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  • Save yogithesymbian/224e6936037bacd6d1101c78b59b8da3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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using ffmpeg command on bashscript to short a command for compression video .mov to .mp4
1. create file custom
touch ~/
2. Open this up in your preferred text editor, and add the following code:
# greet the user
function yoVideo() {
ffmpeg -i $ -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 23 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -movflags +faststart $1.mp4
3. Once you have saved that file, we need to test if it works. To make this command available, enter the following:
$ source ~/
4. done , try it by `yoVideo videoName`
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  1. create file custom
touch ~/
  1. Open this up in your preferred text editor, and add the following code:

# greet the user
function yoVideo() {
  ffmpeg -i $ -c:v libx264 -preset medium -crf 23 -c:a aac -b:a 128k -movflags +faststart $1.mp4
  1. Once you have saved that file, we need to test if it works. To make this command available, enter the following:
$ source ~/
  1. done , try it by yoVideo videoName

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