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Created August 1, 2017 10:31
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Simple NodeJS script for batch renaming files using Regex
* Usage:
* node renamer.js [files] "[regexMatcher]" "[regexReplace]"
* Example:
* node rename.js *.mp3 "(.*)-([0-9].*)\.mp3" "%1.mp3"
* Extra tip: Add an alias to your .bash_profile that allows you to use `rename` anywhere.
* alias rename="node PATH_TO_SCRIPT/renamer.js"
console.log("\n-- Let's rename some stuff! --");
const fs = require("fs");
const readline = require("readline");
const files = process.argv.slice(2, -2);
const regexMatch = new RegExp(process.argv.slice(-2).shift());
const regexReplace = process.argv.slice(-1).shift().replace(/%/, "$");
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
const renameLog = [];
console.log("\n\n-- Rename example --");
files.forEach(current => {
let newName = current.replace(regexMatch, regexReplace);
renameLog.push({current, newName});
rl.question("\n\n-- Want to rename the files like above? (y/n) ", function (answer) {
if (answer === "y") {
while (renameLog.length) {
const change = renameLog.pop();
fs.rename(change.current, change.newName, (err) => {
if (err) { console.log("ERROR:", err); }
if (renameLog.length === 0) {
console.log("Done! Bye!");
} else {
console.log("Too bad...");
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yoeran commented Aug 1, 2017

I found myself manually renaming a lot of files every once in a while and never found a tool that did the trick for me. I thought: "If I could just write some regex to do this simple stuff". So I made this script.

The example in the comment was used to strip of some numbers off some mp3 filenames. They we're named like track-1234678.mp3 and wanted to have them like track.mp3.

Let me you if this is any use to you!

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