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Last active April 30, 2024 21:26
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Rocks cluster Sidewinder (6.2) installation stuff (virtualbox with Ubuntu 15 as host)

Rocks cluster Sidewinder (6.2) Virtualbox

Installation in Nutshell

  1. Download jumbo DVD iso from rocks website
  2. Setup VM in virtualbox:
    1. Frontend node: Linux/Redhat x64 with min 1GB RAM, 30GB HDD, 1 optical drive (with rocks dvd iso mounted), 1 Internal Network interface (any name), 1 NAT, boot from optical drive
    2. Compute node(s): Linux/Redhat x64 min 1GB RAM, 30GB HDD, 1 Internal Network interface (same name as frontend-node), boot from network
  3. Start frontend-node VM, type build when prompted
  4. Select CD/DVD based rolls, at least os, kernel, base. Some recommended rolls are web server + ganglia (monitoring) and hpc (OpenMPI and MPICH)
  5. Change the default Fully Qualified Host Name (FQHN) to avoid compute-0-0 already exists error as described here
  6. Provide the eth0, eth1 and gateway address accordingly. If you don't have any idea, try setup below (works for me):
    # eth0
    # eth1
    # gateway
  7. Choose Auto Partitioning when prompted (unless you specifically want something else)
  8. Sit back and wait until frontend installation complete
  9. Login as root then run insert-ethers on terminal and select compute node
  10. Start compute-node(s) VM and make sure it boots from network. If it's not, try reboot several times. If it's still not working consider redo everything from step 2 (yup, I did retry several times)
  11. If you have ganglia roll selected, you can check and monitor your cluster on http://localhost/ganglia (on frontend)

Add HPC roll

  1. In case you haven't add hpc roll. Download hpc iso from website and run this commands on frontend terminal:

    rocks add roll hpc.iso
    rocks enable roll hpc
    cd /export/rocks/install
    rocks create distro
    rocks run roll hpc | bash
    init 6
  2. Once reboot done, run this command and reboot compute node(s) to push the change:

    ssh-agent $SHELL
    rocks run host compute '/boot/kickstart/cluster-kickstart-pxe'
  3. Add new user to run MPI job and sync it to compute node(s)

    adduser username
    passwd username
    rocks sync users
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@alivansyah saya belum pernah coba, mas, tapi seharusnya prinsipnya sama dengan menggunakan VM:

  1. Pastikan semua PC terhubung jaringan
  2. Ikuti langkah 3-9 untuk komputer yang akan dijadikan frontend-node (master)
  3. Ikuti langkah 10-11 untuk setiap compute-node (slave)

Untuk dinamika molekular, sudah ada Gromacs jika menginstall roll bio. Untuk software yang tidak terdapat dalam roll, saya belum punya informasinya.

@filegaleri saya sendiri belum pernah mencoba qsub sih, mas. Silahkan coba google pesan error nya saja, mas. Saya juga tidak bisa kasih saran apa-apa kalau pesan error nya saja tidak ada 😬

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rifatn commented Apr 27, 2017

After doing every step mention here. FrontEnd got install correctly, but compute node is giving error, please check attachment for your reference.
And help me to fix the issue.
screenshot from 2017-04-27 12-06-27

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Bang, saya sudah berhasil menyelesaikan semua tahap instalasi, sehingga frontend sudah terhubung dengan semua node.
Mengenai instalasi library/packages python ke node, bagaimana melakukannya?
Karena saya tidak menemukan solusi yang spesifik dari official documentationnya.

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@Melvandito maaf kebetulan saya belum pernah menjalankan python pada rocks cluster. Saya hanya tahu bahwa sudah tersedia roll untuk itu. Asumsinya jika roll tersebut dipilih saat instalasi, kita sudah dapat menjalankannya di cluster. Jika Anda butuh berkonsultasi lebih jauh, saya sudah rekomendasikan kontak email yang bisa Anda hubungi via email

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