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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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data types and argument checker for functions, pass a string or a function to see if your arguments pass, otherwise it will throw an error. This makes javascript functions to accept static types rather than dynamic, and reduces run-time bugs
/* ***** API ***** */
{checker} can be of type:
string - to check primitive data types:
function - to provide more complex checks.
array should be checked with Array.isArray
user made classes could be checked with instanceof
a suitable utility is provided below : someFunc.check(isInstanceOf(Class),someData)
for someFunc with more than one argument:
var funcWithBuiltInChecks = someFunc.check.add(check1,check2)
then: funcWithBuiltInChecks(data1,data2);
curry style:
/* ***** Examples ***** */
//some simple functions to work with:
//check if arg is an integer
function isInt(data){
return data === parseInt(data, 10)
//always add 7 to x
function add7(x){
return x + 7;
//desired behavior:
add7(3); //returns -> 10
add7('3'); //returns -> "37"
//undesired 2:
add7(5.89); //I want only integers!
//an error should be thrown in those situations.
//this could be solved like this:
add7.check(isInt,3); //returns -> 10, just as normal add7()
add7.check(isInt,5.89); //throws -> Uncaught TypeError: 3 is not passing: isInt
add7.check(isInt,'3'); //throws again
} catch(err){console.log(err.message)}
//checkers could be functions (anonyms or not) or type-strings ('string','object','function'...):
//another simple function:
function duplicateChar(x){
return x + x;
duplicateChar.check('string','4'); //returns -> "44"
duplicateChar.check('string',4); //throws -> Uncaught TypeError: 4 is not of type: string, without check, this will return 8
//more than one checker is possible, just gather the checkers in an array:
//simple function that add an int to an array and returns the new array
function addIntToArr(array,int){
return array.concat([int]);
var arr = [7,'8',22];
//two checks required: array should be an Array, and int should be an Int
addIntToArr.check([Array.isArray,isInt],arr,5); //returns -> [7, "8", 22, 5]
addIntToArr.check([Array.isArray,isInt],{0:6,1:'8'},5); //throws -> Uncaught TypeError: [object Object] is not passing: isArray
//it is possible to create a secure function that will always check its arguments:
//(note that checkers here are not inside an array)
var addIntToArrAfterCheck = addIntToArr.check.add(Array.isArray,isInt);
//now :
addIntToArrAfterCheck(arr,'5'); //will throw again
//this option provides a nice curry-like styling :
add7.check.add(isInt)('1'); //will throw
//it is possible to check user-made classes with a proper function:
* a utility function to check classes
* @param Class
* @returns {Function} that gets @data and returns true if is instance of Constructor
var isInstanceOf = function(Class){
//hacky implementation, name of function is dynamic so it will be shown in the Error message.
return new Function(
"return function isInstanceOf" + getFunctionName(Class) + "(data){ return action(data) };"
)(function(data) {return (data instanceof Class)});
//without the evil code (if code quality tools are doing problems):
return function isInstanceOfClass(data){
return (data instanceof Constructor)
//of course this is only a utility, you can create your own functions
function Animal(type){
this.type = type;
function getAnimalType(animal){
return "animal type is: "+animal.type;
var pingy = new Animal('Penguin');
getAnimalType.check(isInstanceOf(Animal),pingy); //returns -> animal type is: Penguin
getAnimalType.check(isInstanceOf(Animal),{type:'Car'}); //throws -> : [object Object] is not passing isInstanceOfAnimal check
function getFunctionName(fun){
.match(/function ([^\(]+)/)[1] || 'anonymous function';
* executes the 'this' function after type checking, throws an error if not passing
* @arguments {*} data to be examined - 4th argument after checkers should pass checkers[4] test
* @param checkers {Array<String|Function> | String | Function}
Function.prototype.check = function(checkers){
var args =,1);
//adds the ability to send single checker without array
checkers = Array.isArray(checkers)? checkers:[checkers];
checkers.forEach(function (checker,i,a) {
var checkerType = typeof checker;
switch (checkerType){
case 'string':
if(checker === 'array'){console.warn('use Array.isArray or to type-check arrays')}
if(checker !== typeof args[i]){
throw new TypeError(args[i] + ' is not of type: ' + checker)
case 'function':
throw new TypeError(args[i] + ' is not passing ' + getFunctionName(checker) + ' check');
default :
throw new TypeError('invalid checker');
return this.apply(null,args)
* return function with built-in checks
* useful also in curry style: someFunc.check.add(checkers...)(arguments...);
* @arguments checkers {String|Function}
* @returns {function(this:Function.prototype.check)}
Function.prototype.check.add = function(){
var checkers =;
return function(){
var args =;
return this.check.apply(this,[checkers].concat(args)); //checkers inside array, and than all data args
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