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Created November 18, 2014 05:43
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EM Algorithm
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#define MAX_TOK 10
#define PI 3.14159265359
using namespace std;
// ---------------------------- Functions ------------------------------------------
// ======== Load File Function =================
string* StringSplit(string strOrigin, string strTok){
int cutAt; //자르는위치
int index = 0; //문자열인덱스
string* strResult = new string[MAX_TOK]; //결과return 할변수
while ((cutAt = strOrigin.find_first_of(strTok)) != strOrigin.npos)
if (cutAt > 0) //자르는위치가0보다크면(성공시)
strResult[index++] = strOrigin.substr(0, cutAt); //결과배열에추가
strOrigin = strOrigin.substr(cutAt+1); //원본은자른부분제외한나머지
if(strOrigin.length() > 0) //원본이아직남았으면
strResult[index++] = strOrigin.substr(0, cutAt); //나머지를결과배열에추가
return strResult; //결과return
This function split string row to the tokenizers
vector< vector<float> > LoadFile(string filename){
This function loads data and convert txt into float matrix
string line;
vector< vector<float> > Hans_Matrix;
vector<float> row;
ifstream MyStream (filename);
if (MyStream.is_open()) {
while ( getline (MyStream,line) ){
string *token = StringSplit(line, "\t");
// For each row in Matrix
for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx ++){
float Str_to_Double = atof(token[idx].c_str()); // String Number
return Hans_Matrix;
// ======== Performance Check Function =================
float Performance_Check(vector< vector<float> > My_Answer_R, vector< vector<float> > My_Answer_G, vector< vector<float> > My_Answer_B,
vector< vector<float> > R_Matrix, vector< vector<float> > G_Matrix, vector< vector<float> > B_Matrix){
Compute the Accuracy
double score = 0.0;
float Accuracy;
bool isPresent (vector <vector<float> >, vector<float>);
for (int idx = 0; idx < My_Answer_R.size(); idx++){
vector<float> Current = My_Answer_R[idx];
if (isPresent(R_Matrix, Current) ){
score ++;
for (int idx = 0; idx < My_Answer_G.size(); idx++){
vector<float> Current = My_Answer_G[idx];
if (isPresent(G_Matrix, Current) ){
score ++;
for (int idx = 0; idx < My_Answer_B.size(); idx++){
vector<float> Current = My_Answer_B[idx];
if (isPresent(B_Matrix, Current) ){
score ++;
Accuracy = score / 900;
return Accuracy;
bool isPresent(vector< vector<float> > Vector_Matrix, vector<float> Target){
Check if Target Vector is in the Vector Matrix or Not
bool result = false;
for (int idx = 0; idx < Vector_Matrix.size(); idx ++){
if (Vector_Matrix[idx] == Target){
result = true;
result = false;
return result;
// ============================ Clustering Function ===============
float Distance(vector<float> A, vector<float> B){
This function compute the distance
A.size = B.size
float distance = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < A.size(); idx ++){
distance += pow((A[idx] - B[idx]),2);
return sqrt(distance);
vector< vector< vector<float> > > K_Means_Clustering(vector< vector<float> > Train_Matrix, vector< vector<float> > Centroid_Matrix, int Num_Cluster){
int K = Num_Cluster;
vector< vector <vector<float> > > Cluster_Map;
for (int idx = 0; idx < K; idx ++){
for (int idx =0 ; idx < K; idx ++){
for (int idx = 0; idx < Train_Matrix.size(); idx++){
vector<float> Current = Train_Matrix[idx];
float min_distance = 100000.0;
float distance = 0.0;
int cluster_idx = 100;
for (int temp = 0; temp < K; temp++){
distance = Distance(Current, Centroid_Matrix[temp]);
if (distance < min_distance){
min_distance = distance;
cluster_idx = temp; // Among 0,1,2 if K = 3
return Cluster_Map;
// ========== Normal Distribution COmputation Function ===============
float Power_Compute(float num, int K){
float result = num;
for (int idx = 1; idx < K; idx ++){
result = result * num;
return result;
vector< vector<float> > Centroid_for_Mean(vector< vector<float> > Train_Matrix, int num_centroid){
int K = num_centroid;
// =========== Initialization for each iteration (while goes from here) =============
// ======== AT STEP 0 ============
vector< vector <float> > Centroids; // Declare Centriod
vector< vector <float> > Prev_Centroids; // Declare Centriod
vector< vector <float> > Cluster_Sum ; // Declare Cluster Sum
int num_iter = 0;
for (int idx = 0; idx < K; idx ++){
int random_key = rand() % (Train_Matrix.size());
while (true) {
// ========== After step 0, Cluster Sum is initialzied as centriod
Prev_Centroids = Centroids;
// =========== Define Counter Cluster =========
vector<int> Count_Cluster;
for (int temp = 0; temp < K; temp++){
// =========== Find all centroid for each cluster =============
for (int idx = 0; idx < Train_Matrix.size(); idx++){
// =============== Initialize for each data point ==========
float distance; // declare distance
vector <float> Current = Train_Matrix[idx]; // current target point
float Min_Distance = 100000.0;
int Cluster_Idx = 100;
// =============== Measure distance from each centriods to the current point ==========
// ---------- for each centroid
for (int idx_cent = 0; idx_cent < Centroids.size(); idx_cent ++){
// ------ measure distance from each centroid to the current point
distance = Distance(Centroids[idx_cent], Current);
if (distance < Min_Distance){
Cluster_Idx = idx_cent;
Min_Distance = distance;
} // ------- then find the minimum distance and minimum centroid
// =============== Find the new centroids ==========
// OK, now we found the centroid index ==> Sum!
// Cluster_Sum[Cluster_Idx] + Current;
vector<float> Sum_Cluster = Cluster_Sum[Cluster_Idx];
Count_Cluster[Cluster_Idx] ++;
for (int idx_sum = 0; idx_sum < Sum_Cluster.size(); idx_sum++){
Cluster_Sum[Cluster_Idx][idx_sum] = Sum_Cluster[idx_sum] + Current[idx_sum];
// =================== Update Centriod =====================
for (int temp = 0; temp < K; temp ++){
for (int temp_eachpt = 0; temp_eachpt < Cluster_Sum[temp].size(); temp_eachpt++){
Centroids[temp][temp_eachpt] = Cluster_Sum[temp][temp_eachpt] / Count_Cluster[temp];
// ========= Initialize ClusterSum ========
Cluster_Sum = Centroids;
// ==================== Print ===============
// cout << num_iter << endl;
// for (int temp = 0; temp < K; temp ++){
// for (int temp_elem = 0; temp_elem < Centroids[temp].size(); temp_elem++){
// cout << Centroids[temp][temp_elem] << " ";
// }
// cout << endl;
// }
// cout << endl;
num_iter ++;
// ================= Check Stopping Condition ================
float distance_sum = 0.0;
for (int temp = 0; temp < K; temp ++){
distance_sum += Distance(Centroids[temp], Prev_Centroids[temp]);
if (distance_sum < 0.000001 || num_iter > 100){
return Centroids;
vector< vector< vector<float> > > Sample_Covariance_for_each_Cluster(vector< vector< vector<float> > > Cluster_Map,
vector< vector<float> > Initial_Sample_Means, int K, int dim, int N){
vector< vector< vector<float> > > COV_MATRIX;
for (int idx = 0; idx < K; idx ++){
for (int idx = 0 ; idx < K; idx ++){
// cout << COV_MATRIX.size() << endl;
// Initialize
vector< vector<float> > Sum_Cov;
vector<float> Temp_for_Cov;
for (int idx = 0; idx < dim; idx ++ ){
for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < dim; idx2++){
// for (int temp = 0; temp < Sum_Cov.size(); temp ++){
// for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < Sum_Cov[temp].size(); temp2++){
// cout << Sum_Cov[temp][temp2] << " ";
// }
// cout << endl;
// }
// cout << " ============================== " << endl;
for (int Cluster_Idx = 0; Cluster_Idx < K; Cluster_Idx++ ){
vector< vector<float> > Cluster_Data = Cluster_Map[Cluster_Idx];
vector<float> Cluster_Mean = Initial_Sample_Means[Cluster_Idx];
for (int each_point_idx = 0; each_point_idx < Cluster_Data.size(); each_point_idx ++){
vector<float> Each_Point = Cluster_Data[each_point_idx];
vector<float> Difference;
vector<float> Temp_for_Matrix;
vector< vector<float> > Difference_Matrix;
// Then measure the variance distance
// Each_Point - Initial_Sample_Means[Cluster_Idx]
for (int each_elem = 0; each_elem < dim; each_elem ++){
Difference.push_back( Cluster_Mean[each_elem] - Each_Point[each_elem]) ;
for (int each_elem = 0; each_elem < Each_Point.size(); each_elem ++){
for (int each_elem2 = 0; each_elem2 < Each_Point.size(); each_elem2 ++){
Temp_for_Matrix.push_back(Difference[each_elem] * Difference[each_elem2]);
for (int temp = 0; temp < dim; temp ++){
for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < dim; temp2 ++){
Sum_Cov[temp][temp2] += Difference_Matrix[temp][temp2];
// Clear
// 1/(n-1)
for (int temp = 0; temp < dim; temp ++){
for (int temp2 = 0; temp2 < dim; temp2 ++){
Sum_Cov[temp][temp2] = (Sum_Cov[temp][temp2] / (N-1));
// COV_MATRIX.push_back(Sum_Cov);
COV_MATRIX[Cluster_Idx] = Sum_Cov;
return COV_MATRIX;
float Normal_Distribution_Density(vector<float> data_point, vector<float> mean, vector< vector<float> > Cov_Matrix){
// Function Declarazation
float Abs_Determinant(vector< vector<float> >);
float Power_Compute(float, int);
vector< vector<float> > Inverse_Matrix( vector< vector<float> >);
vector <vector <float> > Matrix_Multiplication(vector< vector<float> >, vector< vector<float> >);
vector< vector<float> > Transpose(vector< vector<float> >);
float dim = data_point.size();
// float part1 = pow((1/float(sqrt(2*PI)), dim));
float part1 = sqrt(2*PI);
part1 = 1/float(part1);
part1 = Power_Compute(part1, dim);
float part2 = sqrt(1/ float(Abs_Determinant(Cov_Matrix)));
if (Abs_Determinant(Cov_Matrix) == 0){
cout << "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" << endl;
float density;
vector<float> centered_data;
for (int idx = 0; idx < dim; idx++){
float val = (data_point[idx] - mean[idx]);
vector< vector<float> > Inverse_Covariance = Inverse_Matrix(Cov_Matrix);
vector< vector<float> > Centered_data_Matrix;
vector< vector<float> > Transposed_Centered_data = Transpose(Centered_data_Matrix);
vector< vector<float> > part3 = Matrix_Multiplication(Centered_data_Matrix, Inverse_Covariance);
vector< vector<float> > part4;
part4 = Matrix_Multiplication(part3, Transposed_Centered_data);
float part5 = -0.5 * part4[0][0];
part5 = exp(part5);
density = part1 * part2 * part5;
return density;
float Log_Normal_Density(vector<float> data_point, vector<float> mean, vector< vector<float> > Cov_Matrix){
float Abs_Determinant(vector< vector<float> >);
float Power_Compute(float, int);
vector< vector<float> > Inverse_Matrix( vector< vector<float> >);
vector <vector <float> > Matrix_Multiplication(vector< vector<float> >, vector< vector<float> >);
vector< vector<float> > Transpose(vector< vector<float> >);
float dim = data_point.size();
float part1 = -(dim / float(2)) * log (2*PI);
float part2 = -0.5 * log(Abs_Determinant(Cov_Matrix));
part1 = part1 + part2; // Normalized Condition
float density;
vector<float> centered_data;
for (int idx = 0; idx < dim; idx++){
float val = (data_point[idx] - mean[idx]);
vector< vector<float> > Inverse_Covariance = Inverse_Matrix(Cov_Matrix);
vector< vector<float> > Centered_data_Matrix;
vector< vector<float> > Transposed_Centered_data = Transpose(Centered_data_Matrix);
vector< vector<float> > part3 = Matrix_Multiplication(Centered_data_Matrix, Inverse_Covariance);
vector< vector<float> > part4;
part4 = Matrix_Multiplication(part3, Transposed_Centered_data);
float part5 = -0.5 * part4[0][0];
// part5 = exp(part5);
density = part1 + part5;
return density;
float Gaussian_Mixture_Density(vector<float> data_point, vector< vector<float> > Mean_Set,
vector< vector< vector<float> > > COV_Set, vector<float> Weight_Set ){
float Normal_Distribution_Density(vector<float>, vector<float>, vector< vector<float> > );
int dim = data_point.size();
int K = Mean_Set.size();
float density_sum = 0.0;
float density;
float very_small = 0.0000001;
for (int idx = 0; idx < K; idx ++){
density = Normal_Distribution_Density(data_point, Mean_Set[idx], COV_Set[idx]);
// if (density < very_small){
// density = very_small;
// }
density = density * Weight_Set[idx];
density_sum += density;
if (density_sum > 0) {
return density_sum;
return very_small;
float log_GMM(vector<float> Data_X, vector< vector<float> > Mean_Set, vector< vector< vector<float> > > COV_Set, vector<float> Weight_Set ){
float Log_Normal_Density(vector<float> , vector<float> , vector< vector<float> > );
vector<float> each_data_per_cluster;
float sum_density = 0;
float each_density;
for (int cluster_idx = 0; cluster_idx < Mean_Set.size(); cluster_idx ++){
float log_density_per_cluster = Log_Normal_Density(Data_X, Mean_Set[cluster_idx], COV_Set[cluster_idx]);
log_density_per_cluster += log(Weight_Set[cluster_idx]);
for (int cluster_idx = 0; cluster_idx < Mean_Set.size(); cluster_idx ++){
each_density = each_data_per_cluster[cluster_idx];
sum_density += each_density;
return sum_density;
float Score_likelihood(vector< vector<float> > Data_Matrix, vector< vector<float> > Mean_Set, vector< vector< vector<float> > > COV_Set, vector<float> Weight_Set ){
float Gaussian_Mixture_Density(vector<float> , vector< vector<float> > , vector< vector< vector<float> > > , vector<float> );
float score_density_sum = 0;
float score_density;
for (int data_idx = 0; data_idx < Data_Matrix.size(); data_idx ++){
score_density = Gaussian_Mixture_Density(Data_Matrix[data_idx], Mean_Set, COV_Set, Weight_Set);
score_density_sum += score_density;
return score_density_sum;
// ======================== Matrix Operation ============================
void Print_Matrix(vector< vector<float> > MATRIX){
for (int row = 0; row < MATRIX.size(); row++){
for (int col = 0; col < MATRIX[row].size(); col++){
cout << MATRIX[row][col] << " | ";
cout << endl;
void Print_Vector(vector<float> A){
for (int idx = 0; idx < A.size(); idx++){
cout << A[idx] << " ";
void Print_COV(vector< vector< vector<float> > > A){
for (int mat_idx = 0; mat_idx < A.size(); mat_idx ++){
cout << mat_idx+1 << " Cluster" << endl;
vector< vector<float> > MATRIX = A[mat_idx];
for (int row = 0; row < MATRIX.size(); row++){
for (int col = 0; col < MATRIX[row].size(); col++){
cout << MATRIX[row][col] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "---------------" << endl;
vector < vector<float> > eye (int n){
vector< vector<float> > b;
vector<float> hans;
for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++){
for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < n; idx2++){
for (int row = 0; row < n; row++){
for (int col = 0; col < n; col ++){
if (row == col){
b[row][col] = 1;
b[row][col] = 0;
return b;
vector< vector<float> > Inverse_Matrix( vector< vector<float> > a) {
int n=0,m=0,i=0,j=0,p=0,q=0;
float temp, tem, temp1, temp2, temp4, temp5;
n = a.size();
vector< vector<float> > b = eye(n);
for(i=0;i<n;i++) // n == Matrix Order
//row exchange in both the matrix
//dividing the row by a[i][i]
//making other elements 0 in order to make the matrix a[][] an indentity matrix and obtaining a inverse b[][] matrix
return b;
vector< vector<float> > Transpose(vector< vector<float> > A){
// A = 1 * 4;
vector< vector<float> > transposed_matrix;
vector<float> temp;
int row_size = A.size(); // = 1
int col_size = A[0].size(); // = 4
for (int row = 0; row < col_size; row ++){
for (int col = 0; col < row_size; col ++){
// col will be 0
return transposed_matrix;
vector< vector<float> > Vector_to_Matrix(vector<float> A){
vector< vector<float> > result;
vector<float> temp_result;
for (int idx = 0; idx < A.size(); idx++){
return result;
vector <vector <float> > Matrix_Multiplication(vector< vector<float> > A, vector< vector<float> > B){
int N = A.size();
int M = B[0].size();
int common = A[0].size();
vector< vector<float> > result;
vector<float> temp;
// ============ Initializaiton ===============
for (int row = 0; row < N; row ++){
for (int col = 0; col < M; col ++){
for (int row = 0; row < N; row ++){
for (int col = 0; col < M; col ++){
for (int inner = 0; inner < common; inner ++){
result[row][col] += A[row][inner] * B[inner][col];
return result;
vector <vector<float> > Zeros(int K){
vector<float> row_temp;
vector< vector<float> > Zero_Matrix;
for (int row = 0; row < K; row++){
for (int col = 0; col < K; col ++){
return Zero_Matrix;
vector< vector<float> > pivotize(vector< vector<float> > m){
int n;
n = m.size();
vector< vector<float> > ID= eye(n);
vector<float> temp;
for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx ++){
int row = -100000000;
int max_idx = 0;
for (int idx2 = idx; idx2 < n; idx2++){
if (row < abs(m[idx2][idx])){
row = abs(m[idx2][idx]);
max_idx = idx2;
if (idx != max_idx){
temp = ID[idx];
ID[idx] = ID[max_idx];
ID[max_idx] = temp;
return ID;
vector <vector<float> > Input_Matrix(int n){
vector< vector<float> > b;
vector<float> hans;
float input;
for (int idx = 0; idx < n; idx++){
for (int idx2 = 0; idx2 < n; idx2++){
cout << idx+1 << "," << idx2+1 << " : ";
cin >> input;
return b;
float Abs_Determinant(vector< vector<float> > A){
vector< vector< vector<float> > > LU_Decompose( vector< vector<float> > );
vector< vector< vector<float> > > LUP = LU_Decompose(A);
vector< vector<float> > L = LUP[0];
vector< vector<float> > U = LUP[1];
vector< vector<float> > P = LUP[2];
float L_Prod = 1;
float U_Prod = 1;
float result;
for (int idx = 0; idx < L.size(); idx ++){
L_Prod = L_Prod * L[idx][idx];
cout << endl;
for (int idx = 0; idx < U.size(); idx ++){
U_Prod = U_Prod * U[idx][idx];
result = L_Prod * U_Prod;
if (result < 0){
result = result * (-1);
return result;
vector< vector< vector<float> > > LU_Decompose( vector< vector<float> > A ){
int n = A.size();
vector< vector< vector<float> > > LUP;
vector< vector<float> > L = Zeros(n);
vector< vector<float> > U = Zeros(n);
vector< vector<float> > P = pivotize(A);
vector< vector<float> > A2 = Matrix_Multiplication(P,A);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
L[j][j] = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < j+1; i++){
float s1 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < i; k++){
s1 += U[k][j] * L[i][k];
U[i][j] = A2[i][j] - s1;
for (int i = j; i < n; i ++){
float s2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < j; k++){
s2 += U[k][j] * L[i][k];
L[i][j] = (A2[i][j] - s2) / U[j][j];
return LUP;
// ---------------------------- Program ------------------------------------------
int main () {
/* ============== DATA LOAD AND GENERATING MATRIX =============== */
string Train_Blue = "Wb_train.txt";
string Train_Red= "Wr_train.txt";
string Train_Green = "Wg_train.txt";
string Test_Blue = "Wb_test.txt";
string Test_Red= "Wr_test.txt";
string Test_Green = "Wg_test.txt";
vector< vector<float> > Train_Blue_Matrix = LoadFile(Train_Blue);
vector< vector<float> > Train_Red_Matrix = LoadFile(Train_Red);
vector< vector<float> > Train_Green_Matrix = LoadFile(Train_Green);
vector< vector<float> > Test_Blue_Matrix = LoadFile(Test_Blue);
vector< vector<float> > Test_Red_Matrix = LoadFile(Test_Red);
vector< vector<float> > Test_Green_Matrix = LoadFile(Test_Green);
vector< vector<float> > Train_Matrix;
vector< vector<float> > Test_Matrix;
Train_Matrix.insert(Train_Matrix.end(), Train_Blue_Matrix.begin(), Train_Blue_Matrix.end());
Train_Matrix.insert(Train_Matrix.end(), Train_Red_Matrix.begin(), Train_Red_Matrix.end());
Train_Matrix.insert(Train_Matrix.end(), Train_Green_Matrix.begin(), Train_Green_Matrix.end());
Test_Matrix.insert(Test_Matrix.end(), Test_Blue_Matrix.begin(), Test_Blue_Matrix.end());
Test_Matrix.insert(Test_Matrix.end(), Test_Red_Matrix.begin(), Test_Red_Matrix.end());
Test_Matrix.insert(Test_Matrix.end(), Test_Green_Matrix.begin(), Test_Green_Matrix.end());
vector< vector<float> > My_Answer_Red; // index = 0
vector< vector<float> > My_Answer_Green; // index = 1
vector< vector<float> > My_Answer_Blue; // index = 2
/* ============== Compute Initial Sample Mean and Variance and Weight =============== */
int K;
int dim = 4;
int N = Train_Matrix.size();
string color;
vector< vector<float> > Train_Data_Set;
cout << "Which Color You want? (R,G,B)" << endl;
cin >> color;
if (color == "B"){
Train_Data_Set = Train_Blue_Matrix;
else if (color == "G"){
Train_Data_Set = Train_Green_Matrix;
else if (color == "R"){
Train_Data_Set = Train_Red_Matrix;
cout << "How many clusters you want?" << endl;
cin >> K;
vector< vector<float> > Initial_Sample_Means = Centroid_for_Mean(Train_Data_Set ,K);
vector< vector< vector<float> > > Cluster_Map = K_Means_Clustering(Train_Data_Set, Initial_Sample_Means,K);
vector< vector< vector<float> > > COV_MATRIX = Sample_Covariance_for_each_Cluster(Cluster_Map, Initial_Sample_Means, K, dim, N);
vector<float> Weight;
for (int idx = 0; idx < K; idx ++){
int num_iter = 0;
// ==================== EM Algorithm ==================
// 재료준비
vector< vector<float> > Sample_Means = Initial_Sample_Means;
vector<float> Initial_Weight = Weight;
vector< vector< vector<float> > > Initial_COV_MATRIX = COV_MATRIX;
vector< vector<float> > Cluster_Prob;
// Initialize Cluster Probability MAtrix
for(int idx = 0; idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); idx ++){
for (int idx = 0; idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); idx ++){
vector<float> Cluster_Number;
// Initialize Cluster_Number Matrix
for (int idx = 0; idx < Cluster_Map.size(); idx ++){
float each_cluster_element_number = Cluster_Map[idx].size();
float prev_likelihood = Score_likelihood(Train_Data_Set, Sample_Means, COV_MATRIX, Weight);
float current_likelihood;
for (int idx = 0; idx < Train_Data_Set[0].size(); idx++){
for (int data_idx = 0; data_idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); data_idx ++){
for (int each_idx = 0; each_idx < Train_Data_Set[0].size(); each_idx ++){
sumsum[each_idx] += Train_Data_Set[data_idx][each_idx];
while (true){
// ======================= E_STEP =========================
current_likelihood = prev_likelihood;
for (int data_idx = 0; data_idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); data_idx++ ){
// Compute P(zj | Xi) = Xi 가 j 클러스터에 속할 확률
// Compute Cluster likelihood for each data points and for each clusters
vector<float> Data_X = Train_Data_Set[data_idx];
vector<float> cluster_prob_for_each_data;
// float log_GMM_density = log_GMM(Data_X, Sample_Means, COV_MATRIX, Weight);
float GMM_density = Gaussian_Mixture_Density(Data_X, Sample_Means, COV_MATRIX, Weight);
float Each_Data_Density_Per_Cluster;
for (int cluster_idx = 0; cluster_idx < K; cluster_idx++){
// for each cluster
// float just_density = Normal_Distribution_Density(Data_X, Sample_Means[cluster_idx], COV_MATRIX[cluster_idx]);
Each_Data_Density_Per_Cluster = Normal_Distribution_Density(Data_X, Sample_Means[cluster_idx], COV_MATRIX[cluster_idx]);
Each_Data_Density_Per_Cluster *= Weight[cluster_idx];
float Weight_Density = Each_Data_Density_Per_Cluster / GMM_density; // P(zj = 1 | X)
// cout << cluster_idx << " | " << Each_Data_Density_Per_Cluster << " | " << Weight_Density;
// Print_Vector(cluster_prob_for_each_data);
Cluster_Prob[data_idx] = (cluster_prob_for_each_data);
// Complete to make Cluster Probability Matrix
// each row represents data point
// each column represents each clusters
for (int cluster_idx = 0; cluster_idx < K; cluster_idx++)
float each_cluster_number = 0.0; // For counting how many data points belong to the each cluster
vector<float> each_cluster_mean = Sample_Means[cluster_idx]; // Previous Sample Mean
vector< vector<float> > each_cluster_cov = COV_MATRIX[cluster_idx]; // Previous Sample Covariance
vector< vector<float> > Sample_COV_MATRIX; // Compute Current Sample Covariance
vector< vector<float> > accumulate_Sample_COV_MATRIX; // Compute Current Sample Covariance
vector<float> accumulated_each_data;
// Print_Matrix(each_cluster_cov);
for (int temp_idx = 0; temp_idx < Train_Data_Set[0].size(); temp_idx ++){
} // Initializing the current sample mean
vector<float> temp_sample_cov;
for (int temp_idx1 = 0; temp_idx1 < each_cluster_cov.size(); temp_idx1++){
for (int temp_idx2 = 0; temp_idx2 < each_cluster_cov[0].size(); temp_idx2++){
} // Initialize the current sample covariance
// Print_Matrix(accumulate_Sample_COV_MATRIX);
for (int data_idx = 0; data_idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); data_idx++){
// for each data point, initialize the variable
vector<float> each_data = Train_Data_Set[data_idx]; // each data
vector<float> Centered_for_each_data ; // centered data to the sample mean
// the probability that the data point belonging to the cluster
float each_cluster_prob = Cluster_Prob[data_idx][cluster_idx];
// Compute (P(z|X) * X)
for (int temp_idx = 0; temp_idx < Train_Data_Set[0].size(); temp_idx++){
// cout << each_cluster_prob << endl;
each_data[temp_idx] = each_cluster_prob * each_data[temp_idx];
// Compute Uj
for(int update_idx = 0; update_idx < Train_Data_Set[0].size(); update_idx++){
accumulated_each_data[update_idx] += each_data[update_idx];
// Compute Nj
each_cluster_number += each_cluster_prob;
// cout << each_cluster_number << endl;
// Complete to iterate for all data points.
// =========== Compute Nj, Uj, COVj, Wj ===========
// cout <<each_cluster_number << endl;
Cluster_Number[cluster_idx] = each_cluster_number; // Nj
// cout << endl;
// cout << cluster_idx << " | ";
// Print_Vector(accumulated_each_data); // For computing uj
// cout << endl;
// cout << each_cluster_number << " | ";
// cout << each_cluster_number << endl;
// ============ Uj ===============
for (int each_point_idx = 0; each_point_idx < Train_Data_Set[0].size(); each_point_idx++){
float each_mu = accumulated_each_data[each_point_idx] / each_cluster_number;
accumulated_each_data[each_point_idx] = each_mu;
// ============ COVj ===============
for (int temp_idx1 = 0; temp_idx1<Sample_COV_MATRIX.size(); temp_idx1++){
for (int temp_idx2 = 0; temp_idx2 < Sample_COV_MATRIX[0].size(); temp_idx2++){
accumulate_Sample_COV_MATRIX[temp_idx1][temp_idx2] = accumulate_Sample_COV_MATRIX[temp_idx1][temp_idx2] / each_cluster_number;
Sample_Means[cluster_idx] = accumulated_each_data; // Update Uj
vector<float> Centered;
vector< vector<float> > Each_Sample_Cov;
vector< vector<float> > Sum_Each_Sample_Cov = eye(Train_Data_Set[0].size());
for (int data_idx = 0; data_idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); data_idx++){
vector<float> Data_X = Train_Data_Set[data_idx];
// Centering
Centered = Data_X;
for (int each_idx = 0; each_idx < Data_X.size(); each_idx++){
Centered[each_idx] = Data_X[each_idx] - accumulated_each_data[each_idx];
Each_Sample_Cov = Matrix_Multiplication( Vector_to_Matrix(Centered), Transpose(Vector_to_Matrix(Centered)));
for (int row_temp = 0; row_temp < Each_Sample_Cov.size(); row_temp ++){
for (int col_temp = 0; col_temp < Each_Sample_Cov[0].size(); col_temp++){
Each_Sample_Cov[row_temp][col_temp] *= Cluster_Prob[data_idx][cluster_idx];
for (int row_temp = 0; row_temp < Each_Sample_Cov.size(); row_temp ++){
for (int col_temp = 0; col_temp < Each_Sample_Cov[0].size(); col_temp++){
Sum_Each_Sample_Cov[row_temp][col_temp] += Each_Sample_Cov[row_temp][col_temp];
for (int row_temp = 0; row_temp < Each_Sample_Cov.size(); row_temp ++){
for (int col_temp = 0; col_temp < Each_Sample_Cov[0].size(); col_temp++){
Sum_Each_Sample_Cov[row_temp][col_temp] /= Cluster_Number[cluster_idx];
// Print_Matrix(Sample_Means);
// cout << endl;
// COV_MATRIX[cluster_idx] = accumulate_Sample_COV_MATRIX; // update COVj
COV_MATRIX[cluster_idx] = Sum_Each_Sample_Cov;
Weight[cluster_idx] = each_cluster_number / float(Train_Data_Set.size());
current_likelihood = Score_likelihood(Train_Data_Set, Sample_Means, COV_MATRIX, Weight);
if (abs(current_likelihood - prev_likelihood) < 0.00001 || num_iter > 10){
cout << prev_likelihood << " " << current_likelihood << endl;
num_iter ++;
// cout << current_likelihood << endl;
cout << "============================ Initial_Parameters ===================" << endl;
cout << " ------ Initial Sample Weights ---------" << endl;
cout << endl; cout << endl;
cout << " ------ Initial Sample Means ---------" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " ------ Initial Sample COV ---------" << endl;
cout << endl;cout << endl; cout << endl;
cout << "============================ After_EM_Parameters ===================" << endl;
cout << "numIter : " << num_iter << endl;
cout << " ------ EM Sample Weights ---------" << endl;
cout << endl; cout << endl;
cout << " ------ EM Sample Means ---------" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << " ------ EM Sample COV ---------" << endl;
// cout << endl;
// Print_Vector(Cluster_Number);
// cout << endl;
// Print_Matrix(Cluster_Prob);
// cout << endl;
// cout << 3.62109e-23 + 2 << endl;
// cout << Abs_Determinant(Inverse_Matrix (COV_MATRIX[0])) << endl;
// Print_Matrix( Inverse_Matrix (COV_MATRIX[1]));
// cout << Abs_Determinant(Inverse_Matrix (COV_MATRIX[1])) << endl;
// for (int idx = 0; idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); idx++){
// cout << Gaussian_Mixture_Density(Train_Data_Set[idx], Sample_Means, COV_MATRIX, Weight) << endl;
// }
// for (int idx = 0; idx < Train_Data_Set.size(); idx++){
// for (int cluster_idx = 0; cluster_idx < K; cluster_idx ++){
// cout << Log_Normal_Density(Train_Data_Set[idx], Sample_Means[cluster_idx], COV_MATRIX[cluster_idx]) << " ";
// }
// cout << endl;
// }
// Print_Vector(log_GMM(Train_Data_Set, Sample_Means, COV_MATRIX, Weight));
cout << endl;
return 0;
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