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Last active August 23, 2022 01:02
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Benchmarking MySQL using Sysbench

Benchmarking MySQL using Sysbench

Setup and Start MySQL on MacOS

brew update
brew install mysql

# start mysql
mysql.server start
mysql.server stop 
mysql.server status

# login
mysql -uroot

Setting Password

Create test db sbtest

mysql -uroot
> CREATE USER sbtest@ IDENTIFIED BY 'Password1!';
> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sbtest.* TO sbtest@;
mysql -usbtest -pPassword1! -h127.0.0.1

Install Sysbench


brew install sysbench

sysbench --version
sysbench 1.0.20


curl -s | sudo bash
sudo yum -y install sysbench

sysbench --version

Benchmarking uinsg Sysbench

Prepare for sysbenching

  • test name: oltp_common
  • command: prepare

Create 3 tables and add 10000 rows per table

sysbench  \
    --mysql-host= \
    --mysql-port=3306 \
    --mysql-db=sbtest \
    --mysql-user=sbtest \
    --mysql-password=Password1! \
    --tables=3 \
    --table_size=10000 \
    oltp_common prepare


Creating table 'sbtest1'...
Inserting 100 records into 'sbtest1'
Creating a secondary index on 'sbtest1'...
Creating table 'sbtest2'...
Inserting 100 records into 'sbtest2'
Creating a secondary index on 'sbtest2'...
Creating table 'sbtest3'...
Inserting 100 records into 'sbtest3'
Creating a secondary index on 'sbtest3'...

Read Write test

  • test name: oltp_read_write
  • command: run

Generic Read and Write test

sysbench  \
    --mysql-host= \
    --mysql-port=3306 \
    --mysql-db=sbtest \
    --mysql-user=sbtest \
    --mysql-password=Password1! \
    --tables=3 \
    --table_size=10000 \
    --threads=3 \
    --time=10 \
    oltp_read_write run


SQL statistics:
    queries performed:
        read:                            148022
        write:                           42275
        other:                           21139
        total:                           211436
    transactions:                        10566  (1056.03 per sec.)   
    queries:                             211436 (21132.12 per sec.)
    ignored errors:                      7      (0.70 per sec.)
    reconnects:                          0      (0.00 per sec.)

General statistics:
    total time:                          10.0040s
    total number of events:              10566

Latency (ms):
         min:                                    2.25
         avg:                                    2.84
         max:                                    9.74
         95th percentile:                        3.55
         sum:                                29991.25

Threads fairness:
    events (avg/stddev):           3522.0000/1.41
    execution time (avg/stddev):   9.9971/0.00
  • QPS (query per sec): 21132.12 per sec
  • TPS (transaction per sec): 1056.03 per sec
  • total query num: 211436

Sysbench Options and Tests available


--tables: testing table num (default 3) --table_size: testing row num per table(default 10000) --threads: thread num(default 1) --time: tseting duration in sec (default 10 sec)

test name

  • oltp_read_write: Generic Read and Write test
  • oltp_read_only: Read (SELECT) test
  • oltp_write_only Write (INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE) only test
  • oltp_insert: INSERT only
  • bulk_insert: Bulk insert tests like INSERT INTO...VALUES (?),(?),(?)
  • oltp_delete: ...



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