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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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package com.story.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
//import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder;
* The selection and selectionArgs helper, SQLiteQueryBuilder.appendWhere(where) whereClause alternative.
* Purpose
* To generate sql string of selection and selectionArgs from String[]/List<?> selectionArgs.
* For example:
* (A = 1 and B = 2) OR (C = 3)
* String selection = "(A = ? and B = ?) OR (C = ?)";
* selectionArgs[0] = "1";
* selectionArgs[1] = "2";
* selectionArgs[2] = "3";
* The structured expression:
* final Sqluery selection =
* $.or(
* $.and(
* $.in(Place.LOCATION, getIds(locations)),
* $.like(Place.NAME, pattern)
* ),
* $.notEqual(Place.NAME, pattern)
* );
* The cascaded expression:
* final Sqluery selection =
* new $(
* $.in(Place.LOCATION, getIds(locations))
* .and()
* .like(Place.NAME, pattern)
* ).or(
* $.notEqual(Place.NAME, pattern)
* );
* SqlectionBuilder
* Sqluery
* Selector
* Sql
* WhereClause
* Where
* Clause
* Selection
public class Sqluery {
public static class $ extends Sqluery {
public String selection;
public String[] selectionArgs;
public String orderBy;
public static final String NULL = "NULL";
public static final String IS = "IS";
public static final String IS_NOT = "IS NOT";
public static final String EQUAL = "=";
public static final String EQ = EQUAL;
public static final String NOT_EQUAL = "!=";
public static final String NEQ = NOT_EQUAL;
public static final String NQ = NEQ;
public static final String NE = NQ;
public static final String LESS_EQUAL = "<=";
public static final String LE = LESS_EQUAL;
public static final String LESS_THAN = "<";
public static final String LT = LESS_THAN;
public static final String GREATER_EQUAL = ">=";
public static final String GE = GREATER_EQUAL;
public static final String GREATER_THAN = ">";
public static final String GT = GREATER_THAN;
public static final String AND = "AND";
public static final String OR = "OR";
public static final String NOT_IN = "NOT IN";
public static final String IN = "IN";
public static final String LIKE = "LIKE";
public static final String NOT_LIKE = "NOT LIKE";
public Sqluery() {
selection = "";
selectionArgs = new String[0];
orderBy = "";
public Sqluery(Sqluery builder) {
selection = builder.selection;
selectionArgs = builder.selectionArgs;
orderBy = builder.orderBy;
public static Sqluery isNull(String field) {
return op(field, IS, NULL, false);
public static Sqluery isNotNull(String field) {
return op(field, IS_NOT, NULL, false);
public static Sqluery equal(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, EQ, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery notEqual(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, NQ, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery lessEqual(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, LE, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery lessThan(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, LT, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery greaterEqual(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, GE, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery greaterThan(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, GT, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery notIn(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, NOT_IN, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery in(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, IN, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery equal(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, EQ, selectionArgs);
public static Sqluery notEqual(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, NQ, selectionArgs);
public static Sqluery lessEqual(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, LE, selectionArgs);
public static Sqluery lessThan(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, LT, selectionArgs);
public static Sqluery greaterEqual(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, GE, selectionArgs);
public static Sqluery greaterThan(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, GT, selectionArgs);
public static Sqluery notIn(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, NOT_IN, selectionArgs);
public static Sqluery in(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
Sqluery out = op(field, IN, selectionArgs);
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("");
if (selectionArgs.isEmpty()) {
} else {
int i = 0;
builder.append("CASE " + field + " ");
for (Object o : selectionArgs) {
builder.append("WHEN " + o.toString() + " THEN " + i + " ");
out.orderBy = builder.toString();
return out;
private static Sqluery op(String field, String op, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, op, selectionArg, true);
private static Sqluery op(String field, String op, Object selectionArg, boolean safe) {
final Sqluery out = new Sqluery();
if (safe) {
out.selection = "(" + field + " " + op + " ?" + ")";
out.selectionArgs = new String[1];
out.selectionArgs[0] = String.valueOf(selectionArg);
} else {
out.selection = "(" + field + " " + op + " " + String.valueOf(selectionArg) + ")";
out.selectionArgs = new String[0];
return out;
private static Sqluery op(String field, String op, List<?> selectionArgs) {
return op(field, op, selectionArgs, false);
private static Sqluery op(String field, String op, List<?> selectionArgs,
boolean safe) {
final Sqluery out = new Sqluery();
final int num = selectionArgs.size();
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(field + " " + op + " (");
if (safe)
out.selectionArgs = new String[num];
out.selectionArgs = new String[0];
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
final String s = String.valueOf(selectionArgs.get(i));
if (safe) {
out.selectionArgs[i] = s;
} else {
if (i != num - 1)
out.selection = "(" + buf.toString() + ")";
return out;
public static Sqluery[] like(String field, List<?> selectionArgs) {
List<Sqluery> builders = new ArrayList<Sqluery>();
for (Object object : selectionArgs) {
builders.add(, object));
return builders.toArray(new Sqluery[0]);
public static Sqluery like(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, LIKE, "%" + selectionArg + "%");
public static Sqluery exactLike(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, LIKE, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery notLike(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, NOT_LIKE, "%" + selectionArg + "%");
public static Sqluery exactNotLike(String field, Object selectionArg) {
return op(field, NOT_LIKE, selectionArg);
public static Sqluery or(Sqluery... builders) {
return append(OR, builders);
public static Sqluery and(Sqluery... builders) {
return append(AND, builders);
private static Sqluery append(String op, Sqluery... builders) {
Sqluery builder = new Sqluery(builders[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < builders.length; i++) {
builder = append(builder, op, builders[i]);
builder.selection = "(" + builder.selection + ")";
return builder;
private static Sqluery append(Sqluery builder, String op, Sqluery anotherbuilder) {
builder.selection = builder.selection + " " + op + " " + anotherbuilder.selection;
List<String> s = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> s1 = Arrays.asList(builder.selectionArgs);
List<String> s2 = Arrays.asList(anotherbuilder.selectionArgs);
builder.selectionArgs = s.toArray(new String[0]);
return builder;
public String toSql() {
String[] sels = selection.split("\\?");
String ret = "";
for (int i = 0; i < selectionArgs.length; i++) {
ret += sels[i] + "'";
ret += selectionArgs[i] + "'";
ret += sels[selectionArgs.length];
return ret;
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