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Last active October 13, 2022 16:44
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using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
//This script should be specified as 'On Value Changed' of InputField.
public class InputFilter : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Unity Setting")]
[Tooltip("Set Your InputField")]
[SerializeField] InputField _InputField;
[Range(1, 300)]
[Tooltip("InputField Text Limit")]
[SerializeField] int Text_Limit = 30;
[Header("Filter Setting")]
[Tooltip("Filtering Korean")] public bool Korean = false;
[Tooltip("Filtering English")] public bool English = false;
[Tooltip("Filtering Number")] public bool Number = false;
public struct ETC
[Tooltip("Yes.. Real Gap.")]public bool Not_Filter_Gap;
[Header("Korean Setting")]
public bool Not_Filter_JA;
[Tooltip("Not Filtering Korean Vowels(if ㅏ,ㅣ,ㅜ,ㅔ,ㅗ)")]
public bool Not_Filter_MO;
[Header("English Setting")]
[Tooltip("Not Filtering Upper Case(if A,B,C)")]
public bool Filter_Upper;
[Tooltip("Not Filtering Lower Case(if a, b, c)")]
public bool Filter_Lower;
public ETC _ETC = new ETC();
string Filter_Option = "";
void Start()
_InputField.characterLimit = Text_Limit;
void Filter_Option_Check()
string K = "", E = "", N = "", G = "";
if (!Korean)
if (_ETC.Not_Filter_JA && _ETC.Not_Filter_MO)
K = "가-힣ㄱ-ㅎㅏ-ㅣ";
else if (_ETC.Not_Filter_JA)
K = "가-힣ㄱ-ㅎ";
else if (_ETC.Not_Filter_MO)
K = "가-힣ㅏ-ㅣ";
K = "가-힣";
if (!English)
if (_ETC.Filter_Lower && _ETC.Filter_Upper)
E = "";
English = true;
else if (_ETC.Filter_Lower)
E = "A-Z";
else if (_ETC.Filter_Upper)
E = "a-z";
E = "a-zA-Z";
if (!Number)
N = "0-9";
if (_ETC.Not_Filter_Gap)
G = " ";
Filter_Option = "[^" + N + E + K + G + "]";
public void Text_Filtering()
Debug.Log("Filtering Warking");
_InputField.onValueChanged.AddListener((word) => _InputField.text = Regex.Replace(word, @Filter_Option, ""));
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