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Last active November 11, 2018 03:47
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GD experiment
import struct
import numpy as np
import gzip
import pickle
''' Preprocessing: Train, Test '''
# Train and Test
def read_idx(filename):
with, 'rb') as f:
zero, data_type, dims = struct.unpack('>HBB',
shape = tuple(struct.unpack('>I',[0] for d in range(dims))
return np.fromstring(, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(shape)
def train2vali(num_train, trainimg, trainlabel):
origimg = trainimg[:]
origlabel = trainlabel[:]
selection_array = np.random.choice([0, 1], size=(num_train,), p=[0.1, 0.9])
selection_array = (selection_array == 1)
nonselection_array = 1 - selection_array
nonselection_array = (nonselection_array == 1)
trainimg = origimg[selection_array, :]
valiimg = origimg[nonselection_array, :]
trainlabel = origlabel[selection_array]
valilabel = origlabel[nonselection_array]
return trainimg, trainlabel, valiimg, valilabel
def Preprocess(whatmode, mytrainingsize, datapath, featuretype):
if whatmode == 'train':
# Load the training data
trainimg = datapath+'train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'
trainimg = np.array(read_idx(trainimg))
trainimg = trainimg[:mytrainingsize]
# Flatten 2D to 1D
if featuretype == 1:
flat_trainimg = trainimg.flatten().reshape(mytrainingsize, 28 * 28)
elif featuretype == 2:
reduced_trainimg = list()
for img in trainimg:
reduced_img = maxpool(img)
trainimg = np.array(reduced_trainimg)
flat_trainimg = trainimg.flatten().reshape(mytrainingsize, 14 * 14)
# Normalize to [0,1]
flat_trainimg = flat_trainimg / 255.0
flat_trainimg = np.concatenate((flat_trainimg, np.ones((len(flat_trainimg), 1))), axis=1)
trainlabel = datapath+'train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz'
trainlabel = read_idx(trainlabel)
trainlabel = trainlabel[:mytrainingsize]
return flat_trainimg, trainlabel
elif whatmode == 'test':
# Load the test data
testimg = datapath+'t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz'
testimg = np.array(read_idx(testimg))
testimg = testimg[:]
# Flatten 2D to 1D
if featuretype == 1:
flat_testimg = testimg.flatten().reshape(10000, 28 * 28)
elif featuretype == 2:
reduced_trainimg = list()
for img in testimg:
reduced_img = maxpool(img)
testimg = np.array(reduced_trainimg)
flat_testimg = testimg.flatten().reshape(10000, 14 * 14)
# Normalize to [0,1]
flat_testimg = flat_testimg / 255.0
flat_testimg = np.concatenate((flat_testimg, np.ones((len(flat_testimg), 1))), axis=1)
testlabel = datapath+'t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz'
testlabel = read_idx(testlabel)
return flat_testimg, testlabel
# Only for Train
def GenNewLabel(trainlabel,mylabel):
newlabel = (trainlabel == mylabel)*1
return newlabel
def maxpool(mat):
M = 28
N = 28
K = 2
L = 2
MK = M // K
NL = N // L
return mat[:MK * K, :NL * L].reshape(MK, K, NL, L).max(axis=(1, 3))
def ShuffleIdx(N, n):
temp = np.arange(N)
return temp[:n]
def mysigmoid(z):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
def gradientDescent(X, y, theta, alpha, num_epoch, regular, reglambda):
Performs gradient descent to learn theta
threshold = float(trainfeature.shape[1])
for i in range(num_epoch):
shuffled = ShuffleIdx(len(X), len(X))
X = X[shuffled]
y = y[shuffled]
y_hat = mysigmoid(, theta))
if regular == False:
prev_theta = theta[:]
theta = prev_theta - alpha *, y_hat - y)
elif regular == True:
prev_theta = theta[:]
theta = prev_theta - alpha * (, y_hat - y) + reglambda*theta )
# print (np.sum(np.square(theta-prev_theta)))
if np.sum(np.square(theta-prev_theta)) < (0.01/threshold):
return theta
return theta
def ComputeAccuracy(mytestlabel, testlabel):
return float(np.sum((mytestlabel == testlabel) * 1)) / float(len(testlabel))
def ComputeF1(mytestlabel, testlabel, listUniqLabel):
Compute F1 score
:param mytestlabel: my prediction result
:param testlabel: groundtruth prediction
:param listUniqLabel: list of unique labels
:return: F1 for each label l
listUniqLabel = np.array(listUniqLabel) # In case listUniqLabel is not array
# Initialization of Precision, Recall and F1
Prec = np.zeros(len(listUniqLabel))
Recall = np.zeros(len(listUniqLabel))
F1 = np.zeros(len(listUniqLabel))
# For each label l
for l in range(len(listUniqLabel)):
# Compute the precision
if np.sum((mytestlabel == listUniqLabel[l])*1) == 0:
Prec[l] = 0
numerator = float(np.sum(((mytestlabel == testlabel)*1) * (testlabel == listUniqLabel[l])*1))
denumerator = float(np.sum((mytestlabel == listUniqLabel[l])*1))
Prec[l] = numerator/denumerator
# Compute the Recall
if np.sum((testlabel == listUniqLabel[l])*1) == 0:
Recall[l] = 0
numerator = float(np.sum(((mytestlabel == testlabel)*1) * (testlabel == listUniqLabel[l]) * 1))
denumerator = float(np.sum((testlabel == listUniqLabel[l]) * 1))
Recall[l] = numerator/denumerator
# Compute the F1
if (Prec[l] + Recall[l]) == 0:
F1[l] = 0
F1[l] = 2*(Prec[l]*Recall[l])/float((Prec[l] + Recall[l]))
return F1
if __name__ == "main__":
''' Tunning the hyperparameters '''
datapath = 'data/'
training_size = 10000
test_size = 10000
''' Hyperparameter tunning AND experiment'''
# Hyper parameters
list_type = [1, 2]
list_regular = [False, True]
list_epoch = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
list_alpha = [0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01] # learning rate
list_reglambda = [0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9]
list_train_memory = list()
list_test_memory = list()
for featuretype in list_type:
for regular in list_regular:
for num_epoch in list_epoch:
for alpha in list_alpha:
for reglambda in list_reglambda:
''' Train '''
trainfeature, trainlabel = Preprocess('train', training_size, datapath, featuretype)
testfeature, testlabel = Preprocess('test', test_size, datapath, featuretype)
theta_box = list()
for wval in range(10):
target_label = wval
target_trainlabel = GenNewLabel(trainlabel, target_label)
theta = np.random.rand(trainfeature.shape[1]) * 0.1
theta = gradientDescent(trainfeature, target_trainlabel, theta, alpha, num_epoch, regular, reglambda)
''' Estimation '''
# Training
est_label = np.zeros(len(trainlabel))
for idx in range(len(trainfeature)):
elem_feature = trainfeature[idx, :]
est_wbox = np.zeros(10)
for wval in range(10):
est_wbox[wval] = np.round(mysigmoid(, theta_box[wval])), 3)
est_label[idx] = np.argmax(est_wbox)
acc = ComputeAccuracy(est_label, trainlabel)
print('train',(featuretype, regular, num_epoch, alpha, reglambda, acc))
list_train_memory.append( (featuretype, regular, num_epoch, alpha, reglambda, acc) )
# Training
est_label = np.zeros(len(testfeature))
for idx in range(len(testfeature)):
elem_feature = testfeature[idx, :]
est_wbox = np.zeros(10)
for wval in range(10):
est_wbox[wval] = np.round(mysigmoid(, theta_box[wval])), 3)
est_label[idx] = np.argmax(est_wbox)
acc = ComputeAccuracy(est_label, testlabel)
print('test', (featuretype, regular, num_epoch, alpha, reglambda, acc))
list_test_memory.append((featuretype, regular, num_epoch, alpha, reglambda, acc))
pickle.dump(list_train_memory, open('train_GD.pkl','wb'))
pickle.dump(list_test_memory, open('test_GD.pkl', 'wb'))
list_train_memory = pickle.load(open('train_GD.pkl','rb'))
list_test_memory = pickle.load(open('test_GD.pkl','rb'))
''' Identify the best hyperparameters '''
# Among feature 1
## regular
rF = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[1] == False]
rT = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[1] == True]
print (np.mean(rF), np.mean(rT))
## num_epoch
dict_epoch = dict()
for epoch in list_epoch:
dict_epoch[epoch] = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[1] == True and elem[2]==epoch]
## alpha // 0.0001
dict_alpha = dict()
for alpha in list_alpha:
dict_alpha[alpha] = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[1] == True and elem[3] == alpha]
print(alpha, np.mean(dict_alpha[alpha]))
## reglambda // 0.1
dict_reglambda = dict()
for reglambda in list_reglambda:
dict_reglambda[reglambda] = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[1] == True and elem[4] == reglambda]
print(reglambda, np.mean(dict_reglambda[reglambda]))
## num_epoch with alpha, reglambda // 100
dict_train_epoch = dict()
for epoch in list_epoch:
dict_train_epoch[epoch] = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1 and elem[2] == epoch]
print(epoch, np.mean(dict_train_epoch[epoch]))
dict_test_epoch = dict()
for epoch in list_epoch:
dict_test_epoch[epoch] = [elem[5] for elem in list_test_memory if elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1 and elem[2] == epoch]
print(epoch, np.mean(dict_test_epoch[epoch]))
''' Draw figure '''
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 0: featuretype
# 1: regularizing
# 2: epoch
# 3: alpha,
# 4: lambda
train_f1_F = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[0] == 1 and elem[1] == False and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
train_f1_T = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[0] == 1 and elem[1] == True and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
train_f2_F = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[0] == 2 and elem[1] == False and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
train_f2_T = [elem[5] for elem in list_train_memory if elem[0] == 2 and elem[1] == True and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
test_f1_F = [elem[5] for elem in list_test_memory if
elem[0] == 1 and elem[1] == False and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
test_f1_T = [elem[5] for elem in list_test_memory if
elem[0] == 1 and elem[1] == True and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
test_f2_F = [elem[5] for elem in list_test_memory if
elem[0] == 2 and elem[1] == False and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
test_f2_T = [elem[5] for elem in list_test_memory if
elem[0] == 2 and elem[1] == True and elem[3] == 0.0001 and elem[4] == 0.1]
list_epoch = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
f, axarr= plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row')
f.suptitle('Accuracies per Number of Epoch', fontsize=40)
axarr[0, 0].set_title("Regularizer False / Feature type 1", fontsize=20)
axarr[0, 0].plot(list_epoch, train_f1_F,'r--',label = 'Train')
axarr[0, 0].plot(list_epoch, test_f1_F,'b', label = 'Test')
axarr[0, 0].legend(loc='best')
# ax1.set_xticklabels(list_epoch, fontsize=30)
axarr[0, 1].set_title("Regularizer True / Feature type 1", fontsize=20)
axarr[0, 1].plot(list_epoch, train_f1_T,'r--',label='Train')
axarr[0, 1].plot(list_epoch, test_f1_T,'b',label='Test')
axarr[0, 1].legend(loc='best')
axarr[1, 0].set_title("Regularizer False / Feature type 2", fontsize=20)
axarr[1, 0].plot(list_epoch, train_f2_F,'r--',label='Train')
axarr[1, 0].plot(list_epoch, test_f2_F, 'b', label='Test')
axarr[1, 0].legend(loc='best')
axarr[1, 1].set_title("Regularizer True / Feature type 2", fontsize=20)
axarr[1, 1].plot(list_epoch, train_f2_T,'r--',label='Train')
axarr[1, 1].plot(list_epoch, test_f2_F, 'b', label='Test')
axarr[1, 1].legend(loc='best')
for ax in axarr.flat:
ax.set(xlabel='Num Epoch', ylabel='Accuracy')
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