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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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module IterateeIO where
import IterateeM
import System.FilePath
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
readLine :: Monad m => Iteratee e L.ByteString m (Maybe L.ByteString)
readLine = continue (go L.empty)
go :: Monad m => L.ByteString -> Stream L.ByteString -> Iteratee e L.ByteString m (Maybe L.ByteString)
go acc EOF = yield Nothing (Chunks [acc])
go acc (Chunks bs) | not (L.null b) = yield (Just acca) (Chunks [btail])
| otherwise = yield Nothing (Chunks [acca])
(a, b) = L8.break (== '\n') $ L.concat bs
acca = L.append acc a
btail = L.tail b
enumerateFile :: FilePath -> Enumerator e L.ByteString IO L.ByteString
enumerateFile path =
bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose $ \h ->
let go (
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module IterateeM where
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- | Stream of data either in chunks or EOF if at the end of input
data Stream a = Chunks [a] | EOF
deriving Show
instance Monoid (Stream a) where
mempty = Chunks []
(Chunks xs) `mappend` (Chunks ys) = Chunks (xs ++ ys)
(mappend) _ _ = EOF
instance Functor Stream where
fmap _ EOF = EOF
fmap f (Chunks [a]) = Chunks $ f `fmap` [a]
-- | Step through the computation by consuming chunk of input at a
-- time.
data Step e a m b = Continue (Stream a -> Iteratee e a m b)
| Yield b (Stream a)
| Error e
instance (Show e, Show b, Show a) ⇒ Show (Step e a m b)
showsPrec d step = showParen (d > 10) $
case step of
(Continue _ ) -> s "Continue"
(Yield b _) -> s "Yield"
(Error e) -> s "Error"
s = showString
-- | Iteratee represents a computation that produces a step
newtype Iteratee e a m b = Iteratee
runIteratee :: m ( Step e a m b )
returnI :: Monad m => Step e a m b -> Iteratee e a m b
returnI = Iteratee . return
yield :: Monad m => b -> Stream a -> Iteratee e a m b
yield b chunks = returnI (Yield b chunks)
continue :: Monad m => (Stream a -> Iteratee e a m b) -> Iteratee e a m b
continue = returnI . Continue
instance Monad m ⇒ Monad (Iteratee e a m) where
return = flip yield (Chunks [])
i >>= f = Iteratee $ do
s <- runIteratee i
case s of
Continue k -> return $ Continue ((>>= f) . k)
Error e -> return $ Error e
Yield b (Chunks []) -> runIteratee $ f b
Yield b chunks -> do
s' <- runIteratee $ f b
case s' of
Continue k' -> runIteratee $ k' chunks
Error e' -> return $ Error e'
Yield b' _ -> return $ Yield b' chunks
instance MonadTrans (Iteratee e a) where
lift m = Iteratee $ m >>= runIteratee . return
instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (Iteratee e a m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
instance Monad m => Functor (Iteratee e a m) where
fmap f i = i >>= return . f
type Enumerator e a m b = Step e a m b -> Iteratee e a m b
isum :: (Num a, Monad m) => a -> Stream a -> Iteratee e a m a
isum csum EOF = yield csum EOF
isum csum (Chunks xs) = returnI $ Continue $ isum (csum + sum xs)
esum :: (Num a, Monad m) => Iteratee e a m a
esum = returnI $ Continue (isum 0)
run :: (Show e, Monad m) => Iteratee e a m b -> m (Either String b)
run i = do
s <- runIteratee i
case s of
Continue k -> do
let Iteratee i' = k EOF
s' <- i'
case s' of
Continue _ -> return $ Left "misbehaving iteratee"
Yield b _ -> return $ Right b
Error e -> return $ Left (show e)
Yield b _ -> return $ Right b
Error e -> return $ Left (show e)
(>>==) :: Monad m => Iteratee e a m b -> (Step e a m b -> Iteratee e a' m b') -> Iteratee e a' m b'
i >>== f = Iteratee $ do
s <- runIteratee i
runIteratee $ f s
(==<<) :: Monad m => (Step e a m b -> Iteratee e a' m b') -> Iteratee e a m b -> Iteratee e a' m b'
(==<<) = flip (>>==)
enumGen :: Monad m => [a] -> Enumerator e a m a
enumGen xs (Continue k) = loop xs
where loop (x:xs) = (k (Chunks [x])) >>== enumGen xs
loop _ = k (Chunks [])
enumGen _ (Error e) = returnI $ Error e
enumGen _ (Yield b _) = yield b (Chunks [])
type Enumeratee e aOut aIn m b = Step e aIn m b -> Iteratee e aOut m (Step e aIn m b)
drive :: Monad m => Iteratee e aIn m b -> Enumeratee e aOut aIn m b -> Iteratee e aOut m (Step e aIn m b)
iter `drive` enum = iter >>== enum
senumeratee :: Monad m => Enumeratee e aOut aIn m b
senumeratee (Error e) = returnI $ Error e
senumeratee s@(Yield b _) = yield s (Chunks [])
senumeratee s@(Continue k) = undefined
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