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Last active June 11, 2024 02:46
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// OcTree with Morton Order
// based on
// +------+------+
// |\ 2 \ 3 \
// | +------+------+
// + |\ \ \
// |\| +------+------+
// | + | | |
// +0|\| 6 | 7 |
// \| +------+------+
// + | | |
// y \| 4 | 5 |
// | +------+------+
// +--x
// \
// z
// +------+------+
// |\ 6 \ 7 \
// | +------+------+
// + |\ \ \
// |\| +------+------+
// | + | | |
// +4|\| 2 | 3 |
// \| +------+------+
// + | | |
// z y \| 0 | 1 |
// \| +------+------+
// +--x
var Octree = function ( min, max, maxDepth ) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
this.nodes = [];
var i, length, depth, mortonNumber,
pow2, pow4,
indexX, indexY, indexZ,
nodeBoxSize = new THREE.Vector3(),
nodeBoxMin = new THREE.Vector3(),
nodeBoxMax = new THREE.Vector3();
for ( depth = 0; depth < this.maxDepth; depth ++ ) {
this.nodes.push( [] );
pow2 = Math.pow( 2, depth );
pow4 = Math.pow( 4, depth );
nodeBoxSize.subVectors( this.max, this.min ).divideScalar( pow2 );
for ( i = 0, length = Math.pow( 8, depth ); i < length; i ++ ) {
indexX = i % pow2;
indexY = ( i / pow4 )|0;
indexZ = ( ( i / pow2 )|0 ) % pow2;
this.min.x + indexX * nodeBoxSize.x,
this.min.y + indexY * nodeBoxSize.y,
this.min.z + indexZ * nodeBoxSize.z
nodeBoxMax.copy( nodeBoxMin ).add( nodeBoxSize );
mortonNumber = Octree.getMortonOrder( indexX, indexY, indexZ );
this.nodes[ depth ][ mortonNumber ] = new OctreeNode( this, depth, mortonNumber, nodeBoxMin, nodeBoxMax );
Octree.prototype = {
constructor: Octree,
threeMeshImport: function ( threeMesh ) {
addFace: function ( face ) {
var i, ii, l, ll, node, targetNodes = [], tmp = [], isIntersected;
targetNodes = this.nodes[ 0 ].slice( 0 );
for ( i = 0, l = this.maxDepth; i < l; i ++ ) {
for ( ii = 0, ll = targetNodes.length; ii < ll; ii ++ ) {
node = targetNodes[ ii ];
isIntersected = physics.isIntersectionTriangleAABB( face.a, face.b, face.c, node );
if ( isIntersected ) {
node.trianglePool.push( face );
if ( i + 1 !== this.maxDepth ) {
tmp = tmp.concat( node.getChildNodes() );
if ( tmp.length === 0 ) {
targetNodes = tmp.slice( 0 );
tmp.length = 0;
removeFace: function ( meshID ) {},
getIntersectedNodes: function ( sphere, depth ) {
var i, ii, l, ll, node, targetNodes = [], tmp = [],
isIntersected, intersectObjects = [], isAtMaxDepth;
isIntersected = physics.isIntersectionSphereAABB( sphere, this );
if ( !isIntersected ) {
// return [];
targetNodes = this.nodes[ 0 ].slice( 0 );
for ( i = 0, l = depth; i < l; i ++ ) {
// console.log( i, 111 );
for ( ii = 0, ll = targetNodes.length; ii < ll; ii ++ ) {
node = targetNodes[ ii ];
isIntersected = physics.isIntersectionSphereAABB( sphere, node );
if ( isIntersected ) {
isAtMaxDepth = ( i + 1 === depth );
if ( isAtMaxDepth ) {
if ( node.trianglePool.length !== 0 ) {
intersectObjects.push( node );
} else {
tmp = tmp.concat( node.getChildNodes() );
targetNodes = tmp.slice( 0 );
tmp.length = 0;
return intersectObjects;
Octree.separate3Bit = function ( n ) {
n = ( n | n << 8 ) & 0x0000f00f;
n = ( n | n << 4 ) & 0x000c30c3;
n = ( n | n << 2 ) & 0x00249249;
return n;
Octree.getMortonOrder = function ( x, y, z ) {
return Octree.separate3Bit( x ) |
Octree.separate3Bit( y ) << 1 |
Octree.separate3Bit( z ) << 2;
Octree.uniqTriangkesfromNodes = function ( nodes ) {
var i, ii, iii, l, ll, lll, uniq = [], isContained = false;
for ( i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {
for ( ii = 0, ll = nodes[ i ].trianglePool.length; ii < ll; ii ++ ) {
for ( iii = 0, lll = uniq.length; iii < lll; iii ++ ) {
if ( nodes[ i ].trianglePool[ ii ] === uniq[ iii ] ) {
isContained = true;
if ( !isContained ) {
uniq.push( nodes[ i ].trianglePool[ ii ] );
isContained = false;
return uniq;
var OctreeNode = function ( tree, depth, mortonNumber, min, max ) {
this.tree = tree;
this.depth = depth;
this.mortonNumber = mortonNumber;
this.min = new THREE.Vector3( min.x, min.y, min.z );
this.max = new THREE.Vector3( max.x, max.y, max.z );
this.trianglePool = [];
OctreeNode.prototype = {
constructor: OctreeNode,
getParentNode: function () {
if ( this.depth === 0 ) {
return null;
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth ][ this.mortonNumber >> 3 ];
getChildNodes: function () {
if ( this.tree.maxDepth === this.depth ) {
return null;
var firstChild = this.mortonNumber << 3;
return [
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild ],
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild + 1 ],
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild + 2 ],
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild + 3 ],
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild + 4 ],
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild + 5 ],
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild + 6 ],
this.tree.nodes[ this.depth + 1 ][ firstChild + 7 ]
var Face = function ( a, b, c, normal, meshID ) {
this.a = a.clone();
this.b = b.clone();
this.c = c.clone();
this.normal = normal.clone();
this.meshID = meshID;
Face.prototype = {
constructor: Face
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