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A simple python script to print all the aggregated open PRs by user
import requests
# Configuration
TOKEN = '' # Replace with your personal token
OWNER = '' # Replace with the repository owner's username
REPO = '' # Replace with the repository name
'Authorization': f'token {TOKEN}',
'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
ENDPOINT = f'{OWNER}/{REPO}/pulls?state=open&per_page=100'
def get_all_open_prs():
prs = []
response = requests.get(ENDPOINT, headers=HEADERS)
if response.status_code == 200:
while 'next' in response.links:
response = requests.get(response.links['next']['url'], headers=HEADERS)
print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
return prs
def group_by_author(prs):
grouped_prs = {}
for pr in prs:
author = pr['user']['login']
date = pr['created_at']
if author not in grouped_prs:
grouped_prs[author] = {
'prs': [],
'draft_prs': 0,
'non_draft_prs': 0,
'earliest_pr_date': date
if pr['draft']:
grouped_prs[author]['draft_prs'] += 1
grouped_prs[author]['non_draft_prs'] += 1
if date < grouped_prs[author]['earliest_pr_date']:
grouped_prs[author]['earliest_pr_date'] = date
return grouped_prs
def main():
prs = get_all_open_prs()
grouped_prs = group_by_author(prs)
# Sorting authors by the total number of PRs (draft + non-draft, in descending order)
sorted_authors = sorted(grouped_prs.keys(), key=lambda x: (grouped_prs[x]['draft_prs'] + grouped_prs[x]['non_draft_prs']), reverse=True)
total_draft_prs = 0
total_non_draft_prs = 0
for author in sorted_authors:
data = grouped_prs[author]
total_draft_prs += data['draft_prs']
total_non_draft_prs += data['non_draft_prs']
print ("Summary:\n")
print(f"{'Author':20} | {f'# of Non-Draft PRs [{total_non_draft_prs}]':20} | {f'# of Draft PRs [{total_draft_prs}]':15} | {'Earliest PR Date'}")
print("-" * 85)
for author in sorted_authors:
data = grouped_prs[author]
print(f"{author:20} | {data['non_draft_prs']:20} | {data['draft_prs']:15} | {data['earliest_pr_date']}")
print("\nDetailed PRs:\n")
for author in sorted_authors:
data = grouped_prs[author]
print(f"Author: {author}")
for pr in data['prs']:
draft_status = 'Draft' if pr['draft'] else 'Non-Draft'
print(f" - PR [{draft_status}]: {pr['title']} (Date: {pr['created_at']})")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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