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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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S2-layer functions list
// ==UserScript==
// @name S2-layer functions list
// @namespace
// @description Add the functions list to page with layer source.
// @include *layersource.bml*
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
GM_addStyle(" \
#funcIndex{ \
position: fixed; \
right: 5px; \
top: 15px; \
width: 300px; \
max-height: 93%; \
padding: 5px 5px 5px; \
overflow-y: hidden; \
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.9); \
border: 1px solid #DDD; \
font: 12/1.2 Arial; \
} \
#funcIndex DIV { \
float: left; \
clear: both; \
width: auto; \
padding: 3px 5px; \
} \
#funcIndex A, \
#funcIndex A:visited { \
color: steelblue; \
} \
.current { \
background: lightseagreen; \
} \
#funcIndex .current, \
#funcIndex .current A { \
font-weight: bold; \
text-decoration: none; \
color: #FFF; \
} \
#funcIndex DIV#layerName { \
width: 290px; \
background: navajowhite; \
} \
#layerName span { \
font-weight: bold; \
font-size: 18px; \
} \
#layerName A, \
#layerName A:visited{ \
float: right; \
padding: 0 5px; \
line-height: 22px; \
color: #333; \
} \
#switchList { \
margin: 10px 0px; \
} \
#switchList span { \
padding: 3px 5px; \
cursor: pointer; \
} \
#switchList .active-item { \
background: gold; \
cursor: default; \
} \
#functions,#propgroups,#classes { \
display: none; \
} \
#funcIndex .active-list { \
display: block; \
width: 290px; \
height: 550px; \
margin-bottom: 5px; \
padding-bottom: 10px; \
overflow-y: scroll; \
} \
.ancor { \
display: inline-block; \
width: 1px; \
height: 1px; \
} \
.navajowhite { \
background: navajowhite; \
} \
.gold { \
background: gold; \
} \
.salmon { \
background: salmon; \
} \
.yellowgreen { \
background: yellowgreen; \
} \
.palegoldenrod { \
background: palegoldenrod; \
} \
.lavender { \
background: lavender; \
} \
.powderblue { \
background: powderblue; \
} \
.steelblue { \
background: steelblue; \
} \
.teal { \
background: teal; \
} \
.maroon { \
background: maroon; \
} \
.highlight { \
background: gold; \
} \
.str { \
padding: 0 5px; \
background: #DDD; \
font-size: 10px; \
color: #AAA; \
} \
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
function print_functions_list(){
var functions_list = "";
var propgroups_list = "";
var classes_list = "";
var layerName_text = "";
var layerName = "";
var f_counter = 0;
var p_counter = 0;
var c_counter = 0;
var is_core = false;
// ------------------- FUNCTIONS -----------------------
if($(this).text() == "function"){
$(this).before("<a name='func-" + f_counter + "' class='ancor'> </a>");
var li_item = "";
var item_count = 0;
if(($(this).hasClass("i") || $(this).hasClass("k")) && $(this).text() != "builtin") {
if(item_count > 0){
li_item += " :: ";
li_item += $(e).text();
if(li_item != ''){
functions_list += "<div>" + f_counter + ". <a href='#func-" + f_counter + "'>" + li_item + "</a></div>\n";
// ------------------- PROPS -----------------------
else if($(this).text() == "propgroup"){
$(this).before("<a name='prop-" + p_counter + "' class='ancor'> </a>");
var li_item = "";
li_item += $(e).text();
propgroups_list += "<div>" + p_counter + ". <a href='#prop-" + p_counter + "'>" + li_item + "</a></div>\n";
// ------------------- CLASSES -----------------------
else if($(this).text() == "class" && is_core == true){
$(this).before("<a name='class-" + c_counter + "' class='ancor'> </a>");
var li_item = "";
var item_count = 0;
var prefix = "";
if($(this).hasClass("i") || $(this).hasClass("k") || $(this).hasClass("t")) {
if(item_count > 0){
li_item += " ";
if($(this).text() == "extends"){
prefix = " &mdash; ";
li_item += "<i>" + $(e).text() + "</i>";
else {
li_item += $(e).text();
if(li_item != ''){
classes_list += "<div>" + c_counter + ". " + prefix + " <a href='#class-" + c_counter + "'>" + li_item + "</a></div>\n";
// ------------------- NAME OF LAYER -----------------------
else if($(this).next().text() == "\"name\"" || $(this).next().text() == "name") {
layerName_text = $(this).next(".s,.i").next(".p").next(".s").text();
// ------------------- TYPE OF LAYER -----------------------
else if($(this).next().text() == "\"type\"" || $(this).next().text() == "type") {
var type = $(this).next(".s,.i").next(".p").next(".s").text();
type = type.replace(/\"/g,"");
if(type == "core"){
is_core = true;
layerName = layerName_text.replace(/\"/g,"");
var indexContainer = "<a name='top' class='ancor'> </a><div id='funcIndex'> \
<div id='layerName'><span>" + layerName + "</span><a href='#top'>Наверх</a></div> \
<div id='switchList'>\
<span data-show='functions' class='active-item'>Functions</span>\
<span data-show='propgroups'>Propgroups</span>";
indexContainer += "<span data-show='classes' class='classesTab'>Classes</span>";
indexContainer += "</div>\
<div id='functions' class='active-list'>" + functions_list + "</div>\
<div id='propgroups'>" + propgroups_list + "</div>\
<div id='classes'>" + classes_list + "</div></div>";
// -------------------- SWITCH -----------------------------
$("#switchList span").click(function(){
var show = $(this).attr("data-show");
// ------------------ CLICK ON LIST ITEMS -------------------------------
$(".active-list a").live("click", function(){
var ancor = $(this).attr("href");
ancor = ancor.substr(1,ancor.lenght);
var ancor_obj = $("a[name='" + ancor + "']");
var ancor_top = ancor_obj.position().top;
if($(this).hasClass("i") || $(this).hasClass("k") || $(this).hasClass("t")) {
$("body").scrollTop(ancor_top - 100);
return false;
}// end of function
// -------------------- LINES NUMBERS --------------------------------------
/* ---- Switch Off because works too long ----
var all_text = $("pre").html();
var arr = all_text.split('\n');
var out = "";
out += "<span class=\"str\">" + i + "</span> " + arr[i] + "\n";
// -------------------- IF CODE IS HIGHLIGHTED -----------------------------
if($(".k").length > 0){
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