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Created January 24, 2022 01:00
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#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <valarray>
#define PI 3.14159265359
using cell_type = std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<int>>>;
using cell_idx = std::tuple<int, int>;
// Viscsek model struct
struct Vicsek{
int L;
double rho;
double v0;
double R;
double eta;
int n_particle;
std::valarray<double> xs;
std::valarray<double> ys;
std::valarray<double> phases;
void mod(std::valarray<double>& xs, double L)
for (auto& x: xs)
x = std::fmod(x+L, L);
double orderparameter(Vicsek& m)
auto rx = std::cos(m.phases).sum() / m.n_particle;
auto ry = std::sin(m.phases).sum() / m.n_particle;
return std::sqrt(rx*rx + ry*ry);
cell_type CellIdx(std::valarray<double> xs, std::valarray<double> ys, int L)
cell_type cellidx(L, std::vector<std::vector<int>>(L, std::vector<int>()));
for (int i=0; i<xs.size(); i++)
int x = (int)std::floor(xs[i]);
int y = (int)std::floor(ys[i]);
return cellidx;
std::vector<cell_idx> nearest_cell(double x, double y, int L)
int center_x = (int)std::floor(x);
int center_y = (int)std::floor(y);
std::vector<cell_idx> cells;
for (int k=L-1; k<L+2; k++)
int idx_x = (center_x + k) % L;
for (int l=L-1; l<L+2; l++)
int idx_y = (center_y + l) % L;
cell_idx cell = std::make_tuple(idx_x, idx_y);
return cells;
// initialize Vicsek model struct
Vicsek init_vicsek(int L, double rho, double v0, double R, double eta){
// calculate number of particles
int n_particle = (int)std::floor(L * L * rho);
// set random device
std::random_device seed_gen;
std::mt19937 engine(seed_gen());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(0.0, 1.0);
// initialize position/direction of particles
std::valarray<double> xs(n_particle);
std::valarray<double> ys(n_particle);
std::valarray<double> phases(n_particle);
for (int i = 0; i < n_particle; i++)
xs[i] = L * dist(engine);
ys[i] = L * dist(engine);
phases[i] = 2.0 * PI * dist(engine);
Vicsek m = {L, rho, v0, R, eta, n_particle, xs, ys, phases};
return m;
void update_phase(Vicsek& m, std::valarray<double> noises){
auto coss = std::cos(m.phases);
auto sins = std::sin(m.phases);
auto cellidx = CellIdx(m.xs, m.ys, m.L);
double dir_x, dir_y;
for (int i = 0; i < m.n_particle; i++)
dir_x = 0.0;
dir_y = 0.0;
double xi = m.xs[i];
double yi = m.ys[i];
auto cells = nearest_cell(xi, yi, m.L);
for (auto& cell: cells)
auto [idx_x, idx_y] = cell;
for (auto j: cellidx[idx_y][idx_x])
double dist = std::pow(std::remainder(xi-m.xs[j], m.L), 2) + std::pow(std::remainder(yi-m.ys[j], m.L), 2);
if (dist <= m.R*m.R)
dir_x += coss[j];
dir_y += sins[j];
m.phases[i] = std::atan2(dir_y, dir_x) + noises[i];
void update_position(Vicsek& m){
m.xs += m.v0 * std::cos(m.phases);
m.ys += m.v0 * std::sin(m.phases);
mod(m.xs, m.L);
mod(m.ys, m.L);
std::valarray<double> run(Vicsek& m, int n_step)
// set random device
std::random_device seed_gen;
std::mt19937 engine(seed_gen());
std::uniform_real_distribution<> dist(-0.5*m.eta, 0.5*m.eta);
std::valarray<double> rs(n_step);
std::valarray<double> noises(m.n_particle);
// run!!
for (int i=0; i<n_step; i++)
// record orderparameter
rs[i] = orderparameter(m);
// generate noise
for (int j=0; j<m.n_particle; j++)
noises[j] = dist(engine);
// update phase and position
update_phase(m, noises);
return rs;
int main(void)
// initialize vicsek model
int L = 512;
double rho = 1.0/8.0;
double v0 = 0.5;
double R = 1.0;
double eta = 0.55;
auto m = init_vicsek(L, rho, v0, R, eta);
auto rs = run(m, 1000);
for (auto& r: rs)
std::cout << r << std::endl;
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