read a => String -> Either ErrMsg a
safeRead s = case reads s of
[(x, "")] -> Right x
_ -> Left $ "Read error: " ++ s
-- parses a tree into the expression language safely
fromTree :: (ExpSYM repr) => Tree -> Either ErrMsg repr
fromTree (Node "Lit" [Leaf n]) = liftM lit $ safeRead n
fromTree (Node "Neg" [e]) = liftM neg $ fromTree e
fromTree (Node "Add" [e1,e2]) = liftM2 add (fromTree e1) (fromTree e2)
fromTree e = Left $ "Invalid tree : " ++ show e
-- can only use one interpreter at the time
tf11 _eval =
let tf11 = fromTree tf1_tree
in case tf11 of
Left e -> putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ e
Right x -> do
print $ view' x -- view interperter
--print $ eval' x
-- instance for duplicating the expression
instance (ExpSYM repr, ExpSYM repr') => ExpSYM (repr, repr') where
lit x = (lit x, lit x)
neg (e1, e2) = (neg e1, neg e2)
add (e11, e12) (e21, e22) = (add e11 e21, add e12 e22)
duplicate :: (ExpSYM repr, ExpSYM repr') => (repr, repr') -> (repr , repr')
duplicate = id
-- pattern match on the result
check_consume f (Left e) = putStrLn $ "Error: " ++ e
check_consume f (Right x) = f x
-- duplicates the polymorfic expression
dup_consume ev x = print (ev x1) >> return x2
where (x1, x2) = duplicate x
thrice x = dup_consume eval' x >>= dup_consume view' >>= print . toTree
-- prints a polymorfic language expression in 3 different ways (two interpreters + the ast tree)
tf1'' = check_consume thrice . fromTree -- tf1'' tf1_tree
-- detour for Y combinator
y f = f (y f)
fact_ fact x = if x == 0 then 1 else (*) x $ fact $ x - 1
fact = y fact_
-- fact 5 // 120 (neat!)
fromTreeExt :: (ExpSYM repr) => (Tree -> Either ErrMsg repr) -> Tree -> Either ErrMsg repr
fromTreeExt self (Node "Lit" [Leaf n]) = liftM lit $ safeRead n
fromTreeExt self (Node "Neg" [e]) = liftM neg $ self e
fromTreeExt self (Node "Add" [e1, e2]) = liftM2 add (self e1) (self e2)
fromTreeExt self e = Left $ "Invalid tree : " ++ show e
fix f = f ( fix f )
fromTree' = fix fromTreeExt
tf1E = check_consume thrice . fromTree' -- tf1E tf1_tree
tfxE = check_consume thrice . fromTree' $ Node "Lit" [Leaf "1", Leaf "2"] -- errors with invalid tree message
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