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Last active October 25, 2020 21:02
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You can run this script to select DM or guild channels and send translated messages. (ONLY FOR SENDING MESSAGES NOT RECIEVING)
import requests
discord_base_url = ''
translation_base_url = '{0}&langpair={1}|{2}'
class Client:
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
self.selected_channel = None
self.input_lang = 'en'
self.out_lang = 'pt'
def get_header(self, token=None):
if not token:
token = self.token
return {'Authorization': token, 'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
def response_ok(status_code):
return status_code in range(200, 204)
def get_channel_by_id(self, channel_id=None):
if not channel_id:
channel_id = self.selected_channel
header = self.get_header()
r = requests.get(f'{discord_base_url}/channels/{channel_id}', headers=header)
if self.response_ok(r.status_code):
data = r.json()
return data
return None
def send_message(self, message, channel_id=None):
if not channel_id:
channel_id = self.selected_channel
header = self.get_header()
r ='{discord_base_url}/channels/{channel_id}/messages',
headers=header, json={
"content": message,
"tts": False,
if self.response_ok(r.status_code):
return True
return False
def translate(self, text, from_lang='en', to_lang=None):
if not from_lang:
from_lang = self.input_lang
if not to_lang:
to_lang = self.out_lang
words = '+'.join(word for word in text.split())
r = requests.get(translation_base_url.format(words, from_lang, to_lang))
if r.status_code in range(200, 204):
data = r.json()
matches = []
best_match = None
for match in data['matches']:
if not best_match:
best_match = match
if match['match'] > best_match['match']:
best_match = match
return best_match['translation']
return None
command_prefix = '!'
discord_token = ''
user_client = Client(token=discord_token)
running = True
if __name__ == '__main__':
while running:
cmd = input('> ')
args = cmd.split()
if len(args) >= 4:
if args[0] == command_prefix:
if args[1] == 'set':
if args[2] == 'channel':
channel_id = args[3]
channel = user_client.get_channel_by_id(channel_id)
if channel:
print('Selected Channel: ' + str(channel))
user_client.selected_channel = channel_id
print('Could not find channel..')
elif args[2] == 'input':
user_client.input_lang = args[3].lower()
elif args[2] == 'output':
user_client.out_lang = args[3].lower()
print('Invalid selection argumention.')
message = ' '.join(w for w in args[1:])
translated_message = user_client.translate(message)
sent = user_client.send_message(translated_message)
if not sent:
print('Failed to send.')
message = ' '.join(w for w in args[1:])
translated_message = user_client.translate(message)
sent = user_client.send_message(translated_message)
if not sent:
print('Failed to send.')
# Syntax!
**Select a channel**
! set channel CHANNEL_ID
**Select input language**
! set input LANG_CODE
**Select output language**
! set output LANG_CODE
**Yes, there is a space between the command prefix and first argument!**
**To send messages just type your message without the command prefix and hit enter!**
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