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Last active June 23, 2021 15:00
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Base Caller to work with coroutines
class AuthCaller : BaseCaller(){
fun login(email: String, password: String): Resource<BaseApiModel>{
return hitApi(Apis.LOGIN, HashMap<String,String>().apply{
CREATED BY : yogesh ON 07/08/20 10:58 AM
open class BaseCaller {
val params: HashMap<String, String> by lazy {
HashMap<String, String>()
val files: HashMap<String, File?> by lazy {
HashMap<String, File?>()
suspend fun hitApiGet(
api: String,
params: HashMap<String, String>? = null, checkAuthentication: Boolean = true
): Resource<BaseApiModel> {
return hitApiGet(api, params,,checkAuthentication)
suspend fun <T> hitApiGet(
api: String,
params: HashMap<String, String>? = null,
objectType: Class<T>, checkAuthentication: Boolean = true
): Resource<T> {
val request = AndroidNetworking.get(api)
return request.fetch(objectType,checkAuthentication)
suspend fun hitApiUpload(
api: String,
params: HashMap<String, String>? = null,
files: HashMap<String, File?>? = null, checkAuthentication: Boolean = true
): Resource<BaseApiModel> {
return hitApiUpload(api, params, files,, checkAuthentication)
suspend fun <T> hitApiUpload(
api: String,
params: HashMap<String, String>? = null,
files: HashMap<String, File?>? = null,
objectType: Class<T>, checkAuthentication: Boolean = true
): Resource<T> {
val request = AndroidNetworking.upload(api)
return request.fetch(objectType,checkAuthentication)
private suspend fun <T> ANRequest<*>.fetch(objectType: Class<T>,checkAuthentication: Boolean): Resource<T> = withContext(Dispatchers.IO){
val response = executeForObject(
try {
if (response.isSuccess) {
if (response.result is BaseApiModel) {
val baseApiModel = response.result as BaseApiModel
if (baseApiModel.code == 200) {
if (objectType.isAssignableFrom(
return@withContext Resource.success<T>(baseApiModel as T, baseApiModel.message)
val formatted = Gson().fromJson(, objectType)
return@withContext Resource.success<T>(formatted, baseApiModel.message)
} else {
return@withContext onGettingError(ANError().apply {
errorCode = baseApiModel.code
this.errorBody = Gson().toJson(baseApiModel).toString()
} else {
return@withContext Resource.error<T>("Some error occurred")
}catch (e:Exception){
return@withContext Resource.error<T>("Some error occurred")
return@withContext onGettingError(response.error,checkAuthentication)
suspend fun hitApi(
api: String,
params: HashMap<String, String>? = null, checkAuthentication: Boolean = true,headers: HashMap<String, String>? = null
): Resource<BaseApiModel> {
return hitApi(api, params,, checkAuthentication,headers)
suspend fun <T> hitApi(
api: String,
params: HashMap<String, String>? = null,
objectType: Class<T>, checkAuthentication: Boolean = true, headers: HashMap<String, String>? = null
): Resource<T> {
val request =
return request.fetch(objectType,checkAuthentication)
private fun <T> onGettingError(anError: ANError, checkAuthentication: Boolean): Resource<T> {
if (anError.errorCode == 401) {
if (checkAuthentication)
return Resource.error<T>("User Logout")
} else if (anError.errorCode != 0) {
// received error from server
// error.getErrorCode() - the error code from server
// error.getErrorBody() - the error body from server
// error.getErrorDetail() - just an error detail
//Log.d(TAG, "onError errorCode : " + anError.getErrorCode());
//Log.d(TAG, "onError errorBody : " + anError.getErrorBody());
//Log.d(TAG, "onError errorDetail : " + anError.getErrorDetail());
// get parsed error object (If ApiError is your class)
try {
val apiError = anError.getErrorAsObject(
return Resource.error<T>(apiError.message)
} catch (e: Exception) {
return Resource.error<T>("Parsing Error")
} else {
// error.getErrorDetail() : connectionError, parseError, requestCancelledError
//Log.d(TAG, "onError errorDetail : " + anError.getErrorDetail());
return when (anError.errorDetail) {
ANConstants.REQUEST_CANCELLED_ERROR -> Resource.error<T>("Request Cancelled")
ANConstants.CONNECTION_ERROR -> Resource.error<T>("No internet connected")
else -> Resource.error<T>("Some Error occurred")
protected fun getHeader(): HashMap<String, String> {
val map = HashMap<String, String>()
map.put("platform", "A")
map.put("os_version", Build.VERSION.SDK_INT.toString())
// map["device_id"] = getDeviceId()
// map["X-localization"] = PreferenceLocaleStore(MyApplication.getInstance(), Locale(Languages.ENGLISH)).getLocale().language
map["app_version"] = BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME
map["time"] = System.currentTimeMillis().toString()
map["timezone"] = TimeZone.getDefault().id
map["Accept"] = "application/json"
val token = MyApplication.getInstance().getLoginToken()
if (!token.trim().isBlank())
map["Authorization"] = "Bearer $token"
return map
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