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A simple Twitter bot that posts random images.
const fs = require( 'fs' ),
path = require( 'path' ),
Twit = require( 'twit' ),
config = require( path.join( __dirname, 'config.js' ) ),
images = require( path.join( __dirname, 'images.js' ) );
Your config.js file should have the following format:
const config = {
consumer_key: 'XXXXX',
consumer_secret: 'XXXXX',
access_token: 'XXXXX',
access_token_secret: 'XXXXX'
module.exports = config;
Here's a tutorial on how to get the API keys:
And this is an example of an image.js file:
const images = [
file: '01.jpg',
source: ''
file: '02.jpg',
source: ''
file: '03.jpg',
source: ''
module.exports = images;
const T = new Twit( config );
function randomFromArray( images ){
/* Helper function for picking a random item from an array. */
return images[Math.floor( Math.random() * images.length )];
function uploadRandomImage(){
/* Function for uploading a random image to Twitter and posting it. */
console.log( 'picking a random image...' );
const image = randomFromArray( images );
console.log( image );
const imagePath = path.join( __dirname, '/images/'+ image.file );
const imageSource = image.source
b64content = fs.readFileSync( imagePath, { encoding: 'base64' } );
console.log( 'uploading an image...' ); 'media/upload', { media_data: b64content }, function ( err, data, response ) {
if ( err ){
console.log( 'error:', err );
console.log( 'image uploaded, now tweeting it...' ); 'statuses/update', {
media_ids: new Array( data.media_id_string )
function( err, data, response) {
if (err){
console.log( 'error:', err );
console.log( 'posted an image!' );
/* After successfully posting an image, we can delete it.
Keep this part commented out if you want to keep the image and reuse it later. */
// fs.unlink( imagePath, function( err ){
// if ( err ){
// console.log( 'error: unable to delete image ' + imagePath );
// }
// else{
// console.log( 'image ' + imagePath + ' was deleted' );
// }
// } );
fs.readdir( __dirname + '/images', function( err, files ) {
/* Read the content of the images folder, and tweet a random image from it. */
if ( err ){
console.log( 'error:', err );
let images = [];
files.forEach( function( f ) {
images.push( f );
} );
setInterval( function(){
uploadRandomImage( images );
}, 10000 );
} );
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