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Last active January 6, 2017 08:27
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Optimize function using a differential evolution algorithm
import random
class Domain():
def __init__(self, minimum, maximum):
self.min = minimum
self.max = maximum
assert self.min < self.max
def scale(self, r):
give [0,1] value and returns the scaled value
return r * (self.max - self.min) + self.min
class DE_Optimizer():
def __init__( self, map_func, domains, n=None, f=0.8, cr=0.9, rand_seed=None ):
self.n = (n or len(domains)*10)
self.f = f = cr
self.random = random.Random()
if rand_seed:
self.random.seed( rand_seed ) = [ Domain(d['min'],d['max']) for d in domains ]
self.map_func = map_func
self.t = 0
self.best_point = None
self.best_f = float('inf')
def generate_initial_points(self):
self.population = []
for i in range(self.n):
point = [ d.scale( self.random.random() ) for d in ]
self.population.append( point )
self.current_fs = self.map_func( self.population )
def average_f(self):
return sum( self.current_fs ) / len( self.current_fs )
def proceed(self):
new_positions = []
for i in range(self.n):
new_pos = self._generate_candidate(i)
new_positions.append( new_pos )
new_fs = self.map_func( new_positions )
# selection
for i in range(self.n):
if new_fs[i] < self.current_fs[i]:
self.population[i] = new_positions[i]
self.current_fs[i] = new_fs[i]
if new_fs[i] < self.best_f:
self.best_point = new_positions[i]
self.best_f = new_fs[i]
self.t += 1
def _generate_candidate(self, i):
generate a candidate for population[i]
based on DE/rand/1/binom algorithm
a = i
while a == i:
a = self.random.randrange(self.n)
b = i
while b == i or b == a:
b = self.random.randrange(self.n)
c = i
while c == i or c == a or c == b:
c = self.random.randrange(self.n)
new_pos = self.population[i].copy()
dim = len(
r = self.random.randrange( dim )
for d in range(dim):
if d == r or self.random.random() <
new_pos[d] = self.population[a][d] + self.f * (self.population[b][d] - self.population[c][d])
return new_pos
if __name__ == "__main__":
def main():
domains = [
{'min': -10.0, 'max': 10.0},
{'min': -10.0, 'max': 10.0},
{'min': -10.0, 'max': 10.0}
def f(x):
return (x[0]-1.0)**2+(x[1]-2.0)**2+(x[2]-3.0)**2
def map_agents(points):
return [ f(p) for p in points ]
opt = DE_Optimizer(map_agents, domains, n=30, f=0.8, cr=0.9, rand_seed=1234)
for t in range(20):
print("t=%d %s, %f, %f" % (t, repr(opt.best_point), opt.best_f, opt.average_f() ) )
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