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Last active September 25, 2023 14:02
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import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
const Duration _sideSheetEnterDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 250);
const Duration _sideSheetExitDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 200);
const Curve _modalSideSheetCurve = decelerateEasing;
const double _minFlingVelocity = 700.0;
const double _closeProgressThreshold = 0.5;
/// Not implemented rtl yet
enum SideSheetDirection {
/// Not implemented yet
/// Not implemented yet
extension SideSheetDirectionX on SideSheetDirection {
bool get isVertical => this == || this == SideSheetDirection.bottom;
/// ref.
class SideSheet extends StatefulWidget {
/// Creates a bottom sheet.
/// Typically, bottom sheets are created implicitly by
/// [ScaffoldState.showSideSheet], for persistent bottom sheets, or by
/// [showModalSideSheet], for modal bottom sheets.
const SideSheet({
Key? key,
this.enableDrag = true,
required this.onClosing,
required this.builder,
required this.direction,
}) : assert(elevation == null || elevation >= 0.0),
super(key: key);
/// The animation controller that controls the bottom sheet's entrance and
/// exit animations.
/// The SideSheet widget will manipulate the position of this animation, it
/// is not just a passive observer.
final AnimationController? animationController;
/// Called when the bottom sheet begins to close.
/// A bottom sheet might be prevented from closing (e.g., by user
/// interaction) even after this callback is called. For this reason, this
/// callback might be call multiple times for a given bottom sheet.
final VoidCallback onClosing;
/// A builder for the contents of the sheet.
/// The bottom sheet will wrap the widget produced by this builder in a
/// [Material] widget.
final WidgetBuilder builder;
/// If true, the bottom sheet can be dragged up and down and dismissed by
/// swiping downwards.
/// Default is true.
final bool enableDrag;
/// Called when the user begins dragging the bottom sheet vertically, if
/// [enableDrag] is true.
/// Would typically be used to change the bottom sheet animation curve so
/// that it tracks the user's finger accurately.
final BottomSheetDragStartHandler? onDragStart;
/// Called when the user stops dragging the bottom sheet, if [enableDrag]
/// is true.
/// Would typically be used to reset the bottom sheet animation curve, so
/// that it animates non-linearly. Called before [onClosing] if the bottom
/// sheet is closing.
final BottomSheetDragEndHandler? onDragEnd;
/// The bottom sheet's background color.
/// Defines the bottom sheet's [Material.color].
/// Defaults to null and falls back to [Material]'s default.
final Color? backgroundColor;
/// The z-coordinate at which to place this material relative to its parent.
/// This controls the size of the shadow below the material.
/// Defaults to 0. The value is non-negative.
final double? elevation;
/// The shape of the bottom sheet.
/// Defines the bottom sheet's [Material.shape].
/// Defaults to null and falls back to [Material]'s default.
final ShapeBorder? shape;
/// {@macro flutter.material.Material.clipBehavior}
/// Defines the bottom sheet's [Material.clipBehavior].
/// Use this property to enable clipping of content when the bottom sheet has
/// a custom [shape] and the content can extend past this shape. For example,
/// a bottom sheet with rounded corners and an edge-to-edge [Image] at the
/// top.
/// If this property is null then [SideSheetThemeData.clipBehavior] of
/// [ThemeData.bottomSheetTheme] is used. If that's null then the behavior
/// will be [Clip.none].
final Clip? clipBehavior;
final SideSheetDirection direction;
_SideSheetState createState() => _SideSheetState();
/// Creates an [AnimationController] suitable for a
/// [SideSheet.animationController].
/// This API available as a convenience for a Material compliant bottom sheet
/// animation. If alternative animation durations are required, a different
/// animation controller could be provided.
static AnimationController createAnimationController(TickerProvider vsync) {
return AnimationController(
duration: _sideSheetEnterDuration,
reverseDuration: _sideSheetExitDuration,
debugLabel: 'SideSheet',
vsync: vsync,
class _SideSheetState extends State<SideSheet> {
final GlobalKey _childKey = GlobalKey(debugLabel: 'SideSheet child');
double get _childDimension {
final RenderBox renderBox = _childKey.currentContext!.findRenderObject()! as RenderBox;
return widget.direction.isVertical ? renderBox.size.height : renderBox.size.width;
bool get _dismissUnderway => widget.animationController!.status == AnimationStatus.reverse;
void _handleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) {
if (widget.onDragStart != null) {
void _handleDragUpdate(DragUpdateDetails details) {
if (_dismissUnderway)
widget.animationController!.value -= details.primaryDelta! / _childDimension;
void _handleDragEnd(DragEndDetails details) {
if (_dismissUnderway)
bool isClosing = false;
if ((widget.direction.isVertical
? details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy
: details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx) > _minFlingVelocity) {
final double flingVelocity = (widget.direction.isVertical
? -details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dy
: -details.velocity.pixelsPerSecond.dx) / _childDimension;
if (widget.animationController!.value > 0.0) {
widget.animationController!.fling(velocity: flingVelocity);
if (flingVelocity < 0.0) {
isClosing = true;
} else if (widget.animationController!.value < _closeProgressThreshold) {
if (widget.animationController!.value > 0.0)
widget.animationController!.fling(velocity: -1.0);
isClosing = true;
} else {
if (widget.onDragEnd != null) {
isClosing: isClosing,
if (isClosing) {
bool extentChanged(DraggableScrollableNotification notification) {
if (notification.extent == notification.minExtent) {
return false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final BottomSheetThemeData bottomSheetTheme = Theme.of(context).bottomSheetTheme;
final Color? color = widget.backgroundColor ?? bottomSheetTheme.backgroundColor;
final double elevation = widget.elevation ?? bottomSheetTheme.elevation ?? 0;
final ShapeBorder? shape = widget.shape ?? bottomSheetTheme.shape;
final Clip clipBehavior = widget.clipBehavior ?? bottomSheetTheme.clipBehavior ?? Clip.none;
final Widget bottomSheet = Material(
key: _childKey,
color: color,
elevation: elevation,
shape: shape,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
child: NotificationListener<DraggableScrollableNotification>(
onNotification: extentChanged,
child: widget.direction.isVertical ? widget.builder(context) : SafeArea(top: false, child: widget.builder(context)),
final Widget safeBottomSheet = widget.direction.isVertical
? bottomSheet
: SafeArea(top: true, left: false, right: false, child: bottomSheet);
return !widget.enableDrag ? safeBottomSheet : GestureDetector(
onHorizontalDragStart: !widget.direction.isVertical ? _handleDragStart : null,
onHorizontalDragUpdate: !widget.direction.isVertical ? _handleDragUpdate : null,
onHorizontalDragEnd: !widget.direction.isVertical ? _handleDragEnd : null,
onVerticalDragStart: widget.direction.isVertical ? _handleDragStart : null,
onVerticalDragUpdate: widget.direction.isVertical ? _handleDragUpdate : null,
onVerticalDragEnd: widget.direction.isVertical ? _handleDragEnd : null,
child: safeBottomSheet,
excludeFromSemantics: true,
// See scaffold.dart
class _ModalSideSheetLayout extends SingleChildLayoutDelegate {
const _ModalSideSheetLayout(
final double progress;
final bool isScrollControlled;
final SideSheetDirection direction;
BoxConstraints getConstraintsForChild(BoxConstraints constraints) {
return direction.isVertical
? BoxConstraints(
minWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
maxWidth: constraints.maxWidth,
minHeight: 0.0,
maxHeight: isScrollControlled
? constraints.maxHeight
: constraints.maxHeight * 9.0 / 16.0,
: BoxConstraints(
minWidth: 0.0,
maxWidth: isScrollControlled
? constraints.maxWidth
: constraints.maxWidth * 9.0 / 16.0,
minHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
maxHeight: constraints.maxHeight,
Offset getPositionForChild(Size size, Size childSize) {
return direction.isVertical
? Offset(0.0, size.height - childSize.height * progress)
: Offset(size.width - childSize.width * progress, 0.0);
bool shouldRelayout(_ModalSideSheetLayout oldDelegate) {
return progress != oldDelegate.progress;
class _ModalSideSheet<T> extends StatefulWidget {
const _ModalSideSheet({
Key? key,
this.isScrollControlled = false,
this.enableDrag = true,
required this.direction,
}) : super(key: key);
final _ModalSideSheetRoute<T>? route;
final bool isScrollControlled;
final Color? backgroundColor;
final double? elevation;
final ShapeBorder? shape;
final Clip? clipBehavior;
final bool enableDrag;
final SideSheetDirection direction;
_ModalSideSheetState<T> createState() => _ModalSideSheetState<T>();
class _ModalSideSheetState<T> extends State<_ModalSideSheet<T>> {
ParametricCurve<double> animationCurve = _modalSideSheetCurve;
String _getRouteLabel(MaterialLocalizations localizations) {
switch (Theme.of(context).platform) {
case TargetPlatform.iOS:
case TargetPlatform.macOS:
return '';
case TargetPlatform.fuchsia:
case TargetPlatform.linux:
return localizations.dialogLabel;
void handleDragStart(DragStartDetails details) {
// Allow the bottom sheet to track the user's finger accurately.
animationCurve = Curves.linear;
void handleDragEnd(DragEndDetails details, {bool? isClosing}) {
// Allow the bottom sheet to animate smoothly from its current position.
animationCurve = _SideSheetSuspendedCurve(
curve: _modalSideSheetCurve,
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final MediaQueryData mediaQuery = MediaQuery.of(context);
final MaterialLocalizations localizations = MaterialLocalizations.of(context);
final String routeLabel = _getRouteLabel(localizations);
return AnimatedBuilder(
animation: widget.route!.animation!,
child: Padding(
padding: MediaQuery.of(context).viewInsets,
child: SideSheet(
animationController: widget.route!._animationController,
onClosing: () {
if (widget.route!.isCurrent) {
builder: widget.route!.builder!,
backgroundColor: widget.backgroundColor,
elevation: widget.elevation,
shape: widget.shape,
clipBehavior: widget.clipBehavior,
enableDrag: widget.enableDrag,
onDragStart: handleDragStart,
onDragEnd: handleDragEnd,
direction: widget.direction,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
// Disable the initial animation when accessible navigation is on so
// that the semantics are added to the tree at the correct time.
final double animationValue = animationCurve.transform(
mediaQuery.accessibleNavigation ? 1.0 : widget.route!.animation!.value
return Semantics(
scopesRoute: true,
namesRoute: true,
label: routeLabel,
explicitChildNodes: true,
child: ClipRect(
child: CustomSingleChildLayout(
delegate: _ModalSideSheetLayout(animationValue, widget.isScrollControlled, widget.direction),
child: child,
class _ModalSideSheetRoute<T> extends PopupRoute<T> {
required this.capturedThemes,
this.isDismissible = true,
this.enableDrag = true,
required this.isScrollControlled,
RouteSettings? settings,
required this.direction,
}) : super(settings: settings);
final WidgetBuilder? builder;
final CapturedThemes capturedThemes;
final bool isScrollControlled;
final Color? backgroundColor;
final double? elevation;
final ShapeBorder? shape;
final Clip? clipBehavior;
final Color? modalBarrierColor;
final bool isDismissible;
final bool enableDrag;
final AnimationController? transitionAnimationController;
final SideSheetDirection direction;
Duration get transitionDuration => _sideSheetEnterDuration;
Duration get reverseTransitionDuration => _sideSheetExitDuration;
bool get barrierDismissible => isDismissible;
final String? barrierLabel;
Color get barrierColor => modalBarrierColor ?? Colors.black54;
AnimationController? _animationController;
AnimationController createAnimationController() {
assert(_animationController == null);
_animationController = transitionAnimationController ?? BottomSheet.createAnimationController(navigator!.overlay!);
return _animationController!;
Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, Animation<double> animation, Animation<double> secondaryAnimation) {
// By definition, the bottom sheet is aligned to the bottom of the page
// and isn't exposed to the top padding of the MediaQuery.
final Widget bottomSheet = MediaQuery.removePadding(
context: context,
removeTop: direction == SideSheetDirection.bottom,
// Conflicts with SafeArea
//removeLeft: Directionality.of(context) == TextDirection.rtl
// ? direction == SideSheetDirection.end
// : direction == SideSheetDirection.start,
//removeRight: Directionality.of(context) == TextDirection.rtl
// ? direction == SideSheetDirection.start
// : direction == SideSheetDirection.end,
//removeBottom: direction ==,
child: Builder(
builder: (BuildContext context) {
final BottomSheetThemeData sheetTheme = Theme.of(context).bottomSheetTheme;
return _ModalSideSheet<T>(
route: this,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor ?? sheetTheme.modalBackgroundColor ?? sheetTheme.backgroundColor,
elevation: elevation ?? sheetTheme.modalElevation ?? sheetTheme.elevation,
shape: shape,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
isScrollControlled: isScrollControlled,
enableDrag: enableDrag,
direction: direction,
return capturedThemes.wrap(bottomSheet);
// TODO(guidezpl): Look into making this public. A copy of this class is in
// scaffold.dart, for now,
/// A curve that progresses linearly until a specified [startingPoint], at which
/// point [curve] will begin. Unlike [Interval], [curve] will not start at zero,
/// but will use [startingPoint] as the Y position.
/// For example, if [startingPoint] is set to `0.5`, and [curve] is set to
/// [Curves.easeOut], then the bottom-left quarter of the curve will be a
/// straight line, and the top-right quarter will contain the entire contents of
/// [Curves.easeOut].
/// This is useful in situations where a widget must track the user's finger
/// (which requires a linear animation), and afterwards can be flung using a
/// curve specified with the [curve] argument, after the finger is released. In
/// such a case, the value of [startingPoint] would be the progress of the
/// animation at the time when the finger was released.
/// The [startingPoint] and [curve] arguments must not be null.
class _SideSheetSuspendedCurve extends ParametricCurve<double> {
/// Creates a suspended curve.
const _SideSheetSuspendedCurve(
this.startingPoint, {
this.curve = Curves.easeOutCubic,
/// The progress value at which [curve] should begin.
/// This defaults to [Curves.easeOutCubic].
final double startingPoint;
/// The curve to use when [startingPoint] is reached.
final Curve curve;
double transform(double t) {
assert(t >= 0.0 && t <= 1.0);
assert(startingPoint >= 0.0 && startingPoint <= 1.0);
if (t < startingPoint) {
return t;
if (t == 1.0) {
return t;
final double curveProgress = (t - startingPoint) / (1 - startingPoint);
final double transformed = curve.transform(curveProgress);
return lerpDouble(startingPoint, 1, transformed)!;
String toString() {
return '${describeIdentity(this)}($startingPoint, $curve)';
/// Shows a modal material design bottom sheet.
/// A modal bottom sheet is an alternative to a menu or a dialog and prevents
/// the user from interacting with the rest of the app.
/// A closely related widget is a persistent bottom sheet, which shows
/// information that supplements the primary content of the app without
/// preventing the use from interacting with the app. Persistent bottom sheets
/// can be created and displayed with the [showSideSheet] function or the
/// [ScaffoldState.showSideSheet] method.
/// The `context` argument is used to look up the [Navigator] and [Theme] for
/// the bottom sheet. It is only used when the method is called. Its
/// corresponding widget can be safely removed from the tree before the bottom
/// sheet is closed.
/// The `isScrollControlled` parameter specifies whether this is a route for
/// a bottom sheet that will utilize [DraggableScrollableSheet]. If you wish
/// to have a bottom sheet that has a scrollable child such as a [ListView] or
/// a [GridView] and have the bottom sheet be draggable, you should set this
/// parameter to true.
/// The `useRootNavigator` parameter ensures that the root navigator is used to
/// display the [SideSheet] when set to `true`. This is useful in the case
/// that a modal [SideSheet] needs to be displayed above all other content
/// but the caller is inside another [Navigator].
/// The [isDismissible] parameter specifies whether the bottom sheet will be
/// dismissed when user taps on the scrim.
/// The [enableDrag] parameter specifies whether the bottom sheet can be
/// dragged up and down and dismissed by swiping downwards.
/// The optional [backgroundColor], [elevation], [shape], [clipBehavior] and [transitionAnimationController]
/// parameters can be passed in to customize the appearance and behavior of
/// modal bottom sheets.
/// The [transitionAnimationController] controls the bottom sheet's entrance and
/// exit animations if provided.
/// The optional `routeSettings` parameter sets the [RouteSettings] of the modal bottom sheet
/// sheet. This is particularly useful in the case that a user wants to observe
/// [PopupRoute]s within a [NavigatorObserver].
/// Returns a `Future` that resolves to the value (if any) that was passed to
/// [Navigator.pop] when the modal bottom sheet was closed.
/// {@tool dartpad --template=stateless_widget_scaffold}
/// This example demonstrates how to use `showModalSideSheet` to display a
/// bottom sheet that obscures the content behind it when a user taps a button.
/// It also demonstrates how to close the bottom sheet using the [Navigator]
/// when a user taps on a button inside the bottom sheet.
/// ```dart
/// Widget build(BuildContext context) {
/// return Center(
/// child: ElevatedButton(
/// child: const Text('showModalSideSheet'),
/// onPressed: () {
/// showModalSideSheet<void>(
/// context: context,
/// builder: (BuildContext context) {
/// return Container(
/// height: 200,
/// color: Colors.amber,
/// child: Center(
/// child: Column(
/// mainAxisAlignment:,
/// mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
/// children: <Widget>[
/// const Text('Modal SideSheet'),
/// ElevatedButton(
/// child: const Text('Close SideSheet'),
/// onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
/// )
/// ],
/// ),
/// ),
/// );
/// },
/// );
/// },
/// ),
/// );
/// }
/// ```
/// {@end-tool}
/// See also:
/// * [SideSheet], which becomes the parent of the widget returned by the
/// function passed as the `builder` argument to [showModalSideSheet].
/// * [showSideSheet] and [ScaffoldState.showSideSheet], for showing
/// non-modal bottom sheets.
/// * [DraggableScrollableSheet], which allows you to create a bottom sheet
/// that grows and then becomes scrollable once it reaches its maximum size.
/// * <>
Future<T?> showModalSideSheet<T>({
required BuildContext context,
required WidgetBuilder builder,
Color? backgroundColor,
double? elevation,
ShapeBorder? shape,
Clip? clipBehavior,
Color? barrierColor,
bool isScrollControlled = false,
bool useRootNavigator = false,
bool isDismissible = true,
bool enableDrag = true,
RouteSettings? routeSettings,
AnimationController? transitionAnimationController,
SideSheetDirection direction = SideSheetDirection.end,
}) {
final NavigatorState navigator = Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: useRootNavigator);
return navigator.push(_ModalSideSheetRoute<T>(
builder: builder,
capturedThemes: InheritedTheme.capture(from: context, to: navigator.context),
isScrollControlled: isScrollControlled,
barrierLabel: MaterialLocalizations.of(context).modalBarrierDismissLabel,
backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
elevation: elevation,
shape: shape,
clipBehavior: clipBehavior,
isDismissible: isDismissible,
modalBarrierColor: barrierColor,
enableDrag: enableDrag,
settings: routeSettings,
transitionAnimationController: transitionAnimationController,
direction: direction,
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Awesome! May I use this for my project?

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Thanks 😊

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Good work @yongjhih, note that MD3 now has both nav Drawer modal and end drawer standard nav as side sheet containers so just in time.

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