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Last active September 6, 2016 03:54
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How many Pidgeys you need to reach an XP (assuming you always evolve after 12 candies and not using lucky egg)
import sys
if (len(sys.argv)<2):
print "Usage: python targetxp"
target_xp = int(sys.argv[1])
print "Target XP ", target_xp
total_pidgey = 0
current_pidgey = 0
current_pidgeotto = 0
current_candy = 0
current_xp = 0
while current_xp < target_xp:
#catch current_pidgey, assume 100 points
current_xp += 100
total_pidgey += 1
current_pidgey +=1
current_candy += 3
while (current_candy>12 and current_pidgey>0):
current_pidgey -= 1
current_pidgeotto += 1
current_candy -= 12
current_xp += 500 #assume not using lucky egg
while (current_pidgeotto>12):
current_pidgeotto -= 12 #exchange for candy
current_candy += 12
while (current_pidgey>12):
current_pidgey -= 12 #exchange for candy
current_candy += 12
print "Total pidgey needed ", total_pidgey
print "Current XP ", current_xp
print "Current pidgey ", current_pidgey
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