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Last active February 8, 2018 13:50
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型レベル FizzBuzz という字面のみから連想したもの。FizzBuzz 判定部では四則演算を用いずに型だけで何とかしてみた。
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
// リスト
template<typename... TS> struct L
template<typename T>
using cons = L<T, TS...>;
template<template<typename> typename F>
using map = L<F<TS>...>;
// 最終的な表示用
template<unsigned N>
struct Number
static constexpr unsigned value = N;
template<unsigned N>
constexpr unsigned Number<N>::value;
template<char... S> struct Str
static constexpr char value[] = { S..., '\0' };
template<char... S>
constexpr char Str<S...>::value[];
using FizzBuzzS = Str<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z', 'B', 'u', 'z', 'z'>;
using FizzS = Str<'F', 'i', 'z', 'z'>;
using BuzzS = Str<'B', 'u', 'z', 'z'>;
// 結果表示
template<typename RESULTS>
struct print_result;
template<typename... TS>
struct print_result<L<TS...>>
(std::cout << ... << to_line(TS::value));
template<typename T>
std::string to_line(const T &x) const
std::stringstream ss;
ss << x << '\n';
return ss.str();
// おなじみペアノ数
struct Z;
template<typename N> struct S;
template<typename N>
struct ToNumberImpl;
// ペアノ数 -> Number
template<typename N>
using ToNumber = typename ToNumberImpl<N>::type;
struct ToNumberImpl<Z>
using type = Number<0>;
template<typename N>
struct ToNumberImpl<S<N>>
using type = Number<ToNumber<N>::value + 1>;
// Z = 0 と対応付けた上で [1, N] のペアノ数リストを作成。
template<unsigned N>
struct NatListImpl
using type = typename NatListImpl<N - 1>::type::template map<S>::template cons<S<Z>>;
template<unsigned N>
using NatList = typename NatListImpl<N>::type;
struct NatListImpl<0>
using type = L<>;
// いわゆる Maybe
template<typename T> struct Just
using or_else = T;
struct Nothing
template<typename T>
using or_else = T;
template<typename X, template<typename> typename DEFAULT_F, template<typename> typename... FS>
struct FindFirstOrDefaultImpl;
template<typename X, template<typename> typename DEFAULT_F, template<typename> typename... FS>
using FindFirstOrDefault = typename FindFirstOrDefaultImpl<X, DEFAULT_F, FS...>::type;
template<typename X, template<typename> typename DEFAULT_F>
struct FindFirstOrDefaultImpl<X, DEFAULT_F>
using type = DEFAULT_F<X>;
template<typename X, template<typename> typename DEFAULT_F, template<typename> typename F, template<typename> typename... FS>
struct FindFirstOrDefaultImpl<X, DEFAULT_F, F, FS...>
using type = typename F<X>::template or_else<FindFirstOrDefault<X, DEFAULT_F, FS...>>;
// FizzBuzz か?
template<typename N>
struct FizzBuzzSOrNothingImpl
using type = Nothing;
template<typename N>
using FizzBuzzSOrNothing = typename FizzBuzzSOrNothingImpl<N>::type;
struct FizzBuzzSOrNothingImpl<Z>
using type = Just<FizzBuzzS>;
template<typename N>
struct FizzBuzzSOrNothingImpl<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<S<N>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
using type = FizzBuzzSOrNothing<N>;
// Fizz か?
template<typename N>
struct FizzSOrNothingImpl
using type = Nothing;
template<typename N>
using FizzSOrNothing = typename FizzSOrNothingImpl<N>::type;
struct FizzSOrNothingImpl<Z>
using type = Just<FizzS>;
template<typename N>
struct FizzSOrNothingImpl<S<S<S<N>>>>
using type = FizzSOrNothing<N>;
// Buzz か?
template<typename N>
struct BuzzSOrNothingImpl
using type = Nothing;
template<typename N>
using BuzzSOrNothing = typename BuzzSOrNothingImpl<N>::type;
struct BuzzSOrNothingImpl<Z>
using type = Just<BuzzS>;
template<typename N>
struct BuzzSOrNothingImpl<S<S<S<S<S<N>>>>>>
using type = BuzzSOrNothing<N>;
// FizzBuzz ひとつ分
template<typename N>
using FizzBuzz1 = FindFirstOrDefault<N, ToNumber, FizzBuzzSOrNothing, FizzSOrNothing, BuzzSOrNothing>;
int main()
import std.stdio;
// リスト
struct L(TS...)
alias cons(T) = L!(T, TS);
template map(alias F)
static if(TS.length == 0)
alias map = L!();
alias map = L!(TS[1..$]).map!(F).cons!(F!(TS[0]));
// 最終的な表示用
struct Str(string S)
static immutable string str = S;
struct Number(uint N)
static immutable string str = N.stringof[0..$-1]; // 末尾の 'u' が余計なので取っ払っている
template Concat(TS...)
static if(TS.length == 0)
static immutable string Concat = "";
static immutable string Concat = TS[0].str ~ '\n' ~ Concat!(TS[1..$]);
// おなじみペアノ数
struct Z;
struct S(T)
// 折角なので T に変なものが入らないようガード。
static assert(is(T == Z) || is(T == S!U, U));
// ペアノ数 -> Number
template ToNumber(N)
static if(is(N == Z))
alias ToNumber = Number!0;
else static if(is(N == S!M, M) && is(ToNumber!(M) == Number!(X), uint X))
alias ToNumber = Number!(1 + X);
static assert(false);
// Z = 0 と対応付けた上で [1, N] のペアノ数リストを作成。
template NatList(uint N)
static if(N == 0)
alias NatList = L!();
alias NatList = NatList!(N - 1).map!(S).cons!(S!Z);
// いわゆる Maybe
struct Just(T)
alias or(U) = T;
struct Nothing
alias or(U) = U;
// C++ で言うところのテンプレートテンプレートパラメータの可変長リストが取れないので
// C++ 版とはちょっと違う実装
template FindfirstOrDefault(DEFAULT, TS...)
static if(TS.length == 0)
alias FindfirstOrDefault = DEFAULT;
alias FindfirstOrDefault = TS[0].or!(FindfirstOrDefault!(DEFAULT, TS[1..$]));
// FizzBuzz か?
template FizzBuzzOrNothing(N)
static if(is(N == Z))
alias FizzBuzzOrNothing = Just!(Str!"FizzBuzz");
else static if(is(N == S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(M))))))))))))))), M))
alias FizzBuzzOrNothing = FizzBuzzOrNothing!M;
alias FizzBuzzOrNothing = Nothing;
// Fizz か?
template FizzOrNothing(N)
static if(is(N == Z))
alias FizzOrNothing = Just!(Str!"Fizz");
else static if(is(N == S!(S!(S!(M))), M))
alias FizzOrNothing = FizzOrNothing!M;
alias FizzOrNothing = Nothing;
// Buzz か?
template BuzzOrNothing(N)
static if(is(N == Z))
alias BuzzOrNothing = Just!(Str!"Buzz");
else static if(is(N == S!(S!(S!(S!(S!(M))))), M))
alias BuzzOrNothing = BuzzOrNothing!M;
alias BuzzOrNothing = Nothing;
// FizzBuzz ひとつ分
alias FizzBuzz1(N) = FindfirstOrDefault!(ToNumber!N, FizzBuzzOrNothing!N, FizzOrNothing!N, BuzzOrNothing!N);
void main()
if (is(NatList!(100).map!(FizzBuzz1) == L!(TS), TS...))
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