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Created April 26, 2012 02:53
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on growl(str)
do shell script "/usr/local/bin/growlnotify -a BathyScaphe -t \"Send to Evernote\" -m " & quoted form of str
end try
end growl
tell application "BathyScaphe"
set selected_text to selected text of document 1
set thread_title to thread title of document 1
set thread_url to thread URL of document 1
end tell
set selected_text to do shell script "/usr/bin/ruby -e \"puts " & quoted form of selected_text & ".gsub(/\\s\\d+ /) { \\\"\\n#{$&}\\\" }\""
tell application "Evernote"
if (not (notebook named "Tmp" exists)) then
make notebook with properties {name:"Tmp"}
end if
if (not (tag named "2ch" exists)) then
make tag with properties {name:"2ch"}
end if
set existing_notes to find notes "intitle:" & thread_title
if length of existing_notes is 0 then
set new_note to create note title thread_title tags {"2ch"} with text selected_text notebook "Tmp"
tell new_note to set source URL to thread_url
set a_note to first item of existing_notes
tell a_note to append text "
" & selected_text
end if
end tell
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