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Created July 11, 2023 08:25
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Generate push certificate using fast lane, and create additional p12 for use in the Keychain Access app
# Generate push certificates.
# Usage: generate_push_certificate <app-bundle-id> <user-email> <cert-password>
generate_push_certificate() {
fastlane pem -a "$app" -u "$user" -p "$password"
convert_push_certificate_to_keychain_format "production_${app}_ios.p12" "$password"
# Convert p12 to Keychain acceptable format.
# Usage: convert_push_certificate_to_keychain_format <cert-file.p12> <cert-password>
convert_push_certificate_to_keychain_format() {
/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/bin/openssl pkcs12 -in "$cert" -out temp.pem -passin pass:"$password" -passout pass:"$password"
/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@1.1/bin/openssl pkcs12 -export -in temp.pem -out "keychain_$cert" -passin pass:"$password" -passout pass:"$password"
rm temp.pem
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