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Created April 9, 2017 15:49
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Bash script to setup email for all cPanel accounts in WHM
#! /bin/sh
# Get all domains as array
# You can change /etc/trueuserdomains to /etc/userdomains if you want to include the sub domain
domains=(`cat /etc/trueuserdomains | cut -d: -f1`)
echo "Found ${#domains[@]} domains"
echo -e "\n"
for (( i=0; i<${#domains[*]}; i=i+1 ))
# Domain variable is ${domains[$i]}
# Create email account
# Change EMAILUSER to your choice
# Change EMAILPASSWORD to your password
# Change QUOTA to your mailbox quota in MB (Numeric please)
/scripts/addpop EMAILUSER@${domains[$i]} EMAILPASSWORD QUOTA
# Uncomment this script if you want to setup email forwarding
# This script will automatically append a line on the domain alias file
# echo "EMAILUSER@${domains[$i]}: FORWARDTO@MAIL.COM" >> ../etc/valiases/${domains[$i]}
echo ">>>>> DONE"
echo -e "\n"
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