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Created September 21, 2019 20:48
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1. Create bot via botfather and get token
2. Add bot to chat
3. Get chat id
On device
1. Create script sendLogonEventTelegram
:global telegramToken "";
:global telegramChatId "";
:global routerHostName [/system identity get name] ;
:global lastTime;
:global currentBuf [ :toarray [ /log find buffer=logons ] ] ;
:global currentLineCount [ :len $currentBuf ] ;
:global currentTime [ :totime [/log get [ :pick $currentBuf ($currentLineCount -1) ] time ] ];
:global message "";
:if ( $lastTime = "" ) do={
:set lastTime $currentTime ;
:set message [/log get [ :pick $currentBuf ($currentLineCount-1) ] message];
/tool fetch http-method=post url="$telegramToken/sendMessage?chat_id=$telegramChatId&parse_mode=markdown&text=*$routerHostName*```$message```"
} else={
:if ( $lastTime < $currentTime ) do={
:set lastTime $currentTime ;
:set message [/log get [ :pick $currentBuf ($currentLineCount-1) ] message];
/tool fetch http-method=post url="$telegramToken/sendMessage?chat_id=$telegramChatId&parse_mode=markdown&text=*$routerHostName*```$message```"
2. Create log buffer
/system logging action
add name="logons"
/system logging
add action=logons topics=system,error,critical
add action=logons topics=system,info,account
3. Add scheduler for run every 10 (adjust time period) seconds with On Event: sendLogonEventTelegram
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