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Created January 15, 2016 19:50
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(ns signups-manager.core
(:require [clojure.edn :as edn]
[ :as json]
[clj-http.client :as http]
[google-apps-clj.credentials :as creds]
[ :as sh]))
(defn read-creds
(edn/read-string (slurp "config/google-creds.edn")))
(defn sheets-auth-map
(creds/get-auth-map (read-creds) [""]))
(defn sheet-service
(sh/build-sheet-service ctx))
(def svc (sheet-service (read-creds)))
(def sheet (sh/find-spreadsheet-by-title svc "test sheets"))
(def entries (.getWorksheets (:spreadsheet sheet)))
(def cell (sh/find-cell-by-row-col svc (first entries) 2 7))
(-> cell :cell .getCell .getValue) ;; => brooklyn
(def data (sh/read-worksheet-values svc (first entries)))
(def LOC_COL 6)
(def r (http/get ""))
(def addr (-> (json/read-str (:body r) :key-fn keyword) :results first))
(def loc (get-in addr [:geometry :location]))
;=> {:lat 40.6781784, :lng -73.9441579}
;; what range of lat/lng diffs considered close?
;; convert address, space to plus
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