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Last active February 8, 2023 21:24
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List operation/Control sequence/Repeat
for item in items:
if exit_loop_flag:
if go_to_next_loop_flag:
for ind, val in enumarate(lis):
# do something.
for key, value in dic.items():
# do something.
for key in dic:
# do something.
for ind, raw in df.iterrows():
# do something
# list comprehension
a_list = [1, ‘4’, 9, ‘a’, 0, 4]
squared_ints = [ e**2 for e in a_list if type(e) == types.IntType ]
# another way using map and lambda
mysq = lambda x: x**2
myfilter = lambda x: type(x) == types.IntType
squared_ints = map(mysq, filter(myfilter, a_list))
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