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Last active August 5, 2016 16:43
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def test_causality(self, equation, variables, kind='f', signif=0.05,
"""Compute test statistic for null hypothesis of Granger-noncausality,
general function to test joint Granger-causality of multiple variables
equation : string or int
Equation to test for causality
variables : sequence (of strings or ints)
List, tuple, etc. of variables to test for Granger-causality
kind : {'f', 'wald'}
Perform F-test or Wald (chi-sq) test
signif : float, default 5%
Significance level for computing critical values for test,
defaulting to standard 0.95 level
Null hypothesis is that there is no Granger-causality for the indicated
variables. The degrees of freedom in the F-test are based on the
number of variables in the VAR system, that is, degrees of freedom
are equal to the number of equations in the VAR times degree of freedom
of a single equation.
results : dict
if isinstance(variables, (string_types, int, np.integer)):
variables = [variables]
k, p = self.neqs, self.k_ar
# number of restrictions
N = len(variables) * self.k_ar
# Make restriction matrix
# bug: "+ k" should read "+ k * number_of_det_terms"
C = np.zeros((N, k ** 2 * p + k), dtype=float) # bug
eq_index = self.get_eq_index(equation)
vinds = mat([self.get_eq_index(v) for v in variables])
# remember, vec is column order!
# bug: "k + k ** 2" should read "k * num_of_det_terms + k ** 2"
offsets = np.concatenate([k + k ** 2 * j + k * vinds + eq_index
for j in range(p)]) # bug
C[np.arange(N), offsets] = 1
# Lutkepohl 3.6.5
Cb =, vec(self.params.T))
middle = L.inv(chain_dot(C, self.cov_params, C.T))
# wald statistic
lam_wald = statistic = chain_dot(Cb, middle, Cb)
if kind.lower() == 'wald':
df = N
dist = stats.chi2(df)
elif kind.lower() == 'f':
statistic = lam_wald / N
df = (N, k * self.df_resid)
dist = stats.f(*df)
raise Exception('kind %s not recognized' % kind)
pvalue = dist.sf(statistic)
crit_value = dist.ppf(1 - signif)
conclusion = 'fail to reject' if statistic < crit_value else 'reject'
results = {
'statistic' : statistic,
'crit_value' : crit_value,
'pvalue' : pvalue,
'df' : df,
'conclusion' : conclusion,
'signif' : signif
if verbose:
summ = output.causality_summary(results, variables, equation, kind)
return results
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